I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 287

Chapter 287 The Enemy Is Coming [1/10]

【ps: 20,000 words updated today! Ten more! This is the first update!】

“The enemy’s large force!”

“This! This…..”

“Can we resist such a huge number?”

At the border of the Central Magic Empire in the Central Region, three magician reconnaissance teams flying in the sky with magic supply devices opened their eyes, looking at the densely packed troops in the distance with shock and fear.

It was like a black wave surging in the sky. From a distance, it was really an extremely narrow line.

But if you look closely, you can see countless steel spaceships floating in the sky, emitting smoke and steam whistles!

These spaceships are like steel battleships flying in the sea. They are huge and dense, one after another, as if endless, which is terrifying.

“”Go back and report!”

The three magicians did not dare to delay and immediately flew back at full speed.

Central Magic Empire, National Salvation Army Headquarters.

After this period of marching and support from friendly forces, their number has reached 60,000.

But the armored forces are still not many.

If you really want to count, their combat effectiveness is between the first and second world wars on Earth.

And their air force only has dragon knights and magicians wearing magic supply devices that can fly in the sky.

The number is not large, adding up to about 2,000.

There are 500 dragon knights and 1,500 magicians wearing magic supply devices.

And the army infantry has more than 60,000.

Tanks, no.

The armored forces have armored vehicles modified from trucks, equipped with MG 42 general-purpose machine gun.

Ordinary soldiers only wear military uniforms, breastplate armor on the front half of the body, imitation M35-style helmets, a rifle, and five wooden-handled grenades.

In terms of firepower support, there are only PM-38 mortars that were eliminated by the Los Empire, and a long-range explosive fireball formation composed of two thousand land magicians.

This is the full strength of the troops that have now regrouped at the eastern border of the Central Magic Empire.

To be honest, it is not enough.

The Fufaanluo Federation may be able to crush them easily.

The Central Magic Empire soldiers also know that these people, now called the National Salvation Army, are not strong enough.

But they still resolutely dug trenches on the border and rebuilt bunkers.

They are determined to defend the border of the Central Magic Empire to the death.

“”Here they come! The enemy is coming!”

Three magicians were flying rapidly in the sky, roaring loudly with their extremely hoarse voices. The sound was a little bit shrill.

The sound traveled far in the air and reached the ears of every soldier in the Central Magic Empire Army.

“Here they come.”

A soldier sat in a trench, holding a bolt-action rifle in his arms.

He swallowed, prayed in his heart, and his body was shaking, but he still climbed the trench wall.

“The enemy is coming.”

A soldier took out his pocket watch from his pocket and opened it. Inside the cover of the pocket watch was a prototype photo.

In it, a beautiful girl was smiling brightly.

This was his wife who had just married.

The soldier took a last look at the photo, then put the pocket watch back in his pocket, adjusted his helmet, with a resolute expression on his face, holding a bolt-action rifle in his hand, he climbed up to the upper part of the trench and showed his head.

“Finally here.”

A burly soldier had a relieved smile on his face and greeted his companions.

The helmet on his head was also crooked, and the buckle was casually hanging by his ears.

He didn’t care, climbed up the trench wall and operated the MG42 general-purpose machine gun, with two soldiers beside him as his assistant shooters.

“If I die later, you two bastards have to take my place, don’t run away.”

The burly soldier cursed at his companions beside him.

“Are you kidding me? Would I run? You should worry about your head and make sure it doesn’t get shot through.”

Another soldier patted the burly soldier’s helmet and said,

“”Here they come.”

An officer looked at the wide-brimmed military cap in his hand.

The badge with three magic runes on it was so bright.

He stroked the badge with his white-gloved hand, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then put on his military cap again. After straightening it, his eyes were full of determination. The trenches for 60,000 people were dug very long, and were divided into stages.

In these sections, in the long and narrow trenches, soldiers wearing gray helmets with three magic rune badges on them poked their heads out.

They all held the bolt-action rifles in their hands tightly.

Waiting for the enemy to appear.

“”Woo! Woo!”

Suddenly, a long train whistle sounded, resounding through the sky ahead.

“”Here they come!”

A soldier clenched his rifle tightly, and sweat began to flow down his forehead.

The next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes.

In the distance, there seemed to be a wave coming from the sky.

A long and narrow black line, densely packed with airborne ships.

“Is that the defense line set up by the army of the Roliland world?”

On the sky battleship cluster, the commander-in-chief of the Anluo clan’s air fleet, Jie Jiluo, stood on the bridge. He had a brass night vision goggle-like device on his eyes. He stood on the bridge and kept looking at the defense line of the Central Magic Empire in the distance.

“What a weak line of defense, ha.”

He sneered.

“No wonder the advance team sent us such information. Now it seems that it is correct.”

A green-skinned Anluo adjutant next to him also shook his head and said

“Oh, by the way, haven’t you contacted the advance team that set out earlier?”

The commander-in-chief of the air fleet, Ji Jiluo, looked at the adjutant next to him and asked

“There has been no contact yet.

The adjutant shook his head.

“Do you think something unexpected happened to the advance team?” another alchemist asked.

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