I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Humans Will Never Be Able to Defeat Orcs

【ps: This is the fifth update, and it will be available soon. The author has to save some manuscripts, and when it is available, he will write them all at once, so that all readers can enjoy it. The author promises that there will still be seven updates a day after it is available, and we ask for your support!! 】】On the border between the Kingdom of Lot and the Kingdom of Los, a group of about a hundred refugees were walking on the road with pale faces and thin bodies, looking very haggard.

There was numbness in their eyes, and they seemed to have lost hope in life.

They were a group of people who escaped from a village looted by orcs. Although they were not rich, they could still survive, but the arrival of the orcs ruined everything.

Brothers, fathers, and sons were killed, and wives, daughters, and sisters were abducted and defiled.

They were also full of hatred for the orcs.


Suddenly a loud noise sounded in front.

The refugees raised their heads and looked forward with numb eyes.

There was suddenly a hint of shock in their unchanged expressions.

A khaki-painted truck, which looked like a strange steel behemoth to them, stopped in front of them.

The soldiers in the car were dressed differently from ordinary soldiers and looked at them with sympathy and pity.

An officer in a black military uniform and a wide-brimmed hat got out of the car, looked at them and asked,”What’s ahead?”

“”Sir, the village of Macka is ahead, and behind Macka is Fort Dillon.”

An old refugee walked tremblingly in front of the officer and said,


The officer nodded, got on the car and said to the refugees:”We are the army of the Los Kingdom, here to drive out the orcs. You can go to our country. Our country is carrying out a large-scale construction project and needs people. If you go, you will have food to eat, a place to live, and money to take.”


“Is there really food and shelter?”

“God, we can finally stop wandering!”

After hearing the officer’s words, the refugees’ numb expressions showed some hope. They were so excited that they were incoherent and talked to each other.

“”Well, drive.”

The officer nodded, and the truck started and drove away.

They didn’t care whether the officer was deceiving them or not, but because of the officer’s words, they had the motivation to live again!

So they continued to move forward, hoping that they could reach the Kingdom of Los before starving to death.

Just as they continued to move forward, suddenly an army came towards them.

They were dressed in the same uniform, and they were neat and tidy.

Looking around, all you could see were densely packed helmets moving neatly in the winding queue.

“We will bring you salvation, redemption”

“Come, come, come to the Kingdom of Los”

“You will be our brothers and sisters”

“We will treat you all equally.”

The soldiers, with high morale, sang military songs loudly during the march. They passed by the refugees in an orderly manner.

A kind-hearted officer rode up to the refugees on horseback. There was fear in the refugees’ eyes. They didn’t know what the officer wanted to do.

But when the officer handed them a piece of food, these poor farmers could no longer hold on and all broke down and cried.

Venting out the suffering they had endured during this period of time.

The marching soldiers came one after another, and the galloping steel behemoths pulled the war weapons that they had never seen before, but were so big that they felt scared, and kept passing by them.

This scene undoubtedly stimulated all the suffering people of the Kingdom of Lot and the wandering refugees of the Kingdom of Qisi along the way.

When they heard the military songs sung by the high-spirited soldiers, some of them also sang along.

“To the Kingdom of Los!”

“There is no suffering, there is no pain”

“They will drive out the orcs”

“We will not starve, we will live a rich and happy life!”

“We will move towards happiness under the leadership of the great King Los!”

When the army of the Kingdom of Los passed by, countless refugees sang the military songs of the Los army. Some of them raised their arms and shouted, leading the serfs, farmers, and civilians who lost their homes and suffered because of the orcs.

Go to the Kingdom of Los!

For a time, the Kingdom of Los became the pure land in the hearts of countless Lot and Qisi people!

The army, knights, and noble lords of Lot and Qisi could not protect them, but the Kingdom of Los could!

And some people who have been to Los City and seen Los City are also constantly talking about the greatness of Los City.

In his description, Los City is a great city that is always bright, without darkness, and everyone is happy and healthy. Big city.

Without oppression, without pain, they will not feel fear.

For a time, the status of Los City in the hearts of countless Lot and Qisi refugees rose sharply, and it could even be compared with the kingdom of the gods in the myths they believed in!

Los City is equal to the city of gods. I don’t know when such words began to spread.

Countless people were inspired and began to flock to the Los Kingdom, hoping to become the citizens of the Los Kingdom.

The capital of the Lot Kingdom has now been occupied by the Orc Empire. The orcs are brutal and murderous, and have carried out more than one massacre in the city.

During this period of time, their army has been enjoying killing people.

“The Kingdom of Los? Where did this little human country come from?”

In the palace of Lot, the orc general Danergu drank a glass of wine in big gulps, and listened to the words of his men, and he sneered disdainfully.

“The Los Kingdom is next to the Lot Kingdom. I heard that their king is quite great. He led an army of several thousand to defeat a human army of one hundred thousand.”

An orc said what he heard.

“Hahahaha, a few thousand people can defeat a hundred thousand human troops, I can do it too, the human army is just a bunch of weaklings, they are weak and vulnerable.”

Danergu sneered, seeming to disdain the Los Kingdom.

“However, they seem to have sent troops into the Kingdom of Lot”

“And they are still singing, saying that they can defeat and expel us. They have been the spiritual support of all the nearby humans for a long time.

The orc touched his chin and said what he knew.

“Dare you send troops? Well! Since they are the spiritual pillars of the people around them, I will completely shatter their false illusions! Let them become our slaves forever!”

“Let them know that a group of weaklings can never defeat the great orcs!”

“Humans should be our slaves forever!”

Danergu slammed the table, and the cup in his hand and the table broke instantly.

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