I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 82

Virah hopped over the guard rail of a fire exit, she called on her aura as the wind blew on her ears and landed on the ground with nothing more than a grunt.

She looked around the empty alleyway.

Despite the kind of place she was on, it was mostly clean and free of trash, her eyes lingered on the two dumpsters blocking either side of the path for a while before she walked towards the only door in the vicinity.

'Guess Grene wasn't lying, this place really has been blocked,' Virah thought to herself as she entered the building from the back.

Compared to the oddly clean alleyway she just got out of, the hallway that greeted her upon entering was unmaintained. Dust littered the floor, broken bulbs hung from the ceiling, and the furniture were covered in plastic wraps.

Virah's footsteps had a hint of trepidation as she walked along the empty corridors, the looming darkness was barely illuminated by the light going through the boarded windows and it gave off this feeling that a Haunter would jump at her from the darkness.

To Virah's relieved surprise, nothing like that happened and she exited the corridor and walked into an abandoned office, here, she proceeded to search for a vent with a loose cover.

She pried it off, entered the vents, and then covered it once more.

For convenience sake, most buildings have vents big enough to fit in a decently sized Raticate, and sometimes even a Muk if the structure's design is big enough to warrant it.

The building she was in was one of the latter and so, Virah didn't have any problems when it comes to space, she was able to crawl along the ducts in full range of motion with room to spare.

Dust and trash were sparse too, mostly thanks to all the Pokemon helping keep the place clean.

She only had a whiff of it, but she recognized the toxic scent of a Koffing when she smells it, she silently thanked the absent Poison Type for eating all the dust in the vent.

After crawling for a bit more, she eventually found herself looking up at an upward duct that she had climb, it led her to an open rooftop that she used to jumped over to another building, one that was just as abandoned as the last.

She ran towards a rooftop entrance and once the door closed behind her, she shook off her dusty ninja mask and let out a sigh, "that was a lot," she commented while shaking her head, "I'm tired."

She wanted to slump against the wall and just sit there, resting but kept herself straight and went down several stairways until she reached the first floor, one that has been modified into a boxing ring and gym.

Here, she sat down on a bench and waited for everyone else to come.

She closed her eyes and focused on her aura, with the kind of area she was on and the free time on her hands, she deemed that it was the perfect time to practice circulating the energy around her body.

Because it was in an area that favored her for once, gathering the dormant Type Energy from her surroundings felt invigorating and there was so much of it that her circulation actually sped up.

She let herself sink in this feeling of satisfaction for a while, she did have to stop however since there were sounds coming from upstairs.

Virah opened her eyes and turned towards the stairway.

Moments later, Kitten popped up, followed by Jet and Galeforce.

"Did you three do well?" Virah got out of her cross-legged position and focused on the three Pokemon.

Kitten spread his arms and let out a slow drawl of a pur while shaking his head dismissively,"Mrowww~"

"Yes, yes, it was easy," Virah made a show of rolling her eyes, she grinned, "so, how'd it go?"

"Zubat!" Jet answered.

"Pidgey, Pidgey," Galeforce nodded.

"Four buildings huh?" Virah looked upward while pressing a finger against her chin, "that's… good…" she nodded, "okay, what about Efrosin?"

"Mrowww~" Kitten replied.

Virah tilted her head, "drugs?" The Meowth nodded, "I… hm. Guess they dabble on that… I should have expected it when their leader had a Grass/Poison Type,"

Efrosin being drug dealers made a good amount of sense, and also, it will make hunting them down a whole lot easier since there are very few methods to make recreational drugs for cheap, mainly; the Oddish and Bellsprout line.

'And Venomoth scales too,' Virah considered, 'but is there even someone who has a Pokemon like that in the gang?"

There should be, and going by that chain of logic, the gang should have plenty of Poison Types, which means that fighting them would be both hard and easy for her.

Hard because they'll resist her team and easy because her team also resists them back. And not to mention, her aura will prevent her from being poisoned or drugged so any Koffing/ Spore based tactics won't work on her.

"Okay… that's kind of doable," Virah nodded.

She talked with the three Pokemon more and asked for details about the buildings and much to her surprise, Kitten went as far as sketching out the layout of the buildings.

"There's an entrance here," Virah pointed at a door, "here," and another, "and here," she finished, "three different ways to enter the building but unfortunately, we won't be using any of those,"

The poison specialist eyed the sketch again and this time, she pointed at the windows, "these, though, will be fair game," she said, "they'll be reinforced," she guessed, "which brings me to you, Galeforce,"

The Pidgey nodded, "Pi- Pi- Pi-," the Flying Type started with the areas he went to for scouting, "Pidgey, Pi, Pidgey," followed by explaining the things he saw, then finishing it off with the Pokemon's state of evolution, "Pidgey,"

"So most of them are first stage huh?" Virah focused on that last part, "that's the kind of power level we need to exceed, which really isn't saying much,"

The three Pokemon looked at each other, then back to Virah, "Pidgey?"

"No, no we don't," Virah answered, "but who needs a Pokemon on the second stage of their evolution anyway?"

Virah shook her head, which gradually slowed down until her gesture shifted into a wry smile, "well… we don't need something like that, for now…"

She clapped, "anyhow, our targets are less important buildings so we can get supplies and stuff," she explained and when everyone shot her a curious look, she elaborated further, "buildings like that would be protected less while also having stuff for us to use,"

"Zubat?" Jet asked.

"No, not really, not as much as I'd want anyway," Virah shook her head in disappointment, "but that's why they're low level buildings, if they really did have important things in there, then they'd be protected more,"

"Mrowww~" Kitten joined in.

"The plan huh?" Virah grinned, "it's simple: there will be two different phases, one is the sneaking phase, followed by escaping,"


"Pidgey, Pi!" Galeforce nodded in agreement to his fellow flier's words.

"Well we do want to destroy the building, but not in a straight forward manner," Virah explained calmly, "no, instead I want us to sneak in, destroy important supports, then break it down from the outside,"

"Meowth." Kitten guessed.

"Yeah, that's why Grene and her team are planned to be stationed outside," Virah grinned, "they're going to demolish the building once we're done."

"Mrowww?" Kitten asked, "Meow- Meowth,"

"What I want huh?" Virah crossed her arms and tapped her foot, "it's simple, I want to get Pokeballs, berries, Pokedollars, and then, if possible, evolution stones,"

"Pidgey?" Galeforce asked.

"I'm sure they have one," Virah shrugged, "or at least I hope so,"

"Mrowww~" Kitten questioned.

"Well, I want the evolution stones because I'm testing out if it's possible for me to recreate moves using them," Virah answered honestly.

"Mrowww?" Kitten curiously replied.

"I think it's possible… I don't really know though," Virah shrugged, "right now I'm testing it out on the Thunderstone that I won from the Pokeathlon but nothing so far,"

"Mrow~" Kitten grinned.

"Yep!" Virah wore the same feline-like expression, "being able to use Paralysis by myself is going to be a pretty big deal going forward,"

Kitten leaned back, "Mrow?"

"Right, guess I got a bit off track-" Virah rolled up the map and replaced it with her Pokedex, "okay, we'll review all the Pokemon that Galeforce mentioned, write them down, and then brainstorm even further when Grene and Whitney come here,"

The three Pokemon nodded and Virah smiled, their raid on a chosen base tomorrow night would be their first ever attempt at the whole "vigilante" shtick that they wanted to do and she couldn't wait.

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