I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 275

Chapter 275 Three vs Thirty! [1/7]

【ps: Update starts today, seven chapters】

【ps: Some readers asked in the book review area whether the author hired a ghostwriter when the plot of Ling Cage began.

The author can answer that it is impossible.

The author had less than 300 subscriptions when this book was first put on the shelves.

It is all the author’s own efforts to write it all the way to now.

The author also cherishes this book very much.

Until now, it has been coded by the author word by word.

Although it may not look good and may be very poor, it is all the author’s own efforts.

Please do not speculate.

【ps: I officially started updating today. I slept until the afternoon and I am full of energy. 】

Dozens of heat ray beams rushed forward, and the magic armor of Naros did not dodge. A thick magic shield suddenly emerged on his tall and metallic body.

“”Swish, swish, swish.”

Dozens of heat ray beams shot at the magic shield, and then were refracted!

Just like the beams shining on a mirror, they were refracted directly.

There was no damage to the magic armor at all.

This is the result of the Los Empire’s preliminary research on the weapons of the Ffaanluo Federation Forces based on satellite monitoring over the past month!

Seeing those heat ray beams, they initially determined that this was a special energy weapon, so they came up with some ways to create a new magic shield based on the characteristics of light. This shield can reflect a certain amount of beam attacks.

After testing it with a light prism device, the reliability of the new magic shield was determined. So they started to equip the assault troops in batches.

After all, only two hundred sets of such magic shield devices were built in a month.

The truth is that the heat ray beams used by the Ffaanluo Federation are not energy weapons, but a special use of their flame weapons, so there are heat ray beams.

However, due to the wide protection of the magic shield, this new type of magic shield is also useful for heat ray beams.

The Los Empire knight wearing a large magic armor faced the surging heat ray beams. He continued to control the armor, and the head of the magic armor suddenly emitted a burst of scarlet light, which seemed to symbolize the light of the god of death in the dark night!

Charge forward!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

The huge caliber of the giant MAK-15 assault rifle in his hand continued to fire fiercely, countless muzzle flames flashed, and the huge caliber bullets destroyed one alchemical puppet soldier after another.

One by one, the yellow-orange shells, which were three or four centimeters thick, were constantly thrown out by the high-speed operating barrel, and the constantly flashing muzzle flames reflected yellow light in the air. The extremely turbulent and destructive firepower directly destroyed the street, destroying countless alchemical puppet soldiers on the street!

“Damn it! What the hell is this!”

An Alchemist from the Anluo clan who hurried over and controlled ten alchemy brass machines screamed when he saw the magic armor.

“This is War Machine!”

“Impossible! Weak humans cannot possess such technology!”

The alchemists who came later also shouted in astonishment, staring at the Los Magic Armored Knight who was constantly killing alchemical puppet soldiers one after another.

“Don’t be afraid! There is only one armored machine here. No matter who he is, he will be dead today!”

An alchemist suddenly roared.

At this moment, there were three alchemists rushing to this street. One alchemist controlled ten brass machines, which means they had thirty five-meter-high brass machines with powerful firepower!

Can’t thirty brass machines deal with a magic armor that is only three meters high?!

They thought so in their hearts, and they were extremely confident for a while.

This street is very wide, but the magic armor is three meters high and the brass machine is five meters high.

Each one is a behemoth, and in comparison, this street is not so wide.

At this moment, the thirty brass machines are basically standing together, which makes the street look very narrow.


At this time, behind the Naros Empire Armored Knights, two Magic Armored Knights holding giant MAK-15 assault rifles continued to move their foot pulleys, bringing them to slide over from the ground.

“Wow, there are many enemies here.”

“How about it, do you have the confidence to do them?”

“Humph, full of confidence, come on!”

Three Los Empire magic armored knights stood together.

The giant MAK-15 rifles in their hands glowed black in the dark night.

The three magic armors, in the dark night, they all emitted three V-shaped scarlet lights, which were extremely dazzling. The two-meter-long magic wave sword behind the waist of each magic armored knight also faintly glowed black and purple.

Since there was no need to hide, they opened fire!

On the opposite side, thirty brass machines, five meters high, stood densely together, holding heat ray rifles in their hands, and a thermal energy barrel on their heads flickered slightly.

The cold wind whistled in the dark night, and three Los Empire magic armors and thirty Ffanlo Federation brass machines confronted each other.

A flash of fire from the explosion of a missile in the sky suddenly illuminated an area around, and this light also illuminated the cold and ruthless mechanical bodies of both sides.

“Kill them all!”

“Let them know that they cannot be enemies of the great Federation!”

“The light of the Federation will surely shine on everything. The world will eventually belong to the Federation. Long live the Federation!”

The three alchemists sat in the brass machine, wearing mind-control helmets on their heads, roaring with ferocious green faces.

Facing the three magic armors, they undoubtedly didn’t take it seriously. After all, they had thirty of them!

And on the other side, there were only three!

The brass machine was five meters high, and the magic armor was three meters high. Just from the comparison of body size, the alchemists felt that they would win.

It may also be their natural psychological reasons. After all, their average height is only 1.23 meters, which is very short compared to other races. So they have always believed that tall is strong and big is awesome.

The Los Empire, whose average height is over 1.8 meters, only built magic armor three meters high.

And the Anluo alchemists, whose average height is only 1.23 meters, built the brass machine five meters high.

“The Empire is invincible!”

“Wherever the sword of the empire points, we will conquer the land without a single blow. The glory of the empire cannot be violated! For the empire!!”

The three magic armored knights shouted, and the grenade launchers and shotguns under the MAK-15 assault rifles in their hands were all ready.

Three magic armored knights of the empire VS thirty ** state brass machines!

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