I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 16

Monster Exterminator (1)

One more turn until the battle? ’

JooJoon, who frowned at his brisket, thought about it.

One turn.

What does that mean?

Do you think it means choosing a warrior? If that’s the case, there are three warriors who have been chosen so far, including Deadon. ”

After recruiting the next warrior.

That’s when the warrior dies and brings in the consolidated reward.

It may be the moment to wager the war on the world’s destiny.

‘No, it’s just a guess. ’

After one turn of the message.

We’ll know more about the situation.

‘I have to prepare my mind in advance… but let’s think about it after receiving the reward. ’

He slowly reached out his finger toward the Receive Rewards button.

At that moment.

A white flame filled with sight flashed past him.

It’s stuck in the ground.




Big noises.

You hear the cries of those burning in the fire.

“It can’t end like this… Ah… Modeus…”

All the floors that you can see inside the tower,

The bodies of those who covered the Black Robe lay scattered.

“I saved… that’s it.”

In the center of it is a white and round thing.

You see Deadon collapsing, vomiting blood.

Deadon was just a farmer.

He naturally lost his old age to the exploitation of the nobles and gathered the peasants in his anger. After the uprising, it fails.

While waiting for death alone, he was caught in the eyes of the Black Wizard who was hiding under the baron and started as his disciple.

It was originally my destiny to become the best Black Wizard after Valhallito, the leader of the Black Wizards.

A log that someone had left in his backyard changed his fate.

Waking up with a small gesture of goodness, he was living like a villain. I stumbled upon his magical talent as a student of the Wizard of the White Tower.

When his magical talents started to blossom, he quickly vomited the salt that was rising to the center of the White Tower.

In particular, he showed a remarkable talent in crafting magic goods, and Manahart Pure White, which he created, attracted the attention of many wizards.

I was ambushed by the Black Wizards who came after “Pure White.”

He did everything in his power to stop the raid with the Wizards of the White Tower.

He was also killed by the Black Wizard’s curse.

His accomplishments will be a spectacle in the towers all over the Empire.

I mean, I was supposed to be the Black Wizard… but one log from me turned my fate upside down? ’

Deadon’s life was slipping away.

JooJoo thinks quietly.

What would have happened if I had given him something else, not a log? ’

Could he have lived better than he does now?

Or did he find a new path?

‘You should have given it to me. ’

All I could give was the log.

While she shrugged her shoulders.

Comprehensive compensation will be paid.


A white one fell from the air.

It looks like a white Meron shell.

You won Manahart ‘Net White’ as a combined reward.

“Is this…? ’

When he saw the comprehensive reward, his eyes opened wide.


Description: Deadon’s experiment finally yielded its fruit. It’s Deadon’s trick.

Ability: Greatly increases Magical Power.

‘Your skills are similar to those of the Supreme Mahjong… Thank you, Deadon, by the way. ’

JooJoon, who was devoted to Deadon for a while, grabbed his phone.

“Uh, brother. I’m sorry, but something personal has come up. I’ll be in touch. ”

JooJoon understands the boss who will be waiting at the cafe.

I ingested ‘pure white’.


A clean yet warm energy began to circulate through my body.

I feel more satisfied than when I consumed some of the finest mahogany.

How long has it been? ’

There’s nothing better to check than experimenting on yourself.

“Summon Skeleton! ”

Target does not have enough Magic Power.

The skeleton 150 sphere is summoned.

“Get in!”

Before the room was full of skeletons,

I put them back in the ring and thought about it.

‘If we can summon up to 150 Skeletons… maybe we can summon the others.’ ’

You don’t have enough Magical Power. You cannot summon Desknight.

Targeting begins with Desknight at the end of the Summon List.

I started summoning the monsters in the ring step by step.

Target does not have enough Magic Power.

5 Ghosts are summoned.

Down to the ghost right above the skeleton.

It was only then that my abilities were developed.


“Oh, that would be useful.” ’

He sees ghosts going through the walls.

I smiled maliciously.

In addition to the abilities that are embedded in the ring,

After confirming that the ‘Chain of Hatred’ can be used.

I opened my mouth slowly.

“Your warrior. ”

At that moment.

JooJoon’s body disappears in the room.


The landscape moving into the white space,

You move ahead of the Black Cross first.

“ · · · ”

Next to the cross of Dutta, Choco.

The cross of ‘Deadon’ was not new.

Thank you.

After finishing his silence in front of the cross, he gazed silently at the air.

Please select a warrior to join.

Soon, three cards appeared in front of him.

‘Let’s start with the profile. ’

Of course, the first thing to focus on is the color on the back of the card.

‘Keep an eye on it so you can handle it even if it’s black. ’

He starts going through the warriors’ profiles.

‘I’m not rich, but I’m the daughter of a local courageous merchant… Not bad. Not bad… A cheater on the wall?.. just pass it. ’

He looks at the first warrior.

I paid attention to the next card.

‘A bard roaming around the Empire… At least I should know some news or concerns about the Empire.’ You have a lot of information, and you don’t seem particularly negative about it. Hmm… You wait. ’

The second warrior has been spotted.

His eyes turned to the last card.

Hmm? ’

While looking at the profile, JooJoon scratched his head.

‘What… I think he’s more of a monster than a warrior…’

It’s the size of a red skin and is only as big as a gathering point.

The last warrior.

He looks like a warrior I’ve seen before.

Well, what if it looked different? In broad terms, chocolate is a monster. ’

He smiled and looked closely at the card’s profile.



Age: 48 years

Planet: Raon

Unusual: The last warrior of Edhrasil, the kingdom of the xenophiles that once sat on the outskirts of the empire. Strong, fierce, and strongly hostile to Black Mages.

Price: KRW 70 million

“Expensive… Is it because of the heretics? ’

I had money from Goblin by-products.

I was able to make the purchase.

‘Which of the three should I choose? ’

JooJoon was reliving his taste when he saw the price.


The color began to flow from the back of the cards.

“Oh, what is this? ’

The same color was coming out of the back of all the cards.

That sour thing is like…

“This is bullshit. Well… It’s better than black…”

Though I don’t feel as ominous as black.

It was also true that it looked humble compared to the gold or silver color I had seen before.


“Well, it’s not that bad.”

I’ve already seen gold and silver.

I didn’t get carried away.

“How can there be no silver?” ’

JooJoon is looking again at the warriors’ profiles carefully.


I began to smile slowly at his mouth.

‘Yes, if you deliver it to him. ’

If he’s right.

You will enjoy another miracle you saw in ‘Dedon’.

‘The transport scroll was 300 points. ’

Reputation Points: 1,000

You’ve earned enough Reputation Points for catching Goblins.

He immediately went to the ‘Fame of the Warrior Shop’.


Held into a small spire.

I was busy looking at the wooden display.

‘Huh? What is it? ”

He picks up the transport scroll, his eyes wide open.

Scroll Through

Description: Get the warrior supplies.

Ability: Can transfer goods to warriors.

Restrictions: Items that can be transferred are limited to items obtained from ‘Your Warriors’.

Scrolling disappears upon use.

Reputation Required: 3,000

What price did you suddenly charge ten times? ’

Obviously, when I bought it before, I could buy it for 300 Reputation Points.

What kind of explosion is this?

‘Wait– now that I think about it, the tutorial next to it is gone. ’

Joo-jun frowned as he pondered.

I mean, it was supposed to be 3,000 points, but it was 300 points because it was a tutorial? ’

There was no answer other than that.

“What should I do?”

You currently have 1,000 Reputation Points.

“The cheapest is Risemara’s bayonet, and then the transport scroll.”

Other objects go beyond the value of the transport scroll.

I can’t even say it now.

“If we catch Goblins, we’ll have to punish them…”

In fact, he’s already chosen a warrior.

I’ve tried to get back to reality.


If you do not select a warrior, the currently waiting warrior disappears after 3 days.

‘Can you earn a large amount of Reputation Points in 3 days? ’

Even with the power of super-detection.

Many competitors would stick together.

The result will be hard to be sure.

“Bo Sword… Bo Sword…”

You only need 500 more points to purchase a Bo Sword.

‘But using a prosthetic sword, will the next warrior be more colorful than shit? ’

I finally got rid of the dirt.

It could be black.

It’s like blowing money and blowing points.

Transmission scroll, on the other hand.

It’s also about expensive prices.

It’s useless if you don’t have anything to transfer.

He was convinced.

If you could just transmit it…

I’m sure the color of the warrior who received the item will change.

JooJoo put down the sword of Risemara.

I turned my back and left the famous shop.

‘Let’s start by collecting points of fame that are lacking. ’

“Your warrior. ”

You did not select a warrior.

If you do not select a warrior, the currently waiting warrior disappears after 3 days.

You also won’t be able to use your abilities for a period of time if the warrior is extinct.

Are you sure you want to move?


‘Wait a little longer. I’ll be right back. ’

His body disappears from the white space.


Three days later.

Monster Corpse Exchange in Guard Center.

“Give me 10 more won. It’s not that hard, is it? ”

“I’m sorry, that’s out of my hands. Awakening 521! ”

The Exchange is filled with Awakeners who have collected Goblin byproducts.

Some were chatting, waiting for their own order.

“How’s the Great Revenue Clan doing these days? Any incoming? ”

“Same thing. Clean up when you come in. Get paid.”

A monster that appears at the same time as the Awakening One’s death.

The reward from the government for cleaning up monsters.

It was also at the heart of the revenues from the Greater Debt Clan.

“But haven’t those new monsters made you feel better? ”

“Better! Are the others sucking their fingers? I can’t even see the monster’s face because it’s so competitive. What are you going to do when you hear the news? They’re all dead. ”

“I don’t know where the others are getting their information. Do you have any relatives in the intelligence lab? ”

The clan leader sighs at the inquiry of his acquaintance.

“I don’t know. Besides, there’s not a single commander around these days. ”

“A commander?”

“Yes. They say he’s been running a huge number of skeletons, and he’s been sweeping monsters away. ”


My acquaintance’s eyes froze.

“How do you know where the monsters are? They come to you like ghosts and they just demolish you.” I don’t know if they have any real relatives in the intelligence cradle… ”

An acquaintance nods at the words of the Daebul Clan.

“Well, let’s just say it’s the corner of our income. You have to eat it all by yourself. ”

The opposition clan leader and his acquaintance were discussing industry sufferings and grievances.


There’s a grim sound coming from the entrance of the Monster Corpse Exchange.


Dozens of skeletons approach the Monster Corpse Exchange.

They were all carrying bags on their backs.

The bags look really breathtaking.

“ · · · ”

One moment.

Everyone stopped doing what they were doing.

Stared at the march of the numb skeletons.

“Oh, I’m fine. This is my summoning. I won’t hurt you. Keep looking for things to do. ”

He draws a number and smiles faintly.


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