I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 197

Make a priest.


Just a moment ago, he smiled strangely thinking about the situation.

‘Though there was a slight crisis, you survived the crisis well, Odyssey. ’

And underneath, of course, was his assistant.

It was entirely Odyssey’s ball that played the instrument beautifully.

‘I thought it looked like a harp… Anyway, I never thought I’d treat such an unfamiliar instrument like my body. ’

Odyssey’s musical prowess was more than he had ever imagined.

Odyssey’s actions greatly satisfied him.

‘Then that old elf, Kenon, will be a patron of Odyssey, and Odyssey will be able to immerse himself in music in a stable environment. ’


‘If there’s a question… how can there be spirits in that world? ’

Originally, the spirit was born with the number of worlds that Maron sacrificed.

Isn’t that the collective nature of the world?

‘From the words of the Spirit in the instrument, it seems that there was originally a world water. So the Druids are out there somewhere? Or did the old Elves have the power of the Druids, too? ’

I don’t know much about the history of Elves.

It was a difficult matter to organize easily.

He looks relaxed.

‘Well, while Odyssey is active, he will also learn the history and knowledge of the Elves, and in the meantime, I may come across new information. ’

When Joon recalled the activities of Odyssey.

Reclaims the Warrior Odyssey’s Quarterly achievement.

The warrior Odyssey is supported by Elf Elder Kenon to begin a variety of activities.

Outside Achievements: Advice from mentor Maron helped the warrior Odyssey contract an ancient spirit in an instrument.

You have gained first class citizenship in Eldrad as a reward.

A series of messages appeared before him.

First Citizenship in Eldrad? ’

While she tilted her head at a strange name.


A piece of parchment that looks luxurious at his feet falls.

Eldrad’s First Citizenship: Odyssey

Description: Citizenship to prove that you are a resident of Eldrad It can only be owned by those who are more than a sub-noble.

Ability: Toll free. Prove yourself.

“ · · · ”

Looking at the parchment with a big golden leaf.

He thinks.

“Parchment seems normal, and this leaves give water to the water supply? Well, I’m glad Kennon kept his end of the bargain. ’

His citizenship fell on him.

It also meant that Odyssey had a citizenship like this.

“ · · · ”

He smiled and took his citizenship and put it in the living room.

‘Let’s go back and get some rest. To get your hands on special crafting abilities, we need to get rid of the monsters quickly. ’

To rid the world of monsters and to keep the land safe.

Because that was the terms of the contract he had with his production capabilities.

He turned his back and went back to the temporary base at the Bomber party.

[.. please protect me.]

But at that moment, a strange voice started ringing in my head.

‘.. what is it? ’

He stops walking and moves around.

‘I don’t have anything. Hmm.

Please drive out these diseases that afflict [..].]

[I want to be rich! Help me finish this journey safely.]

But the voice echoed in his head again.

It seemed like there were more voices mixed in than before.

“What the hell…”

[Dear Tang Khan, I’m going to confess to Jane next door tomorrow. Please allow my confession to reach her heart.]

[Just let me earn only twice as much!]

[I cannot sleep until the day I kill my enemy. Please protect my path, Tang Khan.]

“ · · · ”

Helping me listen to my voice for a while.

He quickly shakes his head as if he had noticed the identity of his voice.

“This… is you praying to me. ’

A lot of wind and desperate aspirations.

It seemed that the worshipers, or those who believed in the Tang Khan, were created by praying to him.

‘Then why did this happen all of a sudden? ’

Until now, the prayers of the faithful had never reached him.

You can hear them now, can’t you?

Did the expedition journal change, and so did her abilities? ’

The exploration journal has become as genuine as the world.

Was it a duty to follow through?

[Dear Tang Khan…]

[Tang Khan, keep my family safe today…]

Listening to the incoming voices, JooJooJoon thinks.

‘You can’t make everyone rich. ’

If everyone had a life on my belly.

Who will keep the castle and who will do the hard work?

‘To think of it this way… Even God is not as light a place as this. But I have to, because this was the path I wanted. ’

JooJoon keeps thinking with his mind closed.

‘Prayer comes from intense aspirations. ’

Especially when you think your environment is bad.

I have to call on God more times.

If we make the world in the expedition journal a good place to live, won’t prayer decrease? ’

He was the almighty Tang Khan.

Nothing that couldn’t be done.

“Okay, well, first I have to get my own reference point. You can’t make them all rich, but if you have someone who can make conditions that make them rich, you can make them rich, right? ’

He smiles with his own conclusions.

‘Then what conditions do I have to meet to become rich… Hmm… Of course I have to show more kindness to the faithful who blindly believe in me? ’

The first reference point is set up immediately by other reference points.

‘Secondly, let us also help those who do good, and show kindness to those who suffer and suffer from others. ’

Soon all the reference points have been established.

He shakes his head with a satisfactory smile.

‘Based on these established standards, these prayers will decrease as well. ’

Although the prayers were not noisy.

I couldn’t help but get nervous.

‘If the prayer is reduced, I can pay less attention to it. ’


‘But before I respond to my prayers, I must communicate this to the warriors and fulfill my wishes. ’

The more hands I had, the better.

“The bowels of communication, Dutta, Choco, Dedon, Deeks. ”

His terrible voice echoes.


White space was captured in his vision.

[You summoned me, Lord Tang Khan.]


Your warrior on his knees greets him with dignity.

“My warriors, my apostles. I hear a cry for me, a constant cry for mourning. ”

[It’s… all because of our lack. Sorry.]

Let’s see if Deadon can squeeze his head.

She shakes her head with a light smile.

“I didn’t call you here to bruise you. I called you because you have things to do for me. ”

[Tang Khan!! We will follow whatever orders you give us!]

Scream with blood around your neck.

He looks satisfied and connects his words.

“I want you to take the lead in making my world a better place. ”

[Making the world better?]

A nod to Deadon’s question.

“Yes, many cries kept shaking my heart, and I couldn’t turn away from them. So I’m going to make the world a better place and make the crying go away. ”


When Dedon and Deeks heard what he said, they were really moved.

I looked down.

[Hahahaha! A lot of people will get their heads around your kindness!]


Dutta and Choco were genuinely pleased with his decision.

Dutta cautiously asks.

[But what specifically do you need to do to benefit the world?]

“As my apostles, be the swords of the weak, and judge your sins. And don’t turn your back on the suffering crowd. ”

[I see. But, Tang Khan… I’m a little worried.]

This time, he asked politely.

“Tell me what you think. ”

JooJoon nods as if to talk.

[Perhaps you think what I did was not right for Tang Khan to see.]

In other words, he confessed his imperfection.

JooJoon shakes his head with a gentle smile.

“Don’t worry about that part. If I decide it is, I’ll tell you a story. ”

[Okay, and… there’s another concern.]

He nods his head, and he keeps talking.

[If we tried and tried as Tang Khan commanded us… what would you do then?]

Cautious Deadon’s question:

He stares at the warriors with a solemn face.

“If the world doesn’t change even if you and I were to benefit the world, then I would have to come down and judge it myself. In a world without change, there is no future. ”

[· · ·]

The Declaration of Tang Khan that he will destroy the world if there is no change.

When Deadon was so nervous about the heavy declaration that he couldn’t look back.

Dutta asks carefully.

[I understand Tang Khan’s intentions. However, there is one thing I want to post about this shortage of articles.]


[It will take us a long time to spread the will of the Great One to the world.]

With reasonable words, Tang Khan nodded his head.

Dutta, who gained his courage, continues to say.

[So we can train new warriors, heirs to spread your will around the world.]


[Thank you, Great One…]

Dutta, keep your head down.

He thinks.

‘Yes. It would be difficult for a warrior to silence their prayers. Wait– how about giving some power to the believers who truly follow me? ’

He reminds me of his battle.

‘My priests, among them blind believers, are given a little divinity. ’

Soon after he finishes his thought, he looks at the faces of the warriors and shuts up.

“And not only your heir, but I will grant the unacceptable divine power to those who truly serve me. ”

[.. Divine power?]

“Yes. I must give that much power to those who truly desire and serve me. ”

As long as it gives you divine power.

It was impossible for someone with divine power to defeat the warriors.

‘Even if you truly serve me, you cannot be stronger than my apostles. ’

[It will be done as the Great One wills.]

“Now announce my will to the world. Let us create a beneficial world so that their prayers will be frequent. ”



Ends with a strong answer from the warriors.


Help return to reality after finishing the conversation with the warriors.

“The world is ready, Tang Khan. ”

He immediately recounted his abilities.


He is the Tang Khan underneath the vast world.

Enter the world in the exploration journal.

‘First, let’s go make some real priests. ’

First, he turned his gaze to ‘instead of Tang Khan’s.’

[Let us worship the name of Him who gave us sustenance today. Tang Khan!]

[Oh… Tang Khan… Tang Khan…]

He was still in the temple, shouting his name.

He looks at those priests one by one.

‘Who should I empower to be able to use them well? ’

A person who wouldn’t be arrogant or conceited even if she pushed him.

That was the talent that JooJoon was looking for.

[Tang Khan!!]

[Our Great God!!]

But finding such a person was not as easy as I thought.

[His personality or personality will definitely change his behavior. Hmm… Even in this world, it would be easier to judge if you had the ability to lose your eyes.]

Unfortunately, his eyes didn’t work in this world.

JooJoon has a taste for sorrow.

‘Even if you become a god, you can’t know the future of people. ’

He realized what an amazing ability he used to determine warriors, his eyes and his inner scent.

‘Then I have no choice but to select the priests who will receive the divine powers in my judgment…’

He looked down at the priests.


Suddenly, a lot of cards started appearing in front of him.

Wh-what? ’

The disgraced target glances at the cards and opens his eyes wide.

This is the card of the people who live in this world, right? ’

The End

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