Chapter 61: Strength in Numbers

Lu Ming sensed Wang Xiong's hesitation. Recalling their previous relocation, he asked, “Are you thinking of moving again?”

Wang Xiong had once led their group to the Zhang family’s gathering place, a decision that ultimately proved disastrous. However, the logic behind it was sound. In the apocalypse, strength lay in numbers, and cooperation was key to survival. The official shelter, with its superior resources and infrastructure, seemed like a viable option.

“That’s your decision,” Lu Ming stated firmly. “But I’m not going anywhere.” He had no desire to uproot his life again. If it were a matter of life or death, he would relocate without hesitation, but the situation hadn’t reached that point yet.

Wang Xiong chuckled. “Don’t worry, Brother Lu. I’ve learned my lesson about relocating. Guangping Street is my home now, and I’ll defend it with my life.”

He continued, “Besides, from what I gathered from Colonel Bai, the official shelter isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

As Lu Ming warmed up with Zhang Chengcheng’s assistance, Wang Xiong elaborated on the challenges faced by the official shelter.

The shelter, located in the city center, was a mere three kilometers from the mysterious tower. Its origins and purpose remained a mystery, making it a looming threat.

Built underground, the shelter boasted strong defenses and was largely immune to zombie attacks. However, its location made farming impossible, and despite a substantial stockpile of food, their reserves were finite. The shelter’s large population, a mix of rescued civilians and military personnel, put a strain on their resources.

Food was a top priority. Without it, chaos and unrest would inevitably follow.

“They’ve been considering retaking the city for some time now,” Wang Xiong revealed. “It’s not about pride, but a matter of survival. They need space to grow crops and ensure their long-term survival.”

“The people can’t live underground forever,” Wang Xiong continued, his voice laced with concern. “Without sunlight, we can’t grow food.”

Lu Ming nodded in agreement as he continued his warm-up exercises, aided by Zhang Chengcheng’s gravity manipulation.

The research conducted at the official shelter confirmed what they already knew: humanity was at a severe disadvantage against the zombies. Retaking the entire Nanxiang region was an impossible task, at least in the short term.

“The official shelter isn’t far from here,” Wang Xiong explained. “Colonel Bai proposed establishing a safe route between our gathering place and theirs, creating a larger safe zone. It would allow us to start farming again, which is crucial for our long-term survival.”

“That makes sense,” Lu Ming agreed.

Wang Xiong hesitated again, then confessed, “I got caught up in the moment yesterday and agreed to their proposal without consulting you first, Brother Lu. I hope you’re not upset.”

Lu Ming was surprised by Wang Xiong’s concern. “Your decision was sound,” he reassured him. “It’s a good thing.”

Wang Xiong visibly relaxed, relieved to have Lu Ming’s approval.

The morning exercise session concluded, and Lu Ming’s attributes received another boost:

Name: Lu Ming
Strength: 82.7 (84.4)
Physique: 83.4 (85.1)
Agility: 105.1 (106.8)


  • Fitness Level Lv2 (900/1200)

After a hearty meal and a nap, Lu Ming awoke feeling refreshed. The sound of approaching vehicles drew him to the window. Four military vehicles, filled to the brim with people, pulled up a short distance away.

As the doors opened, Zhang Lixin, Li Zitong, Zhao Honglei, and a group of unfamiliar faces emerged. Lu Ming recalled his earlier conversation with Wang Xiong and realized these newcomers must be from the Red Thunder Martial Arts School.

Lu Ming’s presence wasn’t lost on Zhao Honglei and the other Awakened newcomers. Zhao Honglei, accompanied by his burly son, Zhao Yongchun, approached the small house.

“Where are we going, Father?” Zhao Yongchun asked.

“To pay our respects,” Zhao Honglei replied.

Earlier that morning, Zhao Honglei had returned to the Red Thunder Martial Arts School with a decision: they were moving. It was a unanimous agreement, born out of desperation.

Zhao Honglei recounted his experiences at Guangping Street, painting a glowing picture of Lu Ming, the strongest Awakened, the guardian of the community, the beacon of hope for humanity.

Lu Ming, listening from afar, rolled his eyes at the exaggerated praise.

Zhao Yongchun, though he had never met Lu Ming, held the man in high regard. Upon arriving at Guangping Street, paying their respects to the strongest individual seemed like the proper course of action.

The father and son stood before Lu Ming’s house, remembering Wang Xiong’s warning that Lu Ming was a private person who valued his solitude.

“Mr. Lu,” Zhao Honglei greeted, bowing respectfully.

“Mr. Lu,” Zhao Yongchun echoed his father’s greeting.

“Hello,” Lu Ming responded.

A brief silence followed. Lu Ming wasn’t one for small talk, and the Zhao men, in the presence of such power, found themselves tongue-tied.

“So,” Lu Ming finally spoke, “you’ll be staying here from now on?”

Zhao Honglei nodded eagerly. “Yes, Mr. Lu Ming. We’ll be settling down here. Thank you for taking us in.”

“Don’t mention it,” Lu Ming replied. “We all look out for each other here.”

His humble words eased the tension, and the Zhao men were about to take their leave when Lu Ming spoke again. “Mr. Zhao, I heard you had a martial arts school before the apocalypse. Does that mean you know martial arts?”

Zhao Honglei wanted to downplay his skills compared to Lu Ming’s seemingly superhuman abilities, but he simply nodded. “The Zhao family has a few tricks up our sleeves.”

Lu Ming’s eyes sparkled. “Could you teach me?”

End of Chapter 61

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