I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 187


‘Good thing I sent him first. ’

If he hadn’t sent him.

Odyssey may have lost his life in the hands of soldiers.

“First the fire went out, now Odyssey’s career is in trouble…”

I lost my family and became a sinner.

In the Kingdom of Kennen, it will be difficult to live on foot.

‘Then they will flee to another kingdom. In the meantime, we could engage the pursued hostiles. Is it better to send her something to protect herself? ’

The head shaking soon.

“Not bad, but you’ve got Marlon next to you, right? ’

Even though he can’t help Odyssey directly anymore.

Maron’s experience will help Odyssey escape.

‘Yes. I suggest you leave Odyssey’s escape to Maron and give Odyssey something useful after he escapes the Kingdom of Kenen.’ ’

So what does Odyssey need in the future?

‘Money? Of course it’s important, but I think I took some money and ran away. ’

Dojo remembers a pocket that was shaking heavily in Odyssey’s waist.

What Odyssey needs more than money… an active area? Yeah. Isn’t Odyssey’s most important safe place to nest? ’

Even if his warriors managed to escape.

Perhaps the pursuers are seeking the cooperation of other kingdoms to capture Odyssey.

‘Yes. I think it would be best to connect the Node with Odyssey to be his ally first. ’

I accept the exile of Odyssey.

In addition to protecting his character, a kingdom that will allow him to blossom his musical talents.

That’s exactly what Odyssey needs.

‘A kingdom where talent and safety can be captured simultaneously…’ No. ‘

I don’t know if the Giant Kingdom will be safe.

It is a rough kingdom where force is the standard of life.

Wouldn’t suit Odyssey.

What about the kingdom of Agape? ’

Help me think of the Kingdom of the Desert.

‘Though trade was the focus, it certainly had a brilliant and unique civilization compared to Tang Cantium. ’

Maybe it’s because of the empire that made trade its business.

Since each kingdom’s cultures have flowed in and absorbed its various colors, it is the kingdom of Agape.

It shouldn’t be bad for Odyssey either.

“The only other option is the realm of the Elves…”

The question was whether those with relatively closed cultures would allow for the exile of Odyssey.

‘But I heard the Elves have some pretty advanced civilizations as well. Hmm.

Not in person.

It was hard to be sure just because I heard it from Senna, Baikal’s spouse.

‘But he said that because he was confident in his kingdom to some extent. Then… let’s decide between the two kingdoms. ’

He made his own decisions.

He turns his back on the busy subspace and starts looking for items that Odyssey might need.

Doren’s mercenary recruitment gate? No, it’s not. It’s a big help. The Iron Hand issued by the Doren Merchant Guild? Not this… ’

Start by pulling out the Recruitment Door and the Iron Pad.

Helps pull out all kinds of junk.


This can’t be bad. ’

Zhejun thinks with or without the Sword of the Mercenary King.

“A sword made when Doren ascended to the throne… If Odyssey takes this to the kingdom of Agape, he will be treated like a nobleman.” Or are you in danger? ’

Staring down at the fancy sword, he once again helped me taste the flavor.

‘I don’t know how Doran will react. Leave the sword…’

He then picks up the tiny drop of water.

‘Dew of Desert… If you keep this, you can stay cool in the desert. I don’t think Odyssey needs it. ’

I’ve been searching for things for a long time.

He finally put three kinds of things in front of him, and he got into a conflict.

It was the sword of the mercenary king, the seed of peace, and a solemn oath.

‘At least these three items will help Odyssey the most. ’

The question was which item to transfer.

‘These items are the link to each kingdom. ’

A special wedding ring made by Baikal in honor of his marriage to Sena, a solemn oath.

A one-of-a-kind sword crafted by Doren to ascend the throne of Agape. The Sword of the Mercenary King.

The Seed of Peace, which Gondol, king of the Elves, distributed to the chiefs of the three tribes in celebration of their union.

Knng… What should I give him…?

She was conflicted for a long time with her head in her hands.

‘Yes, let’s do this. ’

At last, what he decided to take home was the seed of peace.

‘The sworn and sworn swords of the mercenary king would be a fine choice… but they’re too obvious to Odyssey now. ’

A ring with a vivid red light, a black jewel embedded in it.

It would make Odyssey more noticeable.

It could have interfered with Odyssey’s escape.

‘Of course, you can hide the ring… But for Odyssey’s future, it might be better to make a connection with Elves than Giants. ’

I didn’t know what this choice would do to Odyssey.

Aim for the warrior’s reputation shop while purchasing transport scrolls.

I didn’t stop worrying.

‘Yes, this seed will really help Odyssey. I believe in my choices! ’

But stand resolutely in front of Odyssey’s cards.

He tears the parchment and looks at Odyssey.

‘I hope my choice will lead you to a better future. ’


Please select the item (s) to be transferred and the service (s) to be sent.

Transfers: Seed of Peace

Sent to: Odyssey

Do you want to send?


At that moment.

The seeds of peace that lay at his feet vanish.



With its sharp body on top of an elongated, bird-like creature.

Odyssey’s image doesn’t even open his eyes properly due to the wind.



When the creature cried, he looked down at the ground.

Speak up for Odyssey.

[I think I see the boundary you were talking about! Now we can see how far we’re out of the hands of tyrants!]

“ · · · ”

Odyssey glances down at him.

“Oh, my God, I can’t believe I’m seeing this. ”

See the vast mountains that divide the kingdom of Elves, Eldrad and Kennen.

Odyssey stares blankly at the mountain range.

You don’t believe me? You’re telling me you can see Eldrad’s borders, but you still can’t believe we’re getting out of here?]

Maron asked as if he was wondering.

Odyssey shakes his head.

“No. I’m not saying I don’t believe in escape. I’m saying…”


Odyssey turns his gaze back to the air on the ground.

“I still can’t believe I’m on Turrell’s back. ”

[Ahh… There was a bird just like him in my world, but his habits were similar, so it was easy to tame. I told you, I was a Druid.]

“What exactly is a Druid? ”

Maron shrugs and smiles at Odyssey’s question.

[Being who walks the path to life as one with nature. That’s the Druid. It was one of my training exercises to have a close relationship with animals.]

“A life united with nature…”

Odyssey was staring at him dazed.

Maron smiles and says:

[After all, all I did was give advice, and you did it, right? You can be proud. No, maybe you have a knack for druids.]


[Then! That mean bird… did you say Turrell? Either way, you have the courage to approach Turrell, and after a short time of communicating with Turrell and seeing him succeed… he must have a tremendous talent!]

Maron blinks and talks.

[If you leave the Kingdom of Kenen, you may as well tread the Druid’s path. Right?]

“Well, I prefer music to nature. ”

[Then we can walk the path of nature and play music. We can do both, right?]

Maron and Odyssey speak aloud.


One day, Turrell started to descend to the ground.

It soon settles on the ground near the mountains.

[Think about it. The Druid’s power allowed us to get there quickly without too much pursuit, right?]

“I agree that the Druid’s power is great. But… thanks, bye! ”

He spread his wings again and left Turrell in the sky.

Odyssey keeps talking.

“But I’m more interested in music than in nature. ”

[So why don’t we do both? We play music, we walk nature’s path. Besides, being a Druid means having the strength to at least protect yourself.]

Odyssey shakes his head at the persuasion of Aaron over and over again.

“I don’t think I’ll have enough time to learn by myself.”

[Umm… yeah. We’ll talk about it later, but where do you decide?]

It seemed hard to convince Odyssey right away.

Maron looks at the mountain range in front of him and turns to talk.


[You said Eldrad if you crossed the mountains here, Agape if you went southeast, Tangkhanheim if you went northeast?]

Odyssey nods at Maron’s question.

[Have you decided on your new home?]

“Actually, I haven’t decided yet. I got there too soon.”

[Turrell was fast, though.]

Maron nodding as if he understood.

[But don’t you think it’ll be easier to move on if you make a decision quickly?]

“Yes, but I don’t know where to go. ”

In his powerless confession, he takes off his lips thinking for a moment.

[How about Tang Kan Heim? I heard Giants can be aggressive, but they can be quite fierce. Wouldn’t it be safe to flee to Tangkhanheim?]

“Yes, but it took me a little while to hear that Tang Kan Heim is too much.” ”

[What about Agape Kingdom? There are a lot of people here and there are a lot of different races coming and going, so I think it would be a good idea to take refuge.]

Maybe he had feelings for the kingdom of Agape.

Odyssey couldn’t answer.

Maron continues.

[If Agape doesn’t like it, the only option is Eldrad. Do you want to go to Eldrad? Or was there a kingdom you didn’t want to go to?]

“Actually, I wanted to go to the Kingdom of Eldrad once. ”

[You’re not attracted to the look of the Elves, are you?]


Maron opens his eyes and asks.

Odyssey hurries his hand.

[Then what’s the reason?]

“I don’t know if the Elves are a musical prodigy, but there were a lot of bard out there. The bard who painted on the continent, Berkham, Ramone, etc. were all elves. ”

Maron opens his eyes to Odyssey’s words.

[… really? That’s fascinating. Don’t you think we should just go to Eldrad without thinking about it?]

“Yes, but it’s not easy. Even though they’re better now, the Elves don’t like visiting my realm. And we Demibeasts now have bad relationships with other races. ”

[If things don’t work out, it’s hard for Eldrad and the other kingdoms, isn’t it?]

Maron’s key question darkens Odyssey’s expression.

“Still, I’d go anywhere. I have nowhere else to go. ”

[· · ·]

Maybe it’s because Odyssey’s face is clearly darkened.

Maron hesitates and gives his opinion carefully.

[If the exile to Demibeasts is severe, wouldn’t the kingdom of Agape be better?]

“Agape Kingdom? ”

[Yes, Agape Kingdom. People and Demibeasts look alike.They seem to be less exclusive than the others. Besides, the Kingdom’s culture is high, so wouldn’t that be a bad choice?]

Based on the information I heard from Doren, Marron gave his opinion.

“I’m sure the druid has a point, but… I don’t know. ”

Odyssey’s troubles are deepening.

[If it’s hard to decide, why don’t you pray to him?]

Maron asks a few questions.

“Prayer? To whom?”

[Of course I should pray to the one I serve. Praying to the other fishermen won’t help.]

Maron shrugged his shoulders.

Odyssey tilts his head.

“If it’s a Druid god… Tang Khan? ”


“I’ve actually been inside a few times, and nothing’s changed. ”

Maron licks his tongue at Odyssey’s words.

[So he didn’t answer because he prayed so roughly. Only when your sincerity reaches him can he answer you.]

“.. is there really a God? If there really is a God… Why is there such a tyrant as Kufu? ”

In response to the unexpected question, he slowly answers the question.

[The Great One does not decide our future. You made your own choice whether Kufu became a tyrant or a member of the Royal Family.]

“What does that mean? ”

[So if the future’s already decided, who’s going to try? All you have to do is follow the right path.]

Maron continues to speak with Odyssey’s eyes wide open.

[So he is involved, but he does not decide our own fate. So Kufu abandoned his path to becoming a knight and chose to become a tyrant. And he will be judged at all times in front of his judgement.]

“ · · · ”

[Pray with all your might. He never turns away from those who cry earnestly.]

Maybe it’s because of Maron’s honest confession.

Odyssey, who has been taking his words for a long time, takes his mouth off.

“How do I do that? How can my desperation reach him? ”

[Just repeat after me. Now, put your arms in the air like this! Then think of him and chant his name aloud! Tang Khan!]

Maron demonstrates himself.

Odyssey wandered around, wondering if there were any soldiers.

“B-Tang Khan! Tang Khan!”

I shout small but eagerly.

[Good, but not enough. A little more desperate! So that your voice can reach him! Tang Khan! Tang Khan!]

“Tang Khan! ”

When a sad cry repeated to climb up and down the mountain.


“Huh? ”

Suddenly, something fell from Odyssey’s feet.

Maron blinks and points to it.

[He answered you! You answered!]

“That’s… an answer? ”

[Yes! Go get it!]

Odyssey picks it up with suspicion and follows Marron’s words.


It was a little seed.

There seemed to be some strange energy emanating from the bluish surface.

“This is his… response? ”

It is permitted by Tang Khan.

I thought it must be a seed with great power.

The thought was brief.

“No matter how much I look at it, there doesn’t seem to be anything…”

It’s just a simple seed.

Even though the passing birds scattered, it was unbelievably ordinary.

Is God really answering me? ’

When Odyssey looked at the seed with suspicious eyes.

[That seed… it looks very unusual.]

Maron looks strangely at the seed.

The end.

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