I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 124

Are you crazy?

Clears the Branch Achievements of the Warrior Bical.

The warrior Baikal has made a peace treaty with the Elves.

Outside Achievements: Baikal married Princess Sena, the second princess of Ycilien.

Get a Superior Yeti Leather Coat as a reward.

‘.. Top-Quality Yeti Leather Coat? ’

When Joon tilted his head.


A big white fur coat fell off his feet.

It was big enough to be compared to a huge rug.

Top-Quality Yeti Leather Coat

Description: A leather mantle crafted by a palace leather processor. When equipped as a mating costume for Giants, I think I can show off my good looks.

Ability: Has a warming effect and a small increase in charm.

“A leather jacket… It’s cool, but it’s… it’s too big!” ’

A coat made for wearing a bical.

It was a little hard for him to wear.

“What’s the point of using this? This would be perfect if you put it on the floor. ’

It’s fluffy and soft and temperature-proof.

I thought it would be okay to use it like a rug.

Oh, I like that. ’

I dug up Yeti’s hide and lay down on the floor.

Excellent beds are comfortable enough not to be envious.


I wonder if Detos is interested.

Approach the side of the leather jacket and rub your face against the rug.

“How do you like it? ”


Does he like his slim coat?

Soon, I flattened my seat and pressed down.

“You must like it. ”

I smiled at him like that.

Sleep next to detos.

The next day.

[Today, the Awakening Department has announced a full introduction to the Talent Meter. More info..]

Is it finally being introduced?

Watching TV, she pouted her head.

Capability meter.

An ambitious item from the Awakening Book.

‘Now if that thing spreads nationwide… it’ll be worth a look. ’

As long as Awakeners wanted to hide their abilities, they could have hidden them as much as they wanted.

The appearance of the capability meter changed the situation.

‘In the future, every government registered Awakener will need to be tested for abilities with a gauge. ’

The Talent Gauge would have been a huge impact on the aroused society.

‘Well, we’ll have to watch as much as we’re introduced. ’

JooJoo was watching TV very carefully.


The phone rings suddenly.

I haven’t heard from anyone in a while.

I’ve been in touch for quite a while now that I’ve gone on my honeymoon.

I don’t even know your number. Let’s take it. ’

“Hello? Yes, that’s right. Yes? ”

The call will be over soon.

He looked at his watch and went down to the underground parking lot.

Soon, a sedan leaves the parking lot at a rapid rate.


A hotel in Seoul.

Follow the employee’s delivery to the business room inside the hotel.


When he was looking in the quiet room.

“Welcome. ”

The first guest came to greet him.

‘You look stubborn. But there seems to be an experienced angle somewhere. ’

JooJoon nods, looking into his eyes.

“Are you Mr. Steel? ”

“I’m Kang-cheol Kim. You can call me Deputy Director Kim at your leisure. ”

“Haha, you can’t do that in the beginning. I’ll call you Mr. Steel.”

Director Kim and Joo are exploring each other with a light greeting.

“Our sincerest apologies for the sudden call. But I’m sorry it had to be so urgent. ”

“So why did you want to see me? ”

“I happened to come across this video by chance. Would you like to take a look? ”

Joon picked up Kim’s phone.

Watch the streaming video.

“I think I know a good reason.”

The video showed him and Kimchi Bomber fighting.

JooJoon gives the road phone with a light smile.

“I’ll ask, though, since it might be different. What do you want from me? ”

“As you know, our countermeasures have been working really hard to catch Kim Chi Bomber, such as setting up a kill squad and extracting information from other villains. But there was no income like effort. ”

Director Kim continues to speak with a serious but solemn expression.

“Rather, he did more frequent activities, as if to make fun of our efforts. And the culmination was an auction house explosion. Otherwise, the damage done to him will be incalculable. But Joon dealt with such criminals. ”

“Haha, deal with it. I just defeated him.”

JooJoon smiled and struck his hand.

He shakes his head.

“You know what? There had never been a wake-up call to face Kim Chi Bomber. Oh, of course, he’s so slick, he didn’t make a scene like that. Mm-hmm.”

Before we get to the point, Director Kim clears his throat a few times.

I opened my mouth, gazing straight into his eyes.

“Anyway, although I watched the video, I was really impressed by your role, and I would like to make a suggestion to you. ”


“Yes, I want to take you to Ace of our measures. ”

Maybe he made an offer too abruptly.

When JooJoon doesn’t say anything, Steel quickly continues speaking.

“As you know, the damage caused by the Awakenings is increasing year by year. We’re doing everything we can to reduce the damage, but we’re always short-handed. However, if you help our measures, the damage will be reduced, I’m sure! ”

‘So you want to take me to the counter. Maybe I used to be, but I’m not now. ’

I already have gold bars saved up as Bone Dragons, and I didn’t miss a penny.

I noticed a lot of things behind the scenes about how he ran the clan.

‘It’s never easy to run a small group. ’

How many aces in countermeasure?

Something as important as sitting on a high table will follow him.

Pressure and burden were almost weighed down.

‘And above all, there are times when you have to obey a command system. I don’t want to. ’

He is called Tang Khan to the warriors.

So he follows orders from the government?

‘If you see me like that, the warriors will cry. ’

I won’t even show my face to the brave.

So Joo-joon had no intention of accepting the director’s offer.

“I appreciate the offer, but I don’t intend to belong anywhere. ”

“Joon, this is a world where powerful people have to take the lead. Moreover, it is a national loss that a strong man like you doesn’t step forward. And it’s a global loss. ”

Director Kim pulled him over.

He promised the best treatment, but JooJoon shakes his head with a smile.

“I’m sorry, but even if you say it a few times, it won’t change my mind. ”

“.. is that so? ”

Director Kim smiled bitterly at the firm refusal.

I fix my glasses and open my mouth.

“Pardon me, but we’ve been researching our own Mr. Joon. ”


“Yes, it’s a very important position, and of course you have to do the least research. So I got to know her in a lot of ways, and she was from an orphanage. ”

Maybe it’s because he said he was a paramedic.

The eye area of the target is scattered.


“As you know, the orphanage is operated under the support of the government. And it’s not that the coordinates don’t apply because they’re not related. ”

That is, Deputy Director Kim.

This was because there was always the power and the law to break the money wire at the orphanage.

JooJoon asks with a cold smile.

“Are you threatening me? ”

“I just wanted to tell you that there are other paths than threats. ”

Finally, Director Kim slowly got up from the chair and said.

“I trust you will make the right choice. I’m going to give you some time to think about this. We’ll get back to you. ”

At the end of the sentence, he left the room with his men.

“H-sir… are you okay? ”

The agent who was conducting him asks carefully.

“What do you mean? ”

“That… summon from the Awakened. That destructive power seems enormous… Isn’t it almost comparable to the Bone Dragon in class? ”

The deputy nods at the agent’s question with a cigarette in his mouth.

“… not even the Bone Dragon. The Bone Dragon wiped out all those disasters. But we have to get close to him. ”

“But is it okay to provoke him? You should have been more careful.”

The agent got restless.

Director Kim secretly breathes cigarette smoke and says politely.

“If it was a Bone Dragon or a White Wolf, I wouldn’t approach it that way. At the very last minute, I would have been as grumpy as I could. But you didn’t have to do that to him. ”

“May I ask why? ”

“His ability to use his power was beyond the skeletons. However, he sent the White Dragon out in the battle with Kim Chi Bomber. What does this mean? ”

When asked, the agent tilts his head and carefully replies.

“You were hiding your powers, weren’t you? ”

“Yes, there was no metastasis. In other words, if there was no way to gain power elsewhere and sent the White Dragon out, it would mean that he never used White Dragon even though he could use it. Then why was he hiding it? ”


How does he know why? He’s an agent, not a party.

Then does he have any guesses?

“The reason is very simple. He’s just not interested in the world. ”

“.. Yes? How do you know that?”

The agent asked as if he was bewildered.

The manager continues to speak without hesitation.

“Certain treatment and immense money and honor. He kicked it all out, even though he was going to give me all of it. Do you know what that means? ”

“.. I’m not sure. ”

“He would have said no to anything. ”


Director Kim continues to talk with deep smoke.

“Then I’d rather touch his planting. ”

“I understand. I just… I don’t know if gambling is too much. ”

If only Juju had been a conscientious villain.

Who’s responsible for the aftermath and the damage?


However, unlike agent concerns, Director Kim smiles faintly.

“Unlike the Bone Dragon or the White Wolf, he has a decisive difference. You know what that is? ”

“.. I don’t know. ”

“He has some known identities and acquaintances around him. That’s the big difference. ”

An agent who opens his eyes at your words.

“Ah! That’s why you mentioned the orphanage and the banquet! ”

“Yes. If we can’t target the parties, we’ll have to use the surroundings. ”

Smoke spreads along the smile on the deputy chief’s mouth.

“Sometimes you have to be adventurous to stabilize a messy world. If you want to be safe, then neither will I. ”


The agent looks at him as if he was moved by the director’s recitation.

Ask a question.

“But will he do as you say? ”

“We’ll see about that. But at least if he’s a natural disaster Awakener like the Bone Dragon or the White Wolf, we should make the most of it, as long as he has a weakness for human relationships. ”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

The two of them ended up in Sedan.

The Black sedan disappears on the road in no time.


“ · · · ”

JooJoon, who was still in the room, still stares out the window and thinks.

‘Look at these guys. Interesting.’

I can’t believe you’re not just making me an offer, you’re threatening me with disobedience.

‘You’re trying to take me hostage. ’

I just smile at the trick that looks too bright.

‘Well, that’s not a bad idea. ’

Maybe if someone else got the same offer.

Most might have accepted his offer and accepted it.

‘You have no choice but to use the power of the government publicly. But you should have been looking out for people. ’

However, the commander misjudges the target.

You want to mess with someone you know? ’

There is a lot of love in Jooju’s mouth.

‘Then I will destroy your organization. ’

If they accept such an offer and remain silent, they will inevitably try to pressure him in more ways.

‘There is also a good identity to play as a villain. If I destroy the countermeasure, I won’t be able to press myself any further. ’

The original is destroyed, but who will give the order and who will be able to do it?

‘But if it takes a little… it’s a number. To destroy the countermeasure, every Awakener must think he’s my enemy and move on. ’

As much as destroying government agencies.

Of course, we would turn a large number of Awakenings against our enemies.

I had to consider the situation that had to be pushed by numbers.

‘Then… we’ll need to increase this number before we can destroy it. ’

She smiles with a smile, thinking of horseshoes.

‘Yes. Let’s go to the Spirit Realm and make some more horses. And then… ”

After gathering information, I will make Tang Khan pay.


After returning home.

The White Wolf immediately entered the Spirit Realm.

‘It looks peaceful here. ’

That’s a great view of the Spirit Realm in my eyes.

Suddenly, someone rushes in from the village and stops in front of him.

“Huff, huff. It’s been a long time. How have you been? ”

In Junho’s greeting, he nodded gracefully.

Junho looks around and says carefully.

“I saw the news. I heard you had a big fight with the government. Is it true?”

“Why do you ask? ”

“Why– I guess I’m more interested in the same spirit. Haha..”

The target’s words are false.

‘Lies… well, it doesn’t matter. I used to lie and tell the truth, so it’s my job to watch. ’

“You don’t have to worry about it. ”

That’s when the white wolf left.

Junho grabs him in a hurry.

“W-wait a minute! Please wait!”

“.. what’s going on. ”

“Why, um…”

Junho hesitates for a long time and asks a difficult question.

“Have you ever heard of a bomber party? ”

The end.

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