Chapter 54: Shadows of the Outside World

The sight was unlike anything they had seen before. A man, walking unharmed among the dead, moving with purpose as the undead parted around him, indifferent to his presence. The scene immediately caught the attention of not just Lu Ming, but also Wang Xiong and Zhang Lixin. The two of them hurried to the gathering place's wall, their eyes locked on the approaching figure.

As the man came closer, his features became clearer—a middle-aged man, around forty, dressed in a white martial arts uniform emblazoned with the bold lettering of Red Thunder Martial Arts School. A short beard framed his strong, determined face, and his crew-cut hair only sharpened the intensity of his appearance. Something about him felt familiar.

When he reached the gate, the man cupped his fists in a respectful greeting. His voice was clear and steady. "My name is Zhao Honglei, the curator of Red Thunder Martial Arts School. I’ve come to ask if you’ve seen my daughter and niece in this area."

Wang Xiong’s eyes widened in recognition. "Zhao Xiaohong and Zhao Shanshan?"

Zhao Honglei's face lit up with hope. "Yes! They’re my daughter and niece."

Though the conversation began with a glimmer of joy, Wang Xiong remained cautious. He did not immediately open the gate. "I noticed something unusual—on your way here, none of the zombies seemed to react to you. How is that possible?"

Zhao Honglei smiled faintly. "It’s my superpower," he explained.

It made sense. Zhao Honglei looked nothing like the undead, yet they ignored him completely. After a brief moment of consideration, Zhang Lixin nodded and opened the small gate, allowing Zhao Honglei to enter.

Wang Xiong greeted him with a cupped fist in return. "I’ll call for Zhao Xiaohong and Zhao Shanshan right away. Please, Master Zhao, wait here for a moment." He signaled to Zhang Lixin, who guided Zhao Honglei deeper into the gathering place.

As they walked, Zhang Lixin struck up a conversation. "It must not have been easy to make your way here."

Zhao Honglei, still energized by the anticipation of reuniting with his family, replied politely. "It wasn’t too difficult. My power doesn’t boost my combat abilities, but it keeps me safe when I travel."

His superpower, as he explained, was called Stealth. It masked his presence, allowing zombies to perceive him as one of their own. It was a valuable skill—not for combat, but for survival in this unforgiving world.

Zhang Lixin couldn’t help but feel a flash of envy. The ability to move undetected through a world filled with danger was no small advantage. But he quickly pushed the thought aside, reminded of his own contributions to the survival of the gathering place.

Their conversation flowed easily as Zhao Honglei took in his surroundings. "This place... it’s incredible," he said, genuine admiration in his voice. "I’ve seen many so-called gathering places, but none are as well-organized as this."

Zhang Lixin, modest as always, replied humbly, "We’ve done what we can. It’s adequate for now."

"No," Zhao Honglei insisted, his eyes sweeping over the walls, the defenses, and the bustling community within. "This is more than adequate. You’ve built something remarkable here."

Zhang Lixin, unsure how to respond, simply nodded in thanks. By then, they had reached the central area of the gathering place. Wang Xiong appeared, accompanied by Zhao Xiaohong and Zhao Shanshan.

For a moment, the three members of the Zhao family froze, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and joy. Then, in an instant, Zhao Shanshan rushed forward, tears streaming down her face as she threw herself into her father’s arms.

“Dad!” she cried, her voice trembling with emotion. All the fear and anxiety of the past weeks poured out in her sobs.

Zhao Honglei held her close, stroking her hair gently. "It’s alright," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "It’s alright, I’m here now..."

Zhao Xiaohong stood by, her own tears falling quietly as she approached. "Master..." she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I’m so sorry..."

But Zhao Honglei simply shook his head, a silent gesture of forgiveness that needed no words.

Wang Xiong stepped forward, his usual calm demeanor softening the moment. "Master Zhao, your daughter, and niece have wanted to return to the Red Thunder Martial Arts School for some time. We haven’t been able to help because of the zombies, but now that you’re here, I can safely entrust them to your care."

Guangping Street was a place of freedom—no one was held against their will. Zhao Xiaohong and Zhao Shanshan’s desire to return home was understandable. Now that their father had arrived, it seemed only natural for them to leave.

But to everyone’s surprise, Zhao Honglei hesitated. His eyes swept over the gathering place once more, noting the security, the organization, the sense of hope that permeated the air. Then, after a long pause, he turned to Wang Xiong.

"Brother Wang," Zhao Honglei began, his voice careful. "I have a rather bold request."

Wang Xiong, curious, motioned for him to continue.

Zhao Honglei took a deep breath. "I would like my daughter and niece to stay here," he said, his voice steady. "And not just them—I want to relocate the Red Thunder Martial Arts School here. If it’s possible, I hope you’ll consider taking us in."

His words, though humble, carried a weight of desperation. He quickly elaborated. "We have twenty-three people at the school, thirteen of whom are adult martial artists. I am a Level 2 Awakened, and my eldest son has reached Level 1. We can contribute."

Wang Xiong frowned slightly, surprised by the request. "But from what Zhao Xiaohong has told me, things at your school are going well. Why would you want to move here?"

From what Wang Xiong understood, Red Thunder Martial Arts School was a stronghold—safe, secure, and well-stocked. What had changed?

Zhao Honglei sighed deeply, the weight of the past weeks evident in his eyes. "We can’t stay there anymore," he admitted, his voice quieter now.

It was then that Wang Xiong and the others began to realize how limited their knowledge of the outside world had become. Isolated in Good Hope Village, they had lost touch with the larger reality beyond their walls. Lu Ming rarely ventured out, and the others had been too focused on strengthening their defenses to ask questions.

Invited into Wang Xiong’s home, Zhao Honglei began to share the truth of what had been happening outside.

"At first, we were fine," he began, his tone somber. "The school was fortified, our supplies were plentiful, and we had enough to last for months. But everything changed about two weeks ago. Something new... something dangerous appeared."

Zhang Lixin and Wang Xiong leaned in closer, their attention fully on Zhao Honglei. "New?" Zhang Lixin echoed.

Zhao Honglei nodded. "Yes. A new breed of zombie—smarter, faster, more organized. They coordinate their attacks and can even track Awakened individuals. No matter where we hid, they always found us."

Wang Xiong exchanged a tense glance with Zhang Lixin. This was not the mindless horde they had grown accustomed to. This was something far more dangerous.

"They’re evolving," Zhao Honglei continued, his voice heavy. "We held out for as long as we could, but each attack was more precise than the last. Our supplies are running out, and the survivors I left behind are barely hanging on. If we don’t leave our stronghold soon, we won’t be able to survive."

The gravity of his words sank in, casting a shadow over the room. The fragile sense of security they had built in Guangping Street now felt like a thin veil, one that could be torn apart by this new threat at any moment.

After a long silence, Wang Xiong finally spoke. "We’ll help you," he said, his voice resolute. "But we’ll need to plan carefully. This changes everything."

Relief washed over Zhao Honglei’s face as he nodded. "Thank you, Brother Wang."

And so, the men began to strategize, their thoughts now consumed by a looming reality far larger than they had ever imagined.

The outside world had not been idle. Shadows were growing, and the storm was coming.

End of Chapter 54

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