Chapter 86: The Shrinking Mist

Lu Ming's attribute enhancement had become a top priority for both the official shelter and the Guangping Street shelter. Though zombie crystals were valuable, they paled in comparison to the importance of Lu Ming's continued growth.

"Let Wei Lan advance first," Huo Sheng suggested. "We'll see the effect after she reaches Level 4."

With that, Zhang Chengcheng led Wei Lan out of the dining room, leaving Lu Ming and Huo Sheng alone. Lu Ming continued eating while Huo Sheng, eager to share his recent findings, began to recount his research on the Tier 4 zombies.

"Since we're idle anyway," Huo Sheng began, "you keep eating, and I'll talk about the results of my research yesterday to pass the time. There's no need to worry about advancing to the next level. Zhang Chengcheng's advancement yesterday proved there are no zombies around, so there won't be another attack for now."

Lu Ming listened attentively as Huo Sheng delved into his analysis.

"Yesterday, I obtained a sample of Tier 4 zombie tissue. After conducting experiments, I discovered that zombies are indeed fascinating creatures. Although the two types of Tier 4 zombies share the same origin, their evolutionary paths are completely different."

Huo Sheng's excitement was palpable as he spoke about his research.

"Tanks are essentially enhanced Tyrants—faster, stronger, larger, with incredible destructive power. However, their genome is chaotic and disordered. It's almost certain that the Tank is a product of erroneous evolution."

"On the other hand, the Devourer is quite different! Their evolution is remarkably perfect. Not only is their genome stable, but they can also absorb beneficial genes from others, constantly improving their evolutionary path."

"In simpler terms, they can absorb the genes of Awakened individuals and gain control over their superpowers. They also possess advanced intelligence!"

Huo Sheng paused, a thoughtful look on his face. "Mr. Lu, have you ever encountered a highly intelligent low-level zombie?"

Lu Ming pondered for a moment, then nodded. "I think I have." He recalled the two cunning Devourers who had escaped the previous day, as well as the intelligent giant zombie that had pursued Wang Xiong at the beginning of the apocalypse.

Huo Sheng continued, "Such zombies are rare, but considering the population of Nanxiang City, there's bound to be a significant number of intelligent zombies born here. Once such intelligent zombies evolve to Tier 4, there's a high chance they'll follow the evolutionary path of the Devourer."

[Huo Sheng: Research Notes Update – Intelligent zombies are a potential threat. Further investigation required.]

"Compared to Tanks," Huo Sheng began, his voice laced with a hint of worry, "the Devourer's initial ability might not seem as strong, but its growth potential is terrifying."

This was the primary reason Huo Sheng was willing to invest so heavily in Lu Ming. He knew that only Lu Ming could stand against the highly intelligent and rapidly evolving Devourers.

[Huo Sheng: Research Notes Update – Devourers pose a greater long-term threat than Tanks.]

He was pessimistic about the ability of even a Level 4 Awakened to defeat a Devourer of the same level. But with Lu Ming's extraordinary power, there was a glimmer of hope.

After a long silence, Huo Sheng looked at Lu Ming, who was calmly eating a bun. A faint smile touched his lips as he murmured, "Fortunately, you're here."

Lu Ming raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'fortunately, you're here'?"

"Nothing..." Huo Sheng waved a hand dismissively. "Forget it, let's not talk about that. Let's discuss another matter—what Sima Xiao said about the black mist and the Holy Tower."

Lu Ming's interest was immediately piqued. At this stage, he wasn't overly concerned about the zombies. With his newfound strength as an Awakened, even Tier 4 zombies seemed insignificant. The black mist and the Holy Tower, however, were a different matter.

Sima Xiao had warned of a great crisis emerging from the black mist, a crisis that could only be avoided by seeking refuge in the Holy Tower. Lu Ming's primary concern was whether this crisis could hinder his attribute farming.

"The Holy Tower Sima Xiao mentioned is the high tower that appeared in the city center when the apocalypse began," Huo Sheng explained. "I've never been able to determine its significance or what it represents, even after conducting early-stage research."

The tower was a mystery. No doors, no windows, impervious to damage, and inaccessible to anyone. All they knew was that it constantly emitted mystery factors, but its true purpose remained unknown.

Sima Xiao's words sparked a thought in Huo Sheng's mind. "I suspect the Holy Tower might require Awakened individuals or zombies to reach a certain level before it triggers a response," he mused. "Level 3 isn't enough, and I'm afraid Level 4 might not be either..."

[Huo Sheng: Research Notes Update – Holy Tower activation may require higher-level individuals.]

"Regardless," Huo Sheng continued, "I've prioritized this issue. The black mist is also quite mysterious."

He recounted how the black mist had enveloped Nanxiang City and its surroundings the moment the Holy Tower appeared, isolating it from the outside world.

"The black mist can't be captured or analyzed," Huo Sheng explained. "In fact, early in the apocalypse, the officials sent people to the edge of the mist, but any equipment or personnel that tried to enter lost contact immediately."

After Nanxiang City was engulfed, Huo Sheng had attempted a reverse experiment, sending teams to see if they could cross the mist from the inside.

"The results are inconclusive," he admitted. "Three out of five teams reached the edge, but upon entering the mist, all communication was lost. We don't know if they're dead or alive."

Lu Ming frowned. "It sounds very dangerous."

"Yes, it is," Huo Sheng agreed. "That's why I haven't paid much attention to the black mist for a while."

He paused, his expression growing serious. "Until yesterday... Last night, Tianyu led a team to the edge of the mist and discovered a very troubling phenomenon. The black mist is shrinking."

Lu Ming's eyes widened. "Shrinking?"

"Yes, shrinking," Huo Sheng confirmed. "It's like..."

He struggled to find an appropriate analogy, but Lu Ming beat him to it. "Like a peace squad shrinking the poison circle," he offered, referencing a popular video game.

Huo Sheng chuckled wryly. "That's a fitting analogy."

End of Chapter 86

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