Chapter 57: The Wall

The wall surrounding the Guangping Street Gathering Place stood as a symbol of security, but Wang Xiong knew better. Reinforced though it was, it would only slow the approaching horde—a brief obstacle for the relentless swarm of undead. The true defense of the gathering place lay in something far more strategic.

Zhao Honglei, walking alongside Zhang Lixin, couldn’t shake the sense of dread that had settled deep within him. He knew the wall’s limits and had no illusions about its ability to withstand the onslaught. How could this fledgling community hope to survive such a powerful tide?

"This is the end," he thought grimly, his steps heavy with impending doom.

As they approached the center of the gathering place, near Lu Ming’s home, Zhao Honglei saw that all the survivors had already gathered. Fear etched deep lines into their faces, their eyes wide with uncertainty. But it wasn’t the sea of people that caught Zhao Honglei’s attention.

His gaze was drawn to a towering metal structure near Lu Ming’s dwelling. Forty meters high, with a diameter of three meters, it stood like a giant chopstick driven into the earth. Zhao Honglei had noticed it when he first arrived, assuming it to be an observation tower. Yet now, with the entire gathering place converging around it, he couldn’t help but question its purpose.

As he pondered, a figure descended from the structure with the grace of a seasoned warrior. Wang Xiong.

“Highest level of alert!” he bellowed, his voice carrying across the crowd like a thunderclap. “Everyone, form lines and head to the underground shelter!”

At his command, a heavy creaking sound echoed across the gathering place. An iron door at the base of the tower groaned open, revealing a stairwell that plunged into darkness.

Zhao Honglei’s eyes widened. "Brilliant," he murmured under his breath, a spark of hope igniting within him. An underground shelter was far more secure than any surface structure. The complexity and scale of such a project, however, were astounding. Most communities didn’t have the resources to build something like this.

Zhang Lixin caught the admiration in his voice and offered a modest smile. “To be honest, we didn’t have the manpower to build it either.”

Zhao Honglei turned to him, intrigued.

“The shelter,” Zhang Lixin continued, a hint of pride in his tone, “was built using my Material Shaping ability and Li Zitong’s Earth Manipulation. Between the two of us, we made it happen.”

“It also doubles as a supply depot,” Zhang Lixin added. “Food, water, and shelter—all in one place. It’s a bit cramped, but it’ll keep us alive.”

Zhao Honglei nodded, impressed. “Just being alive is a gift these days,” he said softly. “A little discomfort is a small price to pay.”

Zhang Lixin smiled, “And don’t worry, we won’t be down there for long. A few hours, maybe. We can endure it.”

Though Zhang Lixin’s words were comforting, they sparked curiosity in Zhao Honglei. Why only a few hours? But before he could press for details, the crowd of survivors began filing into the shelter. Wang Xiong, watching closely, was the last to enter, pulling the thick iron door shut behind him with a dull thud.

“Our turn now,” Wang Xiong announced, turning toward the group of Awakened still standing outside. Their faces reflected a mix of resolve and tension as they looked back at him.

Zhao Honglei was bewildered. It made no sense for the ordinary survivors to be hidden away while the Awakened remained above ground. What were they planning?

He soon got his answer. Zhang Lixin and Li Zitong approached the base of the tower, and with a combined surge of their powers, the earth beneath it began to rise. The tower lifted ten meters into the air, sealing the shelter’s entrance and simultaneously transforming into a fortified platform.

“Up here, everyone!” Wang Xiong commanded, leaping effortlessly onto the newly formed platform. A woman with gravitational powers floated gracefully after him, joining him in seconds.

Zhao Honglei followed, still unsure of what was happening but unwilling to be left behind.

Wang Xiong’s voice boomed from the platform, addressing the group of Awakened. “Everyone knows their task, right?”

A chorus of agreement rang out, though Zhao Honglei remained silent. Leaning toward Zhang Lixin, he whispered, “What’s the plan?”

Zhang Lixin gave him a wry smile. “We kill every zombie that comes near,” he said bluntly. “That’s also your job, Master Zhao.”

Zhao Honglei nodded slowly, grasping his immediate task. But the larger strategy still eluded him. Nevertheless, he readied his spear, bracing himself for what was to come.

As questions swirled in Zhao Honglei’s mind, the relentless tide of zombies continued its march toward Good Hope Village. From above, the village looked like the calm eye of a storm, surrounded by the converging mass of undead.

—Meanwhile, a convoy of military vehicles sped toward the village from the city center. Eight trucks, their reinforced frames humming with power, had cleared the immediate area around their underground base. But as they neared the edge of the safe zone, the lead vehicle came to an abrupt stop.

“Hold position!” a commanding voice barked from within the truck. “Await further orders.”

The door of the lead vehicle swung open, and Colonel Bai Tianyu stepped out. His imposing figure exuded calm authority as he surveyed the area. Then, without warning, he launched himself skyward, soaring like a missile through the air. Using the buildings as stepping stones, he maneuvered through the city with remarkable agility, disappearing from view in mere moments.

The soldiers in the convoy watched in awe.

“Colonel Bai never ceases to amaze,” one of them said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“He’s only Level 3, but with that superpower of his, he might as well be Level 4,” another added, eyes wide with admiration.

“He’s probably one of the strongest Awakened out there,” a third soldier chimed in. “I doubt anyone can match Colonel Bai in combat.”

“I heard he killed a Tyrant a few days ago,” another soldier murmured.

“It’s not just a rumor,” the first soldier confirmed. “I was there. It was a brutal fight, but the Colonel took it down in under three minutes.”

As the soldiers marveled at their leader’s prowess, Bai Tianyu had already neared Good Hope Village. From his vantage point, he could see the two massive zombie hordes, closing in from opposite directions, ready to crush the village in a deadly vice.

His sharp eyes zeroed in on the two Tyrants leading the hordes. “Two of them,” he muttered, his jaw tightening.

While the Tyrants were formidable, they didn’t concern him. His main worry was the sheer number of lower-level zombies. While he could easily ensure the safety of the Awakened, the ordinary survivors would be in grave danger.

A sigh escaped his lips, but his gaze remained steely. "I’ll handle the Tyrants. The rest is in the hands of fate.”

With that, he prepared himself for battle. The fight for Good Hope Village had begun.

End of Chapter 57

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