I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 124

The Scyther raised the berry stuck to his scythe up to his mouth, it opened his jaws in anticipation, saliva drooling from his gums at the mere thought of munching on a chesto berry.

his eye caught the cold glint of steel on the corner of his vision, he moved, shoulder muscles pumping as he buzzed his wings to their highest frequency.

His powerful legs allowed him to jump out of the shuriken's trajectory and towards safety, his green form becoming nothing more than an emerald blur between tree trunks.

He landed with a scowl directed at the hidden assailant, and with a powerful roar, he took a leap.

His eyes widened at the sudden interruption of a Zubat, the interloper aimed for his head with head while using Aerial Ace and the Bug Type was forced to divert his flight using Dual Wingbeat.

He maneuvered out of the attack and repositioned himself on the ground, where he was then further assaulted by a flock of shurikens that emerged out of the canopy.

He roared in challenge, wings spread wide and blades pointed outward.

The Pokemon that answered his call was the Zubat, in an explosion of leaves, it came out of the canopies and came at him, wings aglow and speed increasing with each minute.

He met the attack head on, his scythes glowed green as he used X Scissor, he jumped and met the Zubat in the air, their attacks collided, its wings against his scythes, and ultimately, the one that came out on top was the Flying Type.

The Scyther landed on the ground feet first, he bent his knees to absorb the impact and glared at his opponent as his body slid across the ground, his claws leaving a long gash on the forest floor.

When the shurikens came again, he was forced to weave around their spinning forms to save his wings from being tattered.

He could only glare at the source for a split second before the Zubat assaulted him with more Aerial Aces that left him breathless and exhausted.

He continued to fight, not slowing down for a single second as he used Dual Wingbeat and X Scissor in quick succession, Quick Attack came soon after to dodge another volley of shurikens in tandem with another Aerial Ace.

The Scyther roared, he tried to run, a futile attempt that left his back vulnerable to be stabbed by a blade.

The pointed tip punctured his carapace and broke past his flesh, a screech of agony came out of his mouth and he was forced to fight back against his assailant, he raised his Scythe, the move Slash causing it to glow a baleful white.

He slashed with all the anger he could muster, the blades of his scythes aimed at the arms of the human.

The girl raised her blade and blocked his attack with it, she jumped back, her breathing audible to the Scyther, she checked her weapon for any scratches or dents, only to sigh in relief when there wasn't a single scratch on its surface.

With X Scissor infusing his scythes, the Scyther bent its legs and roared, he jumped, his body hurdling towards the little girl, in response, she rolled on the ground, dodging the Scyther's bulk just as her Zubat came from the skies to attack the Bug Type from behind.

The Scyther fell to the ground in a painful grunt, his chest hurt from simply breathing, and his vision was starting to swim.

Another stab to the back caused another roar of pain to erupt from his mouth, his lungs gasped for air, only to find nothing as the human punched his nose, his throat constricted and he choked, he started coughing.

The Zubat then came to attack him on the head with Quick Attack, and he fell unconscious.

Virah heaved as she looked down on the unconscious form of the Flying/Bug Type double teaming a Scyther made the attack easier but she knew that without the careful planning she did beforehand, it would have taken them more effort to put down the Scyther.

"Okay," she said and tossed out Nitro, she met her Beedrill's gaze, "I want you to chop off his arms,"

"Beedrill!" Nitro agreed quicker than she had anticipated.

Virah smiled, "alright, I'll lift his arms, and I want you to aim for joints okay? We'll remove one of these,"

The process went by quick, and Virah feared for the worse during meditation when she started hearing the crunching noises that came out of the Scyther's flesh each time Nitro struck it with his drills.

Once one of the scythes came off, she moved on to find another Scyther and the plan repeated after that, with her attacking the Bug Type in tandem with Jet and through both their speed, the Pokemon wasn't able to catch them, let alone land an attack.

When the second scythe came off, Virah proceeded to run around the forest in search of a Flaaffy and it took her to venturing towards the deeper parts to get even a single sign of its fur.

Searching for one led her even deeper but eventually, she managed to shave off the fur of two Flaaffy's after asking them nicely and offering berries in return.

After that, she decided she might as well find a Sudowoodoo while she's in the depths of Ilex Forest and from there, she looked for tracks and followed them until she was staring at a stationary plant which looked positively normal.

That is unless one looked hard enough, by then they'd notice the fact that the bark of the plant looked coarse, the color was slightly off, and the lines on the surface resembled cliffs rather than tree bark.

Virah scanned the environment surrounding the Sudowoodoo first.

Then when she realized that there was nothing that could hinder her future assault on it, she made a plan that involved Nitro fighting it on a one on one.

She and Jet would be on the sidelines, assisting the Beedrill with shurikens, kunais, and the occasional Bite to prevent a one sided fight.

With the plan set, Virah released her starter, ordered him to start the battle with String Shot, and once the Sudowoodoo was trapped, Electroweb.

The dark forest went alight with yellow lightning for a split second before dying down, letting darkness loom once more.

The Sudowoodoo roared in pain but then was quickly shut up when Nitro came out of the darkness to entrap it with another String Shot followed by Fury Attack.

Virah leaped from the shadows and aimed a Kunai at the base of the Rock Type's twig-like arms, seeing her weapon block a Scyther's X Scissor without a single scratch had made her more confident in using it against stronger Pokemon.

That Ninja didn't lie when he said to use it against Scizor's, and Virah hoped that when her sword is done, the weapon would be just as, if not stronger than her kunai.

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