I started out as an Umbrella cadre

Chapter 63

William's laboratory in the underground research institute was in a mess.

Several T viruses were shattered in the battle just now and scattered all over the floor.

The mice that escaped from the laboratory, probably because of the attack, were licking the T virus liquid on the ground.

They looked like they were eating some delicious food.

Squeak, squeak, the laboratory mice that licked the T virus liquid were so scared that they ran away when they saw Tihestia.

They ran away from the sewer drain of the laboratory.

""Hey, ran away?" Tihestia threw the recovered G-1 against the wall in frustration, and then left the extremely messy laboratory.

On the other side, Hank reconnected with U.S.

S reunited, and everyone was shocked that he could face the mutated William alone and still survive..S.S issued a new order, and after handing over the G virus, he temporarily stayed in Raccoon City on standby.

He didn't notice that in the chaos just now, the leader of the Wolf Pack, Rupert, had glued a dust-sized chip into the password box storing the virus.

Whether it was Tihestia or U who had just escaped from the battle,.S.None of them could have imagined that it was the little white mouse that created the most terrifying threat.

In the laboratory sewer, a little white mouse was lying inside, its flesh and blood twisting wildly, and people would even wonder if it would explode.

In just less than 5 minutes, this little white mouse was a whole circle larger than the gray mouse in the sewer, and its red eyes locked onto a sewer rat.

Squeak, a sewer rat was bitten madly by the white mutant mouse, and its flesh and blood were blurred.

After a while, the gray mouse that should have died opened its eyes again and moved towards the location where the rats were the most.

A sewer massacre that people could not see was going on.

As night fell, a homeless man was rummaging through the trash cans in the alley, hoping to find some recyclable plastic bottles. He could exchange them for 1 cent each in the supermarket, and as long as he collected 10, he could buy a hamburger. This behavior is often called treasure hunting by homeless people in North America.

Just as the homeless man was looking at the treasure hunting results in his hands with satisfaction, a shrill dog barking came from the depths of the alley, and then there was no movement at all.

"What is that? The homeless man felt goosebumps all over his body. He stared at the dark alley entrance, trying to find something.

At this time, a bloody wild dog slowly emerged from the shadows.

""Woof!" The fur of the stray dog, which had already fallen off and was covered in blood, suddenly ran towards the homeless man.

The homeless man was so scared that he turned around and ran, but he couldn't outrun the fast-moving stray dog. The stray dog jumped over him and bit his neck.

"HELP!!!"A shrill scream sounded in the dark alley, and finally gradually became weaker. Not long after, a slow and leisurely figure walked out of the alley.

At this time, a couple was passing by the door of the convenience store, and they suddenly saw a swaying figure.

"Oh! Jesus! What happened to him?

The girl covered her mouth and looked at the homeless man covered in blood with horror.

As if to show his bravery and kindness, the man walked forward.

"Sir? Do you need help? Hey, wait, are you okay? Hey! Stop! Stop! Don't come forward, I'm going to call the police."

The next second, a girl screamed, instantly attracting the attention of some passers-by.

Several passers-by were attracted by the screams and immediately came forward to watch. They saw the homeless man biting a young man. Someone immediately called 120, and someone else called R..P.D"

At this time, two brave strong men immediately stepped forward to pull the homeless man away, but they did not notice that the young man who was bitten to pieces suddenly opened his eyes. He grabbed one of the calves and madly bit off a large piece of flesh!

Everyone screamed again when they saw this. Coincidentally, at this time, an R.P.D's police car passed by.

Two police officers got off. They received a report of an attack in the neighborhood and saw the scene as soon as they came.

Although the two police officers were only holding a police M9 pistol and an M870 shotgun, they were still enough to deter

"Police! Don't move!!! Or we will shoot." Seeing a madman attacking innocent citizens, they immediately pointed their guns at the bloody people over there.

But the three bloody people seemed to be possessed by demons and did not listen to their instructions at all. They actually grabbed the remaining person and continued to bite him.

"Ah! Damn it, it's me, brother, what are you doing!" (A scream sounded)

"Fire, fire!" Seeing this scene, the two police officers felt their scalps go numb. After all, they were federal police. They didn't think twice and just shot at the"madmen" over there. The

M870 shotgun directly blew the head of a"madman".

The other two homeless people who were"eating" stood up and staggered towards the police. The police officer, who was extremely frightened, pulled the trigger and almost emptied the magazine of the M9 pistol, but the two madmen continued to move forward as if nothing had happened....

At this time, the injured person on the ground also climbed up, emitting

"Uh uh...."A terrible whimpering sounded.

Tonight, the sirens in Raccoon City were blaring. 911 was called countless times throughout the night. The most common phrase the operator heard was that a madman was found and someone was attacking.

However, compared to the hundreds of thousands of people in Raccoon City, it seemed that this epidemic was still a small problem and could be controlled. At the Umbrella headquarters in Raccoon City, Cui Zhiyun hurriedly pushed open the door of Chen Feng's office.

"Boss, there is a report that a virus leak occurred in the underground research institute. Deputy Director Kane has organized a group of people to investigate."

Chen Feng took the report, glanced at it, and then threw it on the desk.

"I understand."

After Cui Zhiyun left, Chen Feng looked down at the city indifferently. Even here, he could hear the continuous sirens below.

The virus was still leaked. Although strictly speaking, it was an accident, U.S.S is only Spencer, but Chen Feng knew very well that all this was happening, but he did not choose to stop it.

If he had to choose an outbreak point, he would rather have it break out in the underground research institute rather than leaking out from the hive. In this way, Kane and the others would have no reason to release the virus.

"Everything is going as planned."

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