I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 119



She frowned and lost her mind.

“Permission to kill Baikal…”

A somewhat difficult prayer.

Baikal is a mercenary of his choosing.

How many prayers do you have for his death?

‘Seeing that we are in different positions, we also hear this prayer. ’

Of course, her prayers were not incomprehensible.

Attacked by Giants led by Baikal, making humiliating deals.

Furthermore, she was taken hostage and brought to Tangkhanheim.

‘But I’m not yet the almighty one who can hear my prayers directly. ’

Constitutions that have become such a thing.

I didn’t even want to hear her prayer.

‘My chosen warrior is a bical. ’

If Baikal had done something terrible to his eyes, or had abandoned the name of Tang Khan.

It’s right to take down the Baikal.

His warrior is doing his best in his place.

‘Although there is a fierce side to that behavior, it is also improving gradually. But… if you’re going to continue to solve everything with war, then I’ll have to think about it.’

Targeting is considering several possibilities.

Clears the Branch Achievements of the Warrior Bical.

The warrior Baikal begins to refine the interior of Tangkhanheim.

Outside Achievements: The vast majority of Giants actively support his remarkably changed character and policy.

You will be rewarded with a change in tyranny.

‘.. change in tyranny? ’

She was tilting her head at an unfamiliar name.


His feet fell off a white leather shoulder ornament.

Targeting picks it up and starts looking slowly.

Violent Transformation

Description: The once ruthless Giant Monarch Baikal. But for some reason, he became gentle and decorated with Yeti hides for his transformation.

Ability: resistant to cold.

Slightly increases Defense Power.

“Oh… was that armor?” It’s not bad. Use it to act like a White Wolf. The color is just right. ’

A smile from a soft shoulder rub.

He puts it in the subspace and takes a break.

The next day.


“Are we there yet? ”

Help knocking on the door of a full house.

While he was looking at the Elongated Watch.

“It’s done. Let’s go.”

Finally, the full moon came through the door.

Unlike usual, he has quite a bit of work in grooming.

He opened his eyes wide and immediately showed his usual face.

“You’re heavily armed. ”

“Brides shine best at weddings, but there are other things that maids don’t see. ”

“The Invisible? Ah…”

JooJoon, who guesses what she’s saying, smiles.

“I don’t think I’ll kneel anywhere else. ”


I was happy with the compliment of Lord Joo.

Full moon has a brighter smile than ever before.

“Come on, let’s go. We’re going to be late.”

In the basement parking lot.


A sedan comes out and hurdles down the road.

Soon, Sedan stopped at a ceremony in Seoul.

“Big Brother, you must have saved up a lot of money. Watching a wedding at a place like this. ”

It’s one of the most popular venues for couples.

The size or appearance was not too glamorous.

“I never would have imagined it back in the day… but I don’t know how the world works.”

While the full moon was walking around the ceremony, mumbling.

Zoom touches her arm and says.

“Let’s get up there. I thought you said you had to go to the bridal chamber. ”

“Oh, I have to go! ”

The group hurriedly came up to the third floor.

“Hold on, there’s the Clover Hall. ”

Finding a great ceremony wasn’t that hard.

“Oh my! Mr. Kim is here! Oh, yes! You have to dress well for a day like this. Hahahahaha!”

I will look back at you with my own loud voice.

With a smile that tears the mouth.

I could see the amazing view of welcoming busy guests.

“Ouch… Let me see your face… Is that good? ”

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing, right? ”

Unlike Pinzan in the full moon, he smiles delightfully.

‘What would have happened if I hadn’t met you back then? ’

Maybe he’s still gambling or he’s lost his life.

‘But now you want to be the head of a clan and the head of a family. ’

I was reminded of a life that was significantly different from my old life.

“Oh, Joon! Why didn’t you give me a call if you were here? ”

Jackpot finds him and rushes right up to him.

“How are you feeling? ”

“What do you think? I think I’ll fly. Puhahahahaha!”

Maybe he didn’t like the sound of a big laugh.

“Phew, watch your dignity on a day like this. Don’t smile so rashly. ”

Full face frowned and scooped.

“Did you bring a lot of money for the ceremony? You know you’re gonna have to pay double, right? ”

Unpretentious circular projections of the index finger and thumb.

“Only me twice? ”

“You’ll eat twice as much as anyone else, so of course you’ll pay twice as much. ”

“… what? ”

Let’s stare at each other, growling as usual.

JooJoon smiles and leaves his back for a long time.

“You said you were going to the bridal chamber. Stop it and go. ”

“Huh? Uh…”

As soon as the full moon rises.

JooJoon pulls out a thick paper bag from his arms and hands it to the big boss.

“Joon, what is this? ”

“My brother-in-law will take care of the money in the future, but he’ll need some extra money. Keep it.”

“No, Joon! Why do you care about all this? You’re not my older brother anymore. Amazing Warrior Clan Clan Leader! ”

Brace your shoulders.

“Take it back if you don’t need it. ”

JooJoo tried to put a paper bag on the road.


Jackpot grabs his wrist.

“Thank you.”

I was worried that JooJoon might change his mind.

A great way to quickly shove the envelope in your chest.

“Yes, welcome your guests. I’ll see you later.”

JooJoon grabbed his big hand with a smile.

I went inside the ceremony and sat down.


Soon after, the piano’s pitch rang and the ceremony began.

“Enter the groom! ”

Along with the sounds of great music.

A lot of nervousness goes into the dining room.


Soon the bride will be in front of the Baptist.

Amazing couple who kiss in blessing of many people.

“Now, with the blessings of the newly born couple, the marriage ceremony…”

Soon, the host announced their union’s departure to the end of the schedule.

“Can I borrow your microphone for a second? ”

Suddenly, the host stops and takes over the microphone.


He clears his throat a few times and grabs the microphone and looks straight at one side.

“I just wanted to say this before I left. As you know, my past was never pleasant. But one person… oh, two people. But I met him, and I had a big change in my life. ”

I felt ashamed and blushed my face, but I kept saying something.

“I would like to sincerely thank my brother, Joon, for changing my life by lending me this position. ”

“Who is Mr. Tojun? Would you stand up if you were there? ”

At the host’s word, Zoom stood up with a beautiful smile.

All eyes in the intestine are on him.

“The groom said it was his brother who changed his life. Can you say a few words for the couple on the verge of a new start? ”

“I wish you a happy marriage like this. ”

“Thank you!”


The applause rings loudly.

The couple follows the host’s instructions out of the ceremony.

“I… I can’t believe that big brother is really getting married. It’s what I do for a living. ”


“It used to be almost a life horse, but I don’t know how people can change. The real Tojun saved a life. ”

“Really? What was it like…”

Guests also talk to each other and go to the restaurant.


“.. Yes. We’re done now. We should be moving on in a few hours, I think. Yes, I won’t miss it Yes.”

There was one person who watched closely the route to the restaurant with the full moon.

He keeps in touch with someone and doesn’t miss out on the sight of him.

“Thank you so much for coming! Hahahahahaha!”

Soon, with greetings from the guests.

At the end of every wedding.

He boards the sedan with the full moon.

“I never thought he would actually get married. I can’t believe this is happening. ”

“You could. ”

At the end of the week, he shakes his head.

“You don’t fix people, do you? People don’t change that easily, so how can they change like that? ”

“The sting? ”

They were having a great wedding conversation.

The end of the full moon asks.

“But you really don’t want to get married? If you’re an Awakener like my brother, hanging around is not weird. ”

An Awakened Awakener doesn’t even fall in love without getting married.

I couldn’t understand it in the full time.

“I don’t know. Maybe one day you’ll meet the right woman and it’ll be natural.” ”

“Brother, if you miss out on your timing, you’ll become senile. Faster when you’re still one year old.”

When the full moon was about to continue the conversation.


There was a big explosion on the ground.

Due to this, the car that JooJoon drove is turning as big as a puddle, and it barely stops.


Along with the puppets surrounding it.


A black object flies through the sky and lands among the dolls.

It was like a lion suit.

Movement seems clumsy.

“This is… awesome. ”

A high-pitched voice flows from the suit.

One of the dolls standing next to him opens his mouth.

“I’m still a proto-type. If the suit overloads… it could be destroyed. Don’t get too… talented. ”

“I don’t think you need to hang out. You can’t be more dead than… ”

Kimchi Bomber crouching at the seemingly healthy sedan.

“Y-you haven’t asked me anything about the Bone Dragon yet.”

“You should have… done it properly. Maybe I’m too excited.”

“You think it’s going to be like the heart. You want me to stand by and do nothing? You can’t…”

Kim Chi was protesting.


The driver’s seat door of the sedan opens.

A straight shot drops out of the car.

“Good, you’re alive! Yes, a man named the commander should not die like this! ”

Kim Chi made fun of me for seeing him.

“Get them somewhere safe. ”


He ordered the skeletons to move the turbulent full moon.

After they leave the scene at high speed.

He turns his head to look at the suit with the image of a lion.

“You’ve made a good match. ”

“Fake? ”

Maybe it’s the speech I didn’t think of.

Inside the suit, a voice tells me it’s ridiculous.

“Do you think asking for your life… is going to make you feel better? ”

Did he just freak out from his previous shock?

“You’re the one who’s crazy. What were you thinking? ”

“ · · · ”

Kim Chi and the puppet who lost their words to JooJoon’s question.

“Seems… shocking.”

“Right? You wouldn’t react like that if you didn’t. ”

“I don’t know if he’s going to spit out the right information. ”

The doll said something and laughed at the suit.

“Spit it out. I must kill the Bone Dragon with my own hands. ”

Hearing that, Joon smiles bloody with a gun in both hands.


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