I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 90

Virah entered the haphazard workshop she has been setting up during the past week, preparing this, the Pokeathlon as well as their raid at the same time had been surprisingly easy.

Especially her workshop as beyond finding a hidden spot in the slums to set it up in, she only ever really needed to buy all the tools she needed for "alchemy".

And what a neat word, alchemy, it's not the science that Silph Co uses to make their products nor is it the calculated research that trainers use to make the best out of their teams and improve them.

It was something between the two then interlaced with Aura, and she's only tapping the fundamentals of it but she already knew the basics of science as well as a good portion of move theory.

As for Aura-

Virah dropped the book Grene lended her on the table and opened it on the page she last bookmarked. She took out a notebook and read through the page.

She wrote down anything that she thought was important when it came to the theoritical interactions between different types of Aura before moving on to the next few pages.

Once she thought she had written enough, she stopped and took out the TM Player she bought and inserted the TM that Warley had given her yesterday.

The disc was slowly spinning as Virah closed the lid, and up top, the screen went static before shifting into a menu, Virah fiddled around with it and played the tutorial on how to use Quick Attack.

A few minutes later, the video stopped playing and the Persian meowing at the camera waved goodbye.

Virah leaned back, the entire thing was clearly meant to be used, taught to, and watched by Pokemon but her ability to understand them had bridged that gap, and what she learned were confirmations on a few of the written notes she had on interactions between different Type Energies.

Virah played the video again, wrote down important parts of it, and then she compared it to her notes.

She grabbed another notebook, this one empty.

The notebook was so new that the scent of fresh plastic still wafted off of it and the pages felt cold to the touch.

Virah stopped caressing the paper and grabbed her pen, she replayed the video, grabbed her notes, and started writing down her own theories on the subject.

At some point, she had taken out her Pokedex and reading through the pages of Pokemon confirmed to be adept on how to use element specific Aura had hastened her studies.

She compared everything together and once she thought she had written enough, she unhooked the clasp of her notebook's spine, took out the written pages, then transferred them over to her original notebook.

For the next step, she turned off the TM player and only used the Pokedex as well as her notes to write down a more "solidified" theory on the basics of Type Energy interactions and once she was done, she took a step backward to rearrange mind.

She took a breather by inspecting her tools, she even occassionaly rearranged them, afterwards, she went back to her table and re-read her notes.

Once she finished marking all the important bits, she stood up and wore a pair of goggles.

Virah took out the Thunder Stone she won and socketed it into a holder, the four hooks latched onto the stone and held it in place after Virah tensed them.

She grabbed a nail and hammer from her bag and placed her open notes next to the holder.

Finding the spot on the stone with the most curve had been easy, after that, she placed the tip of the nail against it and put the hammer on top.

Virah carefully hammered the Thunder Stone, each strike was precise and calculated, the spot she stuck the nail to was a curve that should crack in a fashion that'll allow her to shake off a small piece.

Tink, tink, tink- the soft sounds of metal striking gem was the only thing that she heard as she worked.

Once the piece had a decently sized crack, she took out a prong from her bag and pried it off from the larger body.

Virah shook off her goggles and lifted the piece in the air, the yellow glow of the Thunder Stone was still strong despite being a tiny piece, it didn't wane even as she dimmed the light of the room.

"That's concentrated type energy for you," Virah said in amazement.

What she had now was more than enough for her purposes and so, she stored her Thunder Stone and replaced it with the tiny piece she had.

She softened the rock by hammering it a few more times, she stopped when fractures started to show, she took it out of the holder and carried it to the bowl of sludge she prepared beforehand.

Liquidizing Black Sludge had been as easy as putting two of them under intense heat but now that she's thinking about it, the Fire Type Energy should have weakened the mixture.

Virah grabbed Oddish Leaves from her bag and mixed it into the bowl, she stirred until the sludge bubbled and finally, she took out the Thunder Stone from the Antidote she marinated it in and gently placed it into the bowl.

Sizzling noises crackled from the sludge the moment the stone touched it followed by hissing and then it exploded outward, sending black goop around the table.

Virah swiftly sunk the stone before walking away.

She took off her gloves and replaced them with new ones, then she grabbed a towel, washed it using Antidote, and used it to wipe the sludge off the sizzling table.

"Lab safety," Virah sighed, "it's very important,"

She prepared another bowl of Antidote, tossed the towel inside and placed it next to the sludge in case something like that happened again once she took out the Thunder Stone.

A little while later, the timer she set up rang.

Virah carefully took out the stone from the sludge and thankfully, nothing dangerous happened as she did so.

Now with left with a weakened stone, Virah washed it in a bowl of Antidote to cause a chemical reaction to weaken it even further while cleaning off the sludge residue within the cracks.

Once the stone stopped bubbling, she took it out of the bowl and placed it in a mortar and pestle.

After putting on two layers of masks above her mouth and nose, she popped the lid, inserted the pestle on the hole above, and started crushing the stone.

Once she no longer felt resistance, she took out a small bottle and poured the fine dust inside.

After throwing on the lid, she carried the bottle into a device she jury rigged.

The box-shaped thing had several wires attached to it and the wires themselves were socketed in a car battery at the bottom of the table.

Virah placed the bottle inside, closed the door, and then activated the device. Electricity crackled from the wires and Virah's hair stood up despite being located a few meters away from the box.

She turned it off after a few minutes, waited for the electricity to die down, opened the box, and took out the finished product.

Virah lifted the bottle of glowing yellow dust and inspected it, she observed it in awe for a while before stopping and taking it to a nearby table, she placed the bottle next to her notes and wrote down the following:

'Thunder Wave in a bottle, theorized, needs testing,'

Concentrated Electric Type Energy dipped in powerful Poison Type Energy and then revitalized using more electricity, the resulting powder was so potent that it was glowing and producing electricity despite being at rest.

'It'll most likely disintegrate when in contact with air,' Virah wrote down, 'container is the only reason why it is stable,'

The dosage that she had was… over estimated, especially since she originally wanted to test it out on humans, unfortunately, she never expected the result to be so powerful and so, she was left with no other choice but to use it on Pokemon.

'A few hundred grams of the powder…'

Virah grabbed her pen and wrote down several possible weights that might be able to resist the effects of the paralysis without being comatose or dying upon exposure.

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