Chapter 98: Chang Yi’s Challenge

“Are you the legendary Brother Lu?” Chang Yi inquired, his gaze narrowing as he took in Lu Ming’s imposing figure.

Strong! was Chang Yi’s first impression. Lu Ming stood at a towering 2.3 meters, his bare arms bulging with muscle, dwarfing even Chang Yi’s thighs. His facial features were unremarkable, but his sheer physical presence commanded attention.

Lu Ming, rising from his seat, looked down at Chang Yi with an unreadable expression. “Yes, I’m Lu Ming,” he confirmed. “I heard you wanted to meet me.”

Chang Yi nodded. “Indeed.”

An awkward silence descended upon them. Lu Ming’s size and stature emanated an undeniable pressure, but Chang Yi wasn’t easily intimidated. He knew that physical appearance didn’t always equate to power. The crucial question was: What level was this Lu Ming?

Chang Yi didn’t need words to find his answer. He simply activated his mind-reading ability, confident that Lu Ming would unwittingly reveal everything.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, remained silent, his expression giving nothing away. The atmosphere grew increasingly tense as the two men engaged in a silent battle of wills.

Chang Yi’s brow furrowed as he listened to Lu Ming’s thoughts. What he heard only deepened the mystery surrounding this enigmatic figure.

“What’s up?” Lu Ming inquired, his voice calm and steady, betraying none of the unease Chang Yi had expected.

Chang Yi found himself at a loss for words. His usual bravado and confidence faltered in the face of Lu Ming’s unyielding composure.

A bead of sweat trickled down Chang Yi’s brow as he desperately searched for a response. He had anticipated Lu Ming’s thoughts to be a jumbled mess of fear and awe, a symphony of insecurities he could exploit. Instead, he was met with an unsettling silence, a blank canvas where his mind-reading ability found nothing to grasp onto.

A wave of doubt washed over Chang Yi. Could it be that his power was malfunctioning? Or was this Lu Ming truly a being beyond his comprehension?

The tension in the air thickened with each passing second.

Chang Yi reactivated his Mind Listening ability, hoping to glean some insight into Lu Ming’s intentions.

He came to find me, but he didn’t say anything, Lu Ming’s thoughts echoed in Chang Yi’s mind. He didn’t say why he came either. Is this person crazy?

Chang Yi froze, his face flushing with embarrassment. Lu Ming had voiced his thoughts aloud, a direct and unfiltered reflection of what was going on in his mind. This man was straightforward, his words and thoughts perfectly aligned. There was no hidden agenda, no ulterior motives.

Realizing the futility of his mind-reading ability in this situation, Chang Yi decided to be upfront.

“I’ve only been here for a short time,” he began, a forced smile on his face, “but I’ve often heard of Brother Lu’s legendary strength. I’m a Level 5 Awakened, but I’ve been told that you are even stronger.”

He paused, his smile widening into a confident grin. “Therefore, I thought of visiting you and sparring to see who is truly the stronger one, you or me, Chang Yi.”

He had laid his cards on the table, a direct challenge issued. Surely, this would provoke a reaction from Lu Ming.

As expected, Lu Ming’s brow furrowed.

“Let’s spar?” Chang Yi proposed again, his grin widening. “A friendly match to see who’s stronger.”

“I’m sorry,” Lu Ming replied calmly, “I don’t like sparring with strangers.”

Sparring was too unpredictable, too dangerous. Lu Ming had heard stories from Wang Xiong and Zhao Yongchun about the risks of accepting challenges from outsiders. It was easy to get injured, and an injury could disrupt his carefully planned training routine.

What if I get injured? Wouldn’t that delay my regular training? There’s no need to mess up the rhythm of my own life over such a small matter.

Chang Yi, listening in on Lu Ming’s thoughts, was once again baffled by his simplistic reasoning.

“Training?” he inquired, raising an eyebrow. “Brother Lu, do you like to train?”

Lu Ming nodded. “Yes.”

“But that has nothing to do with you,” Lu Ming retorted. “In short, let’s skip the sparring. Fists and kicks have no eyes. I have no grudge against you. There’s no need for a fight.”

Lu Ming’s disinterest in the challenge was clear. In his eyes, the matter was simple: Chang Yi wanted to fight, but he didn’t.

You have no right to force me to do something I don’t want to do, he thought firmly.

The matter seemed settled. Lu Ming, his point made, turned to go back inside his house. But as he reached for the door, Chang Yi’s voice stopped him.

“Are you afraid?”

Lu Ming paused, then responded calmly, “I’m not afraid of you. I just don’t think it’s necessary.”

Chang Yi, his voice rising in frustration, pleaded, “It’s just a spar! Just once, I want to see how strong you are.”

Lu Ming shook his head. “How strong I am has nothing to do with you.”

With that, he stepped inside and closed the door, leaving Chang Yi standing there, stunned and speechless.

Gao Junyi, ever the peacemaker, gently tugged at Chang Yi’s sleeve. “Brother Chang, you’ve seen Brother Lu. To be honest, his temper is like this. Please don’t take offense.”

He offered an apologetic smile. “Shall we go back first?”

But Chang Yi’s patience had finally snapped. He whirled around, his face contorted with rage, no longer able to contain the violence simmering within him.

“Do you know how I survived these nine days?!” he roared, his voice a guttural growl that sent shivers down Gao Junyi’s spine.

The official, startled, instinctively took a step back.

Chang Yi’s eyes blazed with fury as he raised his voice, his words echoing through the gathering place. “I, Chang Yi! The chosen one! The number one in the world! I’m Level 5! I’m the strongest in Nanxiang!”

His voice cracked with barely suppressed rage. “And yet, I’ve been humiliated and belittled by this ‘Brother Lu’ for nine whole days! I want to spar with him, and you dare to refuse me?! This is how you treat me?!”

A sharp snap echoed through the gathering place as a window on the second floor of Lu Ming’s house flew open. Lu Ming, his brow furrowed in annoyance, leaned out.

“I’m trying to take a nap,” he said, his voice carrying across the distance. “Keep your voice down.”

What’s wrong with this person? Shouting loudly outside someone else’s house...

Chang Yi’s anger flared. I’m the protagonist! he thought. The protagonist of a cool and exciting story! And now you, a straight-talking impulsive fool, dare to brush me off like this?

Memories of his recent defeat at the hands of the Blood Flesh Mother Tree fueled his rage.

“I can’t bear it anymore!” he roared, his voice filled with fury. “My name is Chang Yi. Remember it! Lu Ming, the one who will kill you! Chang Yi!!”

He unleashed his telekinetic power, launching himself toward Lu Ming like a cannonball. Lu Ming stood unmoving, seemingly oblivious to the impending attack.

The telekinetic blast shattered the window, impacting Lu Ming’s face with a thunderous boom. Yet, to Chang Yi’s astonishment, Lu Ming didn’t budge. His face contorted for a brief moment, then returned to its usual stoic expression.

The abrupt silence that followed was deafening. Chang Yi, his bravado evaporating, snapped to attention and bowed deeply to Lu Ming.

“I’m sorry, Brother Lu,” he stammered, his voice trembling. “I was impulsive. Please forgive me.”

The tables had turned. The invincible Level 5 Awakened, humbled by Lu Ming’s overwhelming power, was now reduced to a pleading supplicant.

End of Chapter 98

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