I Started As A Novel Villain

Chapter 135: Violet Organization

Ye Fei's hair began to raise almost instinctively, and he sensed a great threat approaching.

He even felt as if death was looming!

With that thought in mind, he dashed up to Bai Ruoxi, hugged her, and hurled himself and her down, shouting, "Put your head down!."

Immediately afterwards, a dull gunshot sounded without warning.

Fortunately, Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi had already lay down on the floor, while Bai Ruoxi's beautiful eyes exhibited a glimmer of anxiety, which she quickly dispelled.

Bai Ruoxi wasn't a weak-willed woman after all; despite the fact that she didn't scream in fright, her face was somewhat pale, her palms were damp, and the fear of death loomed in her head.

An assassination attempt!

This term flashed in Bai Ruoxi's mind, and she quickly knew that assassins were after both of their lives.

But the question is whether this assassination attempt is targeting Ye Fei or Bai Ruoxi.

Several rushing thoughts came to her mind, but between life and death, she didn't have sufficient time to conclude or to be able to reach a reasonable explanation.

Soon after, Ye Fei grabbed Bai Ruoxi and the two of them rolled over, and the first thing he did was look for a building or a table to conceal them.

The preceding shot was most likely fired by a sniper in the distance!

Death's scythe would have welcomed both of them if it hadn't been for Ye Fei's quick response.

When confronted with a sniper, the most crucial thing is to take cover immediately; otherwise, Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi will have become practice targets for the sniper!

Ye Fei squinted his eyes to calm himself, realizing that a massive disaster was approaching. It was the first time he had come dangerously near to death since his transmigration.

If he had been even a little negligent just now, he would have perished without obtaining what he truly desired.

Fortunately, Ye Fei's present strength value is significant, and his five senses have been greatly enhanced by methodical transformation and improvement of his physique.

He predicted the impending crisis by constantly relying on his gut instinct.

"Run! We're headed to the woods ahead!" Ye Fei half-pulled and half-hugged Bai Ruoxi before sprinting away while bringing her to a nearby forest.

Ye Fei was aware that there were snipers among the assassins, and the wooden trees provided excellent protection from the snipers' bullets.

He and Bai Ruoxi dashed farther into the forest, pulling her in an uneven zigzag pattern.

This was an efficient method of concealment and evading sniper shots.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the edge of the forest, and out of the corner of their eyes, they saw a dark figure appear and sprinting towards them!

The man was clad entirely in black and appeared to be malicious. His stature wasn't very tall, but he appeared to be rather muscular. His face was hidden by a mask, revealing just a set of vicious eyes.

The man's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he brandished a three-sided knife.

The knife in the man's hand is exceedingly lethal, and anybody unfortunate enough to be inflicted a fatal mark may die from severe blood loss.

Another assassin, this time a professional close-combat assassin!

Ye Fei's heart wrenched, and he made a snap decision.

He entered into contemplation in his head, and the facts presented to him began to match. First and foremost, two assassins emerged, one with a sniper rifle in the distance and the other at close quarters.

Ye Fei instantly deduced that the target of assassination was Bai Ruoxi!

Additionally, the way of assassination resembled how Bai Ruoxi's father died.

"Bai Ruoxi! Get behind me!." Ye Fei screamed worriedly.

Bai Ruoxi's cheeks were flushed, and she had evidently reached the same conclusion as Ye Fei.

The assassin quickly approached them with his three-sided knife and ran towards Bai Ruoxi.

Facing the murderous eyes of the assassin, Bai Ruoxi felt the threat of death approaching.

Ye Fei's mind immediately went into a state of confusion, his expression fearful, but reinforcing his will, he pushed Bai Ruoxi to the side.

The assassin in black foresaw this and turned furiously, forcefully turning his hand and boldly attempting to stab Bai Ruoxi, as if determined to win and obligated to take her life!

At the same time, Ye Fei steadied his form, elevated his feet, his gaze fixed on the assassin, and suddenly just the sound of air bursting through could be heard.

Ye Fei's foot was heavily fortified in Qi.


His foot dipped quickly and kicked precisely into the spot where the killer's heart is!

The murderer's ferocious eyes flashed with surprise, and he certainly didn't anticipate Ye Fei's reaction to be so quick, and his strength to be so terrifyingly despotic.

Ye Fei kicked a key part of the killer's body which would definitely make him have hemiplegia since the strength of his foot was incredible.

The assassin immediately sensed something was wrong, he clutched his chest and spit came out of his mouth, he rolled sideways, but determined to finish off his target, he slowly rose up.

Ye Fei took advantage of the situation and kicked the assassin into the nearby small tree.

A sound of a person collapsing into a tree was heard, but the assassin used his hands to deflect the kick and quickly stood up.

The assassin caught a glimpse of the force behind Ye Fei's kicks and felt his heart become cold. He just had to meet a master. If this kick struck him in any crucial areas, he would almost certainly die.

The murderer made a quick decision and shifted the target of his attack.

Although the assassin's primary target was Bai Ruoxi, as long as Ye Fei intervened, he would find it impossible to perform the assassination.

As a result, he decisively locked on a different target, Ye Fei, who is solely capable of fighting.

Bai Ruoxi will naturally die helplessly as long as Ye Fei is killed!

The assassin rolled his body to evade Ye Fei's quick critical blow, then charged at him with the three-sided sword in his hand.

Each stab hurled at Ye Fei was razor-sharp and unparalleled.

Unfortunately for the assassin, Ye Fei had already reacted. He was aware of the incredible strength of this three-sided knife, and he knew that if he was wounded by it, he would be gravely harmed.

Every slash and stab from the triangle knife was promptly deflected and avoided by Ye Fei.

The assassin was also extraordinarily swift, and practically all of his attacks were directed towards Ye Fei's critical areas.

Fortunately, Ye Fei was alert, and he only heard the three-sided blades creating constant wind noises in the air while he continued to dodge.

Ye Fei remained cool throughout the confrontation with the assassin.

He was fully aware that as long as he was a little reckless, his life was hanging by a thread.

The opponent was the result of a well-planned and orchestrated assassination.

A sniper was in the distance, and a vicious assassin was hiding close. Under normal circumstances, even if Bai Ruoxi has a bodyguard by her side, the outcome would be disastrous.

In the original , Bai Ruoxi had never encountered such an assassination like this

Ye Fei's thoughts began racing. Through his fight with the mask killer and his simplistic interpretation of the 's plot, he had deduced the identity of the two assassins.

He concluded that these two assassins should be sent out by the Violet Organization!

Such well-trained killers should be from the Violet Organization from the East Sakura Kingdom!

While Ye Fei's mind was racing, the motions of his hands continued unabated. Because Ye Fei was fighting close to the killer, there was no need to be concerned about the sniper in the dark for the time being.

After all, Ye Fei already had the trees as cover, and with his close combat fight with the killer, the sniper had missed his chance to fire at this moment.

While constantly escaping the assassin's ferocious attack, Ye Fei discovered a gap.

He began to counterattack!

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