I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: For Your Majesty, Forward! [5/7]

【ps: Today is the fifth update, and there are two more updates】


With one order, the 300 spearmen and shield soldiers began to advance.

“Machine gunner! Shoot!”

The machine gunner lying on the ground suddenly pulled the trigger of the MG42 general-purpose machine gun!


Gunshots rang out like cloth being torn apart, shell casings were thrown out one by one, and the ammunition belt was moving rapidly.

The firepower that was ejected in an instant was extremely terrifying. The spear and shield soldiers on the opposite side fell to the ground in an instant like harvested wheat.

Their large shields and armor did not provide any protection.

The powerful penetrating power of the bullets instantly tore through their flesh and blood, leaving a bloody hole in their bodies.

Rows of Nord soldiers fell to the ground screaming and died.

“Demons! These Los people are demons!”

“They must be using devil’s magic!”

“Ah! Run away!”

In a moment, the casualties of these troops exceeded one hundred.

And their remaining soldiers began to collapse instantly.

The formation was in chaos. The soldiers in the front fled backwards frantically, but the soldiers in the back only heard the sounds in front, and did not know what happened, so they continued to move forward.

The two sides collided with each other.

“”Don’t run away! Hold the line!”

Atiman screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to hold the line, but it was impossible.

All the soldiers were in chaos.

The MG42s on the street were still firing.

“”Damn, this ammunition belt was used up in less than a minute.”

The machine gunner cursed. If the logistics soldiers heard this, who knows how they would curse.

The bullets in these ammunition belts were strung one by one by the logistics soldiers, but they were all used up in less than a minute. The results of the battle were very rich. The enemy’s 1,000-man army had suffered more than 300 casualties. The soldiers in the front began to collapse and collided with the advancing soldiers in the rear.

Instantly, the soldiers in the rear collapsed!

“They’re in disarray, soldiers!”

“”Forward!” the squad leader shouted, raised his 98K and fired forward.

Immediately, ten soldiers, including the machine gunner, picked up their machine guns and moved forward in a skirmish formation.

“The Los are coming!!”

“Run away! If you don’t run away, you will all die!”

This action immediately made the group of soldiers collapse again.

“”Don’t run away! Don’t run away!”

Atiman and several knights screamed, and even killed several deserters with their own hands, but they still couldn’t stop the collapse of the battle.

Looking at the chaotic Nord soldiers who were scrambling to escape, and the number of them was as many as seven or eight hundred. And then looking at the enemy who had only ten people and the Los soldiers who were still advancing.

Atiman collapsed.

The enemy, there were only ten people!!

He was the Nord’s military god, who had fought all his life with incomparable glorious victories and defeats, but now his number was a hundred times that of the enemy.

But he was defeated, and defeated miserably!

“The Knights…..”

Atiman looked at the three remaining knights beside him, and then glanced at the Nord Palace behind him.

He laughed bitterly.

Once upon a time, the Nord Kingdom had thousands of knights, but now there are only three people protecting the palace with him.


Ignoring the defeated soldiers, Atiman’s expression became solemn again. He led the remaining three knights to launch a final attack on the enemy!

He was defeated.

The enemy was ridiculously small with only ten people.

But! He was the god of war of the Nords!

Even if he was defeated or died, he would die on the way to the charge!

Their horses had been blown to death during the bombardment.

But even if they had no horses, they were still knights guarding the Nord Kingdom!

Four people wearing armor, holding swords representing attack and shields representing protection in their hands, blatantly charged at the ten Los soldiers!

“Bang! Bang!”

Two gunshots. The shields did not protect them at all. Two Nord knights were shot and fell to the ground.

Atiman and the last knight had no fear in their hearts. They had long been ready to die.

Another round of shooting.

The knight who followed Atiman to charge also fell.

A bullet pierced his helmeted head.

And Atiman was also shot several times.

The armor on his body was broken, and his whole body was stained with blood.

He was already over sixty years old and seriously injured. He stopped, but did not fall down.

The long sword in his hand was stuck on the ground. Every step he took would make him feel great pain.

But he still insisted on moving forward.

He is the god of war of the Nords and the knight of the Nords!

“The last Nord knight!!”

With his hair and beard all white, he roared for the last time.

Charge! Charge!

“”Bang, bang, bang!”

Another round of gunfire rang out.

The old knight who had protected Nord for his entire life finally fell to the ground.

The burden that had been on his shoulders for decades was finally lifted at this moment.

With the death of this old general, the Nord Kingdom was about to be declared extinct.


Looking at the bodies of the enemies lying on the ground, the squad leader felt a little complicated.

He sighed, but only felt regretful.

Being in different camps, they were all for their own countries.

The old general could die on the way to the charge for the country, and he could do the same!

Not only him, but every Los soldier could do it.

For the country, for His Majesty the King, die on the way to the enemy.

“For your majesty! Forward!”

“”Your Majesty, may you be safe!”

Ten Los soldiers stepped over the old general’s body, shouting slogans and continuing to move forward.

For the sake of His Majesty and the country, they also couldn’t stop!……………

At the top of the Nord Palace, the Nord Kingdom’s black bird flag was erected, but the next moment it was taken down.

Several Los soldiers raised a black flag with a red border and a red dragon painted on it. The dragon flag fluttered.

With the fall of the Nord Kingdom’s capital, Tinor, the entire Nord Kingdom was occupied by the Los Kingdom.

This country, which had been established for more than a hundred years, was also declared extinct at this moment.

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