I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 134

Virah awoke with a groan, her fingers ran circles on the sides of her head to sooth her growing headache as the sunrays filtering through the window enlightened her closed eyelids, coloring her otherwise dark vision orange.

Last night had been filled with work, and after what was a simple break in that turned into a creepy encounter with a psychically high woman, was hours upon hours of writing, reviewing, and expanding of the information she had gotten.

Now, it all culminated to her literally waking up with a headache and late into the day, Whitney and Grene hadn't come by and instead left a message that they would continue their Aura and physical training in Ilex Forest.

Virah silently prayed to Ho oh that they were safe.

And speaking of Ilex Forest, today was the day where she would get both Diox from the Pokemon Center as well as her Katana from Kurt.

Virah changed out of her night wear, finished breakfast, and quickly headed out of the Inn to finally have the Pokemon and sword she has been waiting for.

The first stop was the Pokemon Center, a Nurse Joy was already waiting for her when she got there and the woman gestured for Virah to follow.

"Ghastly has been behaving ever since he got here, which is a good sign," the nurse explained what Virah already knew, "he's a docile Ghost Type so make sure to keep him that way okay? Otherwise the League would be forced to take him away from you, we don't want an aggressive Gengar trained by a trainer running around the streets after all,"

"I'll make sure that he doesn't step out of bounds," Virah nodded.

After that explanation, she now somewhat understood why it took her this long to properly get Diox sanctioned as part of her team because if he did, somehow, escape from her and turned into a wild Pokemon, things would get dire real quick.

A Gengar is bad enough, but one experienced in battling, had moves taught to him, and lived inside human society would be a nightmare.

Virah shuddered at the thought of a Gengar that knew how to navigate the concrete jungles that were the cities and towns of human civilization.

They got to Diox's chamber and the Ghastly quickly reacted to her in a positive manner, he flew away from his spot and started to wave back and forth in front of the aura infused glass window.

Virah looked at her newest team member with a fond smile before turning to the Channeler who she noticed had been standing next to the door ever since they got here.

"Is he okay now?" Virah asked.

"Yes," the Channeler confirmed, "but before we allow you to carry him around, we must see that he is willing to follow your orders," explained the robed woman, "a green light on all the tests we conducted isn't enough, we also need you to go inside and order him to use his moves,

A paper with Diox's registered I.D printed on it was handed to her by the Nurse Joy followed by, "don't worry, the Channeler will ensure that you're safe,"

"Thanks," Virah bowed in gratitude before heading for the door with confidence.

Personally, she didn't see the need to watch over her because she could take care of herself, and that's assuming Diox would want to harm her, which he won't, Virah instinctively felt that he wouldn't.

She looked at Diox's I.D as she stepped inside the sterile white room.

"Okay, Diox," she didn't even look up from the paper as she called her Pokemon's name, "you have four moves, Lick, Poison Gas, Scary Face, and Astonish," Virah met her Ghastly's gaze, "I want you to use them all in quick succession okay?"

"Ghastly!" Her Ghost Type bobbed up and down to show that he was nodding.

"Okay, so," Virah tapped on the paper, "use Lick on that dummy over there,"

Diox faced the pillow-wrapped mannequin with a surgical mask in the center of the room and flew towards it.

Virah observed his speed, she considered the fact that he was taking this casually and was aware that this was a test in her calculations.

From the way Diox effortlessly hovered towards the dummy, she could tell that he had more speed to spare than the leisurely stroll he was doing but she won't be able to confirm it without a proper inspection using lab equipment.

A long, pink tongue came out of the orb at the center of Diox's gaseous body and licked the dummy.

He faced her, "Ghastly?"

"Now use Poison Gas," Virah ordered the next move to be used.

A thick fog of mist got cut off from Diox's body and flowed towards the dummy, the pillows and the surgical mask showed signs of being melted seconds after they were exposed to the gas.

Virah found that interesting, really interesting. Hm, that was a sign that the gas that made up Diox was potent.

"Good job," now feeling more confident thanks to that show of potency, Virah called out the next move with more energy, "now use Scary Face,"

The room suddenly went dark, lights flickered on and off, and the dummy started to shake, moments later, a grinning face with bulbous eyes came out of her Ghastly.

Diox's Ghost Type Aura was strong as well…

Well then, it seemed that she no longer needed to worry about finding another Ghastly in the future because the one that she had was more than powerful enough to stay in here team.

The last test came and went, with Diox simply phasing through the dummy and tossing it away, that was the effect Astonish had on non-living items but against actual Pokemon, the move would do nothing more than make them flinch.

As expected, Diox passed with flying colors and Virah was allowed to take him out of the Pokemon center and turn him into a proper member of her team.

She got out of the Pokemon Center wearing a smile.

Virah made her way out of Azalea and into Kurt's smithy, she entered with a knock and once more found herself inside an empty Pokeball shop.

Strangely enough, Kurt was in the counter waiting for her, a box sat in front of him.

"Is that my sword?" Virah pointed at the red and black box, Kurt nodded, "oh, that-" she hummed, "I thought it'd be bigger,"

"You're still young," Kurt refuted, "so it's only natural for you to wield a Katana in your weight class, on the bright side, you bringing me two Scyther blades meant that I made you two pairs, use them however you like,"

The smith gestured at the box.

Virah ran her hand across the smooth roof of the container, the red was fabric, or wool rather, was this what the Flaaffy wool was used for?

Virah reached for the latch in an opening at the center and pressed, a click entered her ears and the force holding the box close suddenly came loose, allowing her to lift the lid open.

Virah held up one of the swords with barely contained excitement, both had different colors, the one in her hand was black while the one inside the box was white.

A roaring Gyrados marked the body of both swords their colors a perfect compliment to the glint of the steel the blades were made of, the one in Ivory was blue, while the Gyrados in the ebony was red.

Virah checked the length, both were of the same size, around 2 and a half feet, so the length of her arms.

She waved it around to get a feel for the weight and smiled, "this is so smooth to swing…"

It spoke of the workmanship of the old smith smiling in front of her.

"Thank you for the compliment," Kurt said, "now, unless you want something else from me, I want you to leave,"

"Ah," Virah said, "do you sell shurikens?"

Kurt narrowed his eyes before nodding.

Virah got out of the smithy with three more boxes of ninja stars, ready to be used in her infiltration of the rocket base hidden inside the Slowpoke well beneath Azalea Town.

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