I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 108

Virah placed the gas mask she bought from the Goldenrod Mall on top of her workbench.

The full face gas mask that she got was a common item typically found hanging from the belts of Hikers, and it was a smooth little thing with two goggles for eyes as well as a pair of holes that acted as a filter on either cheek.

It was their first day back on Goldenrod and after a bit of talking, she and her friends decided that they should take a step back from any trainer related activities for the time being and simply rest.

That was why she was peacefully working on her future mask for the time being.

The gas mask in front of her didn't truly need the goggles on the upper part of the entire thing and thus, she decided to cut everything above the nose off.

She covered the protruding filters with tape and thick cloth before taking out a can of spray paint from her bag, she took the two items away from the table and into a corner of the room she covered in cardboard.

Virah scanned the dimensions of the map as she shook the can in her hand, plastered on the wall in front of her were ripped pages containing the design she had been working on.

The mask all in all had three different layers, and three of the four pages had these respective layers drawn on them, with the last one being what the finished mask would look like.

The first layer involved Virah putting basic gray paint on the dirt brown of the gas mask's leather, she thickened the spray, spending around two cans' worth of it to ensure that there's a layer on top of the leather, she then rubbed the surface with sand paper to smooth it out.

After that, she went out of her workshop to take a small break, she pulled down her mask and ate lunch and once her two sandwiches were gone, she went back to tinkering.

Virah took out a bunch of materials from her bag, items such as thick foam, hard plastic, and synthetic fiber were laid out on the work bench for her to cut, mold, and reshape into the second layer of her mask.

The next layer was the main design of the mask itself, and what she based it of off was the mouth of a Ghastly shaped in a way to look like that of a Haunter's grin.

Recreating the zig-zagged shape of the Haunter would be hard, though not impossible.

Virah didn't really think it was a good idea however so she settled with an "M" like shape for the mouth of her mask, the lengthened mouth was made using plastic which served as both the foundation as well as the outline of the mouth itself.

Within the spaces of the letter was a thick layer of synthetic fiber, which Virah folded a few times to give it a softened feel, there was foam underneath the fabric to add to the softness as well.

Virah placed the mouth on top of the mask, she sighed in relief when it fit perfectly, the filters of the gas mask were directly on the edges of the mouth so they wouldn't be obstructed by the add on.

Since they didn't fit the unified feel of the mask she had designed, Virah decided to cover the filters with foam followed by covering the entirety of the mask with synthetic fabric.

She placed the mouth then and as she waited for the adhesive to harden, she worked on the hood that she'd attach to the mask.

It wasn't hard to do since she already had the foam and fiber to make the entire thing, all that's left was for her to stitch them together into a cohesive shape.

'Now, to attach it to the mask,' Virah thought as she grabbed a pair of buttons from her bag, she grabbed the two tails growing from the bottom of the hood and sewed the buttons into them, then she inserted those buttons on the hole she punctured on the sides of the mask and voila, she was done.

Virah placed the finished product on top of her work bench and stepped back.

For such a simple design, she still had to spend hours making it and she felt pretty proud of the end result.

Virah put the mask away and walked on over to the device she jury rigged to pump her thunder dust full of voltage, it had been slowly putting electricity on her latest batch during the entire day so Virah had high hopes that the resulting bottles would be her desired results.

The silent whirring stopped once Virah turned the device off, she opened it and grabbed the 6 bottles within.

Almost immediately, the results of her more careful approach in making the vials had shown themselves, instead of her the hair across her body standing up from touching one of the bottles, she only felt mild numbness from first contact.

'Looking good so far,' the poison specialist thought as she lifted the bottle to eye level, it didn't glow as much as her first bottle, which was a good thing.

She placed all six bottles down on her workbench and took out her Pokedex.

Virah had used smaller pieces of her Thunder Stone to make these because as it turns out, move induced Paralysis was actually more acutely related consistent to electrical voltage rather than electrical power.

It was why powerful moves such as Thunderbolt only had a small percentage of paralyzing.

Because the Pokemon using these moves were focused on putting in as much power into the attack as possible, the voltage would only run through their opponent for a split second before dissipating.

It was like touching an open circuit, sure, you'd get shocked and your muscles would spasm but unless it's under very specific circumstances or you get exposed to the current for a long time then your muscles would only lock up once, after that you're free to go with relatively little consequences.

The small percentage of paralysis induced by Electric Type Moves happens when the voltage runs for at least five seconds while moves like Thunder Wave not only shoot out nothing but high voltage waves, they are also chock full of Electric Type Energy.

And Virah's thunder dust, if her theory is correct, should have the same properties as Thunder Wave.

'Paralysis upon exposure,' Virah thought with glee as she put the bottle back down.

She stored all six back inside her bag, cleaned her workshop, and then walked out in silence. She threw on her ninja gear, mask and all, when she reached the last flight of stairs.

It was dark when she finally got out and a quick scan of the slums told her all she needed to know about the current state of the area; the gangs were paranoid and they were on the defensive.

Virah turned away from the patrolling members of Guiomar and dashed to the safer parts of the city.

Once she got back to the breeding centre, she went inside her room, cleaned herself, and immediately got to work on improving her written plans against the gangs this upcoming week.

The first of their targets would be Team Rocket, Virah had already sent Jet earlier to scout their part of the slums and as the Zubat returned to her over the course of the entire day, Virah learned more about the group and their operations.

'If rocket falls, there's going to be a power vacuum that'll keep the slums occupied for the following months,' Virah considered as she placed a sticky note on her room's board, she put a pin on it and connected it to another one using colored string.

Virah knew that it was wrong for her to cause the people there to be put in between the gangs' line of fire.

She also knew that it was better for her to leave the current state of the slums as is but she wanted revenge, and she'd do everything in her power to know more about the person responsible for killing Ratata.

And if that means lighting the metaphorical powder keg within the slums and ruining their tense peace then she'd do it. Willingly.

Virah closed her notebook and cleared the board.

She'd silently make her moves during the following week, scouting the slums, gathering information on the gangs, and making preparations to take out Team Rocket.

For now, she'd rest, she has a long day ahead of her tomorrow.

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