I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: Roryland World is a Trap!! [5/7]

In the dim carriage, a short green creature was curled up inside.

He felt the vibration from the bottom of the moving carriage, and the heart in his chest trembled.

He was captured by humans.

He, Angelo.

The great Anluo, the alchemist of the Ffa Anluo Federation, the alchemist controller of the brass machinery.

At this moment, he was captured by a group of enemies that he had previously thought were inferior.

He entered the Roliland world with great ambition and momentum, and fought for more than ten days. The victory of these ten days and the fragility of the enemy also made his heart swell.

However, this expansion was broken last night.

A group of soldiers wearing heavy black armor attacked them.

Their war machines were shining with black and purple shields, and no matter what kind of hot line attack, it would only be bounced off.

It didn’t play any role at all.

Under the protection of that powerful shield, the enemy easily defeated them with a small number.

It also crushed their confidence.

Who are these people? Are they human? If not human, what race are they?

We haven’t received any intelligence that there is such a powerful force in the Roliland world?

Oh my God, what is going on! ?

For a moment, countless questions filled Angelo’s huge head.

The height of the Anluo people is only 1.23 meters, but their heads are huge, one or two sizes larger than the average human head.

But at this moment, their always very smart brains can’t figure it out.

Why, which link went wrong?

Since they came to the Roliland world, everything has been smooth sailing, why is this happening.

To be honest, Angelo still can’t accept the news that the great federation would suddenly fail.

Just as Angelo curled up in the car, thinking in his mind, suddenly, the car stopped.

“Where is the car? What are these humans going to do to me?”

“What do they want to do?”

For a moment, Angelo suddenly felt fear in his heart.

Putting aside the alchemy technology and weapons and equipment, the Anluo tribe’s own strength is very weak.

Just from their height, they are only 1.23 meters tall. Without the advantage of equipment, they can’t even bite a dog on the Loriland continent.

So Angelo, who has no weapons on his body, thinks that he has fallen into the hands of this group of people and there is no chance of escape.

“What’s locked inside this?”

Outside the car, a soldier from the Los Empire troops who came to take over asked as he looked at the car.

“He is a captive of an alien civilization and the only one left alive in the battle.”

“To be honest, the strength of this group of troops is really not low, otherwise the battle would not have been so fierce that only one person was left alive.”

The officer driving the car said to the soldiers

“What do creatures from other worlds look like?”

The soldier asked curiously.

“You will see it when we get there. It is not a secret. To be honest, he is quite ugly, green all over, and very short, only 1.23 meters tall, just like a green dwarf.”

The officer lit a cigarette for himself during the break and said


The soldier began to imagine it, and soon, a short, green, ugly human figure took shape in his mind.

To be honest, it was quite vivid.

Ahead was a secret research laboratory of the Los Empire.

This time, not only a prisoner was sent to this laboratory, but also some weapons of the Ffaanlo Federation that were in good condition on the battlefield.

Thermal ray rifles, thermal cannons, and even several mental helmets.

However, after the Los Empire soldiers seized them on the battlefield, they didn’t know how to use these things, but they looked like they were very important, so they sent them together. After the soldiers in the convoy took over

, they continued to move forward and soon drove to the secret test site.

Afterwards, Angelo, who was feeling the shaking of the car in the car, suddenly felt that the car had stopped.

We had arrived.

What should I do? , will they shoot me?

What will they do to me? Will they use me for human experiments and study our race?

For a moment, countless thoughts emerged in Angelo’s mind.

At this most critical moment, Angelo thought of the Federation!

The Fufan Luo Federation is his homeland.

And just ten days ago, their advance team conveyed the news to the Fufan Luo Federation that this world is very weak and we can easily conquer the Roliland world!

Angelo woke up suddenly.

This is a trap!!

This group of people is the original strength of the Roliland world, and in the past ten days, they have been invincible, and no enemy can stop them. All of this is to confuse them, to make them send more troops to come, to create the illusion of annihilating their main force of the Federation. This is a huge trap!

“No, no, I must inform the Federation. The Federation cannot step into this trap!”

Angelo’s expression suddenly became ferocious.

He must escape, must warn the Federation’s army, must warn the president.

The Roryland world is a trap!

Angelo couldn’t imagine that when the ambitious and high-spirited Federation army stepped into the Roryland world and prepared to conquer this world, they were ambushed and attacked by the most fiercest and most terrifying ambush!

The result was extremely terrifying. It scared

Angelo very much.

Because even if the powerful Federation army was suddenly attacked like the previous battle without preparation, I am afraid it would only end in a miserable defeat.


At this time, the door of the carriage opened.

Angelo struggled to wave his handcuffed hands and feet, but it was useless.

The physical strength of their Anluo people was too weak.

Two Los soldiers wearing black armor unloaded the carriage.

It turned out that there was an iron cage in the carriage, and Angelo was locked in the iron cage of the carriage.

Soon, Angelo was taken away.

“I will find the right opportunity to escape.”

Angelo’s eyes darkened as he was taken away.

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