Chapter 67: Tower of Strength

The rule at Guangping Street was clear: no exceptions, even for esteemed guests. Lu Ming’s routine was sacred, and everyone respected his need for uninterrupted training.

Huo Sheng, unable to meet with Lu Ming, turned to Wang Xiong. Their conversation mirrored Bai Tianyu’s earlier discussion, centering around the concept of the “Circle of Survivors,” also known as the “Human Defense Circle.”

“The Circle of Survivors represents our united front against the apocalypse,” Huo Sheng explained, his voice carrying the weight of his position.

Bai Tianyu unfurled a map, pointing to two locations. “This is the official shelter, with nearly 60,000 survivors. And this is the Guangping Street gathering place, with less than 100.”

The two locations were over ten kilometers apart, a significant distance in the post-apocalyptic world. Bai Tianyu then drew an ellipse encompassing both locations.

“This area,” he declared, “is our proposed safe zone.”

The elliptical area was not vast, spanning only a few hundred square kilometers, but it was enough to sustain 60,000 survivors.

“There are water and power plants within this zone,” Bai Tianyu continued. “Securing them would solve our water and electricity needs. We also have a designated agricultural zone, where we can cultivate crops on rooftops or even build greenhouses. The key issue, however, is security.”

The area was exposed, with no natural barriers or fortifications. Protecting it would require a significant amount of manpower.

Huo Sheng, sensing Wang Xiong’s hesitation, spoke up with a smile. “We have considered the security issue. Initially, it seemed insurmountable, but Mr. Lu Ming’s presence has shown us a possible solution.”

He turned to Wang Xiong with a serious expression. “Mr. Lu seems to favor using a slingshot, correct?”

Wang Xiong nodded. “Indeed.” Lu Ming’s proficiency with the slingshot was well-known.

“May I ask,” Huo Sheng continued, “what is Mr. Lu’s maximum effective range with his slingshot?”

Wang Xiong chuckled. “That depends on the slingshot’s material and Brother Lu’s vantage point.”

He explained that Lu Ming’s accuracy and power were exceptional, but the Hunter Slingshot he currently used was limiting his potential. Additionally, his shooting range was restricted by his line of sight.

Zhang Lixin chimed in, “I can solve the slingshot problem. With the Tyrant’s remains, I can definitely craft a better one for Brother Lu.”

“The issue of height can be solved as well,” Huo Sheng interjected, gesturing toward the conspicuous watchtower outside the window. “Look, isn’t that the answer?”

He continued with a passionate tone, “The entire defense system of the safe zone will rely entirely on Mr. Lu Ming! We’ll build a high tower, one that overlooks the entire city, with Mr. Lu Ming standing at its peak.”

His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he spoke. “He will be the light on the lighthouse, the guardian of all survivors! Wherever his slingshot points, a haven will be created!”

His eloquence stirred excitement among Wang Xiong and the others. However, as their initial enthusiasm subsided, practical concerns surfaced.

“We can easily build the tower,” Zhang Lixin pointed out. “With Li Zitong’s help, it’s just a matter of time. But Brother Lu can’t stand guard day and night. He has his own routine.”

He elaborated, “He exercises in the morning, takes a nap at noon, and usually has free time in the afternoon and evening. Lately, he’s been focusing on marksmanship and stance training, and he goes to bed early…”

Huo Sheng nodded in understanding. Lu Ming was, after all, still human, with human needs for rest and personal time.

“That’s why we can’t rely solely on Mr. Lu Ming for security,” Huo Sheng acknowledged. “He’s the core of our defense, but not the entirety. The rest of us must do our part.”

Zhang Lixin raised another concern. “Brother Lu isn’t afraid of heights, but he prioritizes his safety. The tower can’t be infinitely tall. It needs to be within a height that he can safely jump from.”

Huo Sheng’s face fell. “Can’t we reinforce the tower further?”

Zhang Lixin shook his head. “It’s not a matter of structural integrity. It’s a psychological issue.”

Huo Sheng sighed in resignation. “We’ll raise it gradually then. The stronger Lu Ming becomes, the higher the tower can be. Eventually, it will meet our needs.”

Meng Jie interjected, “Where do you intend to build this tower?”

Huo Sheng pointed to the map. “At the center of the safe zone.”

Meng Jie shook her head. “That won’t do.”

Huo Sheng looked at her, surprised. “Why not?”

Wang Xiong explained, “Brother Lu has a rule. He doesn’t like to stray too far from home unless absolutely necessary. Guarding a tower doesn’t fall under that category.”

Huo Sheng fell silent, contemplating the new information.

Though sensing a peculiar disconnect, Huo Sheng couldn’t quite place his finger on it. After a long silence, he sighed. “Very well. Let’s build the tower here. Now, let’s move on to the next topic: clearing the zombies within the safe zone.”

The discussion continued for the entire afternoon. Lu Ming, however, remained unconcerned with their plans, preferring to adhere to his own routine.

In the afternoon, Lu Ming’s spear training intensified. Zhao Yongchun and Zhao Honglei took turns sparring with him, pushing his skills to new heights. By dinnertime, Lu Ming had reached Level 5 in Basic Spearmanship (124/500), and his attributes had increased once again. His Cold Weapon Combat skill also reached a remarkable Level 11 (55/1100), boosting his strength and stamina even further.

Lu Ming’s updated attributes were now:

Name: Lu Ming
Age: 25
Strength: 90.0
Physique: 90.7
Agility: 111.3
Free Attribute Points: 1


  • Fitness: Lv2 (1150/1200)
  • Slingshot: Lv21 (1081/2100)
  • Archery: Lv15 (788/1500)
  • Gun Shooting: Lv5 (45/500)
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Lv20 (259/2000)
  • Cold Weapon Combat: Lv11 (55/1100)
  • Basic Spearmanship: Lv5 (124/500)
  • Throwing: Lv6 (152/600)
  • Resistance Stance: Lv1 (32/100)

After savoring Zhang Chengcheng’s delicious cooking, Lu Ming realized that even without the burden of preparing the meal, the sheer amount of food he consumed now took a full hour. His growing strength had led to a monstrous appetite.

As he was about to practice the Resistance Stance, Wang Xiong, Huo Sheng, and the others emerged from the house. Lu Ming nodded politely in their direction before resuming his training.

Huo Sheng and his team left without disturbing him. Wang Xiong approached Lu Ming and gave him a brief summary of their discussion. Seeing Lu Ming’s lack of interest, he didn’t dwell on the details.

Watching Lu Ming train with unwavering focus, Wang Xiong couldn’t help but admire his clarity of purpose. Lu Ming knew exactly what he needed to do: become stronger.

This unwavering dedication filled Wang Xiong with a sense of awe and inspiration. That was his Brother Lu.

End of Chapter 67

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