I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 201

Get the Myster

Now all I have to do is bring Mystery back home.

I didn’t expect a white wolf to show up here.

Was he after the situation he’s in now? ’

Maybe he was waiting for them to break down the wall of protection and get him out.

“Damn it, I should have tried harder to strengthen your status.”

Of course, I know that this family doesn’t mean much.

How are we going to stop him from controlling the storm?

‘If we’re going to kill him, we might as well put on a few thousand new humans. ’

No, I don’t.

Maybe that’s not enough.

‘Wait–would you rather distract him? Yes… he’s a mercenary hired in the United States. Then maybe he’ll change his mind if I give him a few times what he received. ’

No matter how much the sheep paid.

They were able to afford more than that.

‘Pride is bad, but now it’s not about pride. ’

If I miss you here.

I didn’t think he would be penalized in his home country.

“ · · · ”

Seems like nothing happened to Xiao Mai.

Look up at the white wolf, avoiding the crooked face.

“How much did you get? $10 million? I don’t care if you got more than that, I want you to call me what you got from the United States. I’ll give you double the amount you received. ”

“ · · · ”

A white wolf smiling strangely at Xiao Mai’s proposal.

‘He’s convinced I’m working with the United States. ’

Otherwise I wouldn’t have made him such an offer.

‘I think you’re mistaken about setting the base on fire… Let’s play a little prank while we take Myster. ’

In the past, I recall a time when I was in secret negotiations with China.

The White Wolf asks a nondirective question.

“You’re willing to pay for it? ”

“Yes! Twice! No! I’ll triple it! ”

Ask as if the White Wolf is interested.

Xiaomai yells with a shimmer, but he shakes his head firmly.

“Money is good, but I want something more than money. ”

“Something else? Tell me what you want! There’s nothing left of us in the King’s Clan. ”

I wonder if the White Wolf will take you out.

Xiaomi hurries to ask questions.

“Items you’re wearing. Give it to me and I’ll think about it. ”

I’ve already secured the fruits of the ban.

The White Wolf demanded that Xiaomi and her clan give out the items they were wearing.

“ · · · ”

Maybe it’s because of a ridiculous condition, but Xiaomi doesn’t answer.

“Give us the item we’re wearing”? ’

Asking for items was the same as asking them to give up their spare lives.

Xiao Mai takes her face seriously.

“This is nonsense. Never listen! ”

“Yes! We must get him to the ground and kill him, no matter what he’s done to us!” ”

The clans were fiercely opposed.

Xiaomai doesn’t make decisions easily.

‘What he says is most likely a lie. ’

Isn’t it possible to just run away with the Holla Party items at last?

‘Killing him is one option, but he may die. If that’s the case…’

Everything that has happened has become a mess.

‘Dammit… I wouldn’t have had to worry about this if he hadn’t grabbed you in the first place…’

As much as I was able to get you in without damaging you in the first place.

I couldn’t help feeling bitter.


Shao Mai gives a distorted smile, unlike inside.

‘Yes. Items are everywhere in the home country anyway. Nothing you can’t give me. ’

The most precious items were managed under the strict boundaries of the home country.

‘I wish he would give me a Ph.D., but it doesn’t matter if it’s a trap… ’

“Got it! I’ll do as you say! Hand over the doctor to us first! ”

“What should I believe in and give it to you first? Quit fooling around and put the item on the ground and step back. You can stop if you don’t want to. ”

Was there not much regret in this transaction?

A white wolf with a Ph.D. on its side tries to stay out of the air.

No, if he dies…

“Got it! I’ll give it to you! I’ll give you everything!”

Xiaomai, who squeals at his lips as he looks away at his back.

“.. put all the items you are wearing on the ground and step back. ”

“My Lord…”

“Hurry! That’s an order! ”

Because of his orders.


The King’s clan members placed items on the ground as they blushed.

“Icarus. Get everything you found on the ground.” ”

[It’s simple enough to yawn.]

Following the White Wolf’s command, the items are carried by a serene wind like a transparent carpet.

Arrived at his doorstep.

“Now that you’ve fulfilled all your requirements, hand over Dr. Lane. ”

White Wolf slowly turns his head, looking at the items in Xiaomi’s desperate voice.

“Of course I should, but the thought of it is too adverse for me. ”

“… what does that mean? ”

“Awakener for items and items. Doesn’t the latter look good to you? ”

What the White Wolf said was perfectly natural.

The problem was that he had already taken their item.

“… what? Keep your promise!”

“Promise? I told you I only think about it. I don’t think I remember making any promises. ”

“ · · · ”

The thought of being thoroughly ridiculed crossed my mind.

The faces of Xiaomi and her clans were all swollen.

The white wolf shrugs, looking down at them.

“Looks like the battle’s not over yet. Keep up the good work.” ”

To the end.


He covered his tracks at the crack of dawn with a big storm.

“Sha.. sha.. sha.. sha.. sha.. sha.. what to do..”

“Don’t panic. All I gave him was the unnecessary items. ”

I also vomited some of what I had.

We didn’t actually take much damage.

‘The Mystery is bigger than the others. ’

Xiao Mai glances at the sky and turns her head.

“Should I… go after him? ”

“He’s like the wind. Even if we go after him, we won’t be able to catch a single collar. ”

Should we just stare at where he left off?

‘I can’t do that. ’

“Leave the fighting to the new humans, and we’ll be right back. Send a petition to Korea immediately and prepare for the arrival of the new humans. ”

“Are you saying… you want to go to war with Korea? ”

A clan member’s question gives a subtle look to Xiao Mai.

“If the Korean government is not cooperative in catching the White Wolves, then we should consider it. ”

“Got it! I’m on it! ”

When the Clan members who received the order leave their positions busy.

“I’d love to take you with me, but could you laugh your head off?” ’

Xiaomi turns her back slowly, staring at the sky.



The White Wolf is returning to the Temporary Node with the Doctor.

“Now let me out. ”

Dr. Lane called me last minute.

He decides he’s some distance from the battlefield and drops her on the ground.

“You’re not going back, are you? ”

“They’ve already breached the Wall of Protection. Even if we go back now… it’s too late. ”

The white wolf felt despair flowing through her mouth.

He stops looking at her like that.

“Ideology and reality are inevitable. You made a wise decision. ”

“Don’t get me wrong. But I didn’t say I was following you. ”

Lane shouted in a slightly sunny voice.

He only looked at her with an indifferent gaze.

“Then what are you going to do? ”

“You can rebuild the fallen wall. because you can get up as long as you’re alive. ”

“I remember it being difficult to procure the materials. Is there any way to get materials to make walls? ”

She shakes her head slowly in an indifferent tone.

“Hard to get to right now. I don’t think I can solve it in a short time. But if we keep going forward, we’ll always be able to rebuild the walls. ”

“Even if we rebuild it, the wall will eventually collapse. ”

“… what? ”

A white wolf that keeps on talking even though the doctor’s gaze is sharp.

“As long as you exist, they will invade your homeland again, and the same thing will happen again. ”

“ · · · ”

Did he think he was right?

The doctor does not disagree, and the white wolf continues to speak.

“As long as you keep the monsters off this earth as you like, it won’t make a difference.“ ”

“What? ”

“People will settle in the land where the monsters are gone. But are they Vietnamese? ”

Lane clenches his lips in his questions.

He’s right.

Even if his help normalizes the earth.

Her country has already lost the power to defend this land.

“But… but that’s something no one knows. ”

“No, you already know that. They’re just denying the truth. Of course, I understand your wishes. You want to restore and resurrect your fallen country. ”

The white wolf stares at the reality she tried so hard to ignore.

“But look at the reality you’re in now. China and the United States have already entered my home and are spreading on this land. Do you really think getting rid of the monsters will make your wish come true? ”

“ · · · ”

Dr. Raine clenched his fist and stared at the ground.

He speaks indifferently.

“I admire your skill. I also wanted your ability, so I accepted your offer. But things are different now. Your shelter is down, and there is no place for you to be safe. ”

“I know, I know! It’s hard enough… that’s it. ”

She screamed out loud.

An indifferent white wolf.

“Now is the time to decide whose hand you want to hold, whether you like it or not. ”

“ · · · ”

As he continues to say, she bites her lip and thinks:

‘I hate to admit it… but I have to admit it. ’

No more safe shelters.

She was just a vagrant.

“Time to hold hands…”

The choice in front of her right now was three.

America, China, and the Bomber Party.

But I don’t want to die in two countries. ’

If the two countries hadn’t intervened in the first place.

They may have woken up on their own, gathering survivors based on shelters.

And now it’s a bubble.

But her dream was shattered by the intervention of two countries.

“If I choose that man… can I go to the future I drew? ’

However, I could not choose the white wolf.

After all, he also came close to seeing her abilities.

‘But there’s no other way. ’

More than two countries have already been removed from the selection.

All that was left was the White Wolf.

“If I hold hands with you now, what will I gain? ”

“Things have changed. Of course, conditions will also change. ”

“I know. So what do you want from me? ”

I finally got the reaction I wanted from her.

The white wolf gently raises his mouth tail and says.

“First, I’d like you to join my clan and craft the items I need. I will provide you with enough materials for crafting. The same goes for money. ”

“Is that all you want? I mean, you need an air bird.”

A white wolf nodding at the startling Myster’s question.

‘The goal was to be charming, but not to hand it over to others in the first place. ’

“That’s all I want. Well, I’ll let you build a parakeet if you need it, but I don’t think I need it. ”

“ · · · ”

Let’s just stare at her dazed eyes.

The White Wolf continues the conversation calmly.

“Basically, our clan does not interfere much with the actions of the clan members. All you have to do is take responsibility for your actions. ”

“So even if you continue to sponsor our country, you won’t interfere? ”

“Certainly. And some of our clans will remain here to fight monsters, and we will protect the survivors who remain in the Shelter.” ”

Because of his sudden favor.


Her gaze was lost and lost.

A white wolf raising its mouth to see her like that.

“It’s my gift and minimal consideration. ”


“Now I’ve shown you all my cards. Now choose.”

At the end of the sentence, he glances at the doctor indifferently.

‘I was considerate enough for conditions that were not bad. But if you refuse my offer here… ”

Maybe we should take care of her here.

‘We’ve created walls and defenses of that size with a shortage of resources. If we had the right support, we’d be making more than that. ’

But if she becomes an enemy of another country,

It almost came with enormous annoyance.

“ · · · ”

When the unknown eyes crossed the air.

“Fine. I’ll do as you say. ”

“Good thinking. ”

“Let’s assume that everything you just said protects you. I want you to promise me more than just thinking about it. ”

Maybe it’s because I saw what happened to her.

She’s been asking for a definite promise.

The white wolf nods, smiling bloody.

“I promise.”

“Okay, so where do we go now? Clan?”

“Oh… you don’t doubt it? ”

“You said that, right? It’s the Clan’s rule to take responsibility for actions. Of course, the Clan leader will be responsible for what he says. Isn’t that right?”

Surprisingly brave Myster, he nodded satisfactorily.

Slowly open your arms and say.

“Welcome to our Bomber party, Myster. ”

The End

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