I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 53

Tang Khan loads fate (2)


In Toju’s view, Darten was captured, the city of the most prolific survivors.

“What the hell is that?” ’

Maron, whose face is whitened and crossed between Darten’s alleys.


Afterwards, the image of cocoa following excitedly.

But at some point.

“Son of a…”

Maron confirms that there are no city residents around him.

I stopped running and turned around.

“Get away from me! ”

It emits a condensed white light that gathered in its hand to the chocolate.


The light of purification wrapped around the body of chocolate.


Chocolate tilted its head toward the young flock of light on his body.


I chased after him again in the clear.

Tears fill Maron’s eyes.

‘This power is not working. What do we do,? ’

Has he ever been punished for stealing things?

Is that why Tang Khan sent the ghost?

‘Tang Khan, I will not steal again. Just once, please. Just once! What? ”

All sorts of imaginations running through Marron’s head.


Maron falls on a rock and rolls the floor.

And the shadow slowly approaches him.


A tail that swings violently to the left and to the right.

Chocolate with a soft smile on its mouth.

“It’s over, I’m dying.”

Maron has given up everything.

Thinking of his imminent death, he shed tears.


Chocolate was moaning to convey that he had no intention of harm.

[This is what the teacher taught me. Approaching Tang Khan. That’s what I think.]

[Indeed… I didn’t think of this pose… I can see your willingness to reach out and get closer to Tang Khan.]

He recalls Akma and Deeks’ conversation and posture.

[If I’m going to be a warrior mentor, I’m going to teach you from here.]


If you’re going to be a mentor, you have to teach me the basics!

Then, wouldn’t it be relaxing to teach that pose and be seen by a boy in front of you?

Chocolate finished thinking.


Suddenly, he lifted his legs and looked like “Long live”.

“ · · · ”

He forgets to shed tears and stares at the ghosts.


Wh-what is it? What the hell does he want? ’

I thought the spirit was chasing him.

The behavior of the snarling ghost in front of you seems a little far from the evil spirit.

Anyway, one thing seems clear.

‘If this Nurung had tried to hurt me, he would have hurt me long ago. But…

It won’t hurt anything.

Rather than worrying about him falling.

I even groan at his knees.

“… what do you want? ”

Careful what you ask of him.


Chocolate swirled around him like it was waiting.

You bark softly.


Of course, I never knew what that meant, Maron.

He picks up the pieces of bread and hands them out in a few moments.

“Do you want some?”


Chocolate groans and looks through the floor.

“Oh, I can’t eat this. No… can you… can you understand me? ”


“Oh, my…”

It’s a chocolate-colored figure.

Maron with his eyes wide open.

Well, maybe he just paid me off.

“… do you really want to hang out with me? ”


That sounded like it.

But why are you following me? ’

Could it be a ghost sent down by your unfamiliar parents?

Or is it that poor Tang Khan wants to perform a miracle?

‘No, Tang Khan is a great god! That’s what grown-ups used to say. ’

The great god who formed the ‘Savior’ Akma, Tang Khan.

But a god like that sent a ghost, and a ghost like that?

‘No way!! ’

Maron stares at chocolate with a shrugged eye.

“I don’t know why you’re chasing me… but you’ll keep chasing me if I try to run away.” ’

He sighed like a child.

“Well, okay. You can come with me.”

I reached out to Chocolate.


Chocolate rejoiced that his actions worked.

I looked “Long live” again.

“Let’s go to my house, because the baker might chase us. Stop acting so weird! ”


At the same time Marron and Chocolate enter the alley.


He recognized his vision returning to the white space.

Uh, um…

Mentor Dutta, he was friendly with Haina with a kind and delightful mouth.

Mentor Dedon, his knowledge brings him closer to Akma.


Oh, yeah! Friendliness! Good friendliness. ’

A nice scratch on the back of the head.

‘I’ll see how chocolate teaches Maron… but I’m sure he’ll be good at it. ’

Chocolate is his warrior and mentor.

I’m sure Choco will also be a great mentor to Maron.

I believed him. I didn’t doubt him.

‘They may look different, but they’re all my warriors. ’

JooJoon smiled with delight.


The life of the warrior, Maron, came to a turning point.


All of a sudden, the color of the shit that came out of Maron’s cards faded away.

Silver light took its place.

‘That’s… chocolate. I believed it.’

Young thief Maron.

Chocolate is a good colleague and friend to him.

‘But by the end of this, he could grow up to be a great thief. ’

Of course, thanks to the great teachings of chocolate,

Maybe he’s living a better life.

He wanted to add confidence to it.

He lives in Darten, and he’s still young, so maybe if you could deliver the package…

Joon wondered how he could live a better life.

He soon entered the fame store.

“ · · · ”

After a while.

In front of the card is JooJoon with a parchment in his hand.

Scroll Through

Description: Get the warrior supplies.

Ability: Can transfer goods to warriors.

Restrictions: Items that can be transferred are limited to items obtained from ‘Your Warriors’.

Scrolling disappears upon use.

Reputation Required: 3,000

“ · · · ”

He took out the ‘Token of the Dean of Tang Khan Academy’ without saying anything and put it at his feet.

Token of Tang Khan Academy Dean

Description: This bracelet was made by Archma, the first dean of Tankan Academy. If you show me this bracelet, I can prove you are the Academy’s dean.


He slowly tears the parchment.

“Kid, thief, money, and… even if I send you this bracelet, if you turn it into money, everything will be for nothing. ’

Perhaps it will happen to the adults who are poisoned by it.

“Silver Bracelet. Furthermore, it proves to be the dean. You can’t say that if you value it. At worst…”

At worst, he could lose his life.

‘But what kind of goods are you sending to which warrior? It’s entirely up to me to decide.

It was for the warriors to survive their fate.

It was his job to help him through his fate.

‘I believe in my choices… and chocolate! ’


Please select the item (s) to be transferred and the service (s) to be sent.

Items to be transferred: Tokens from the Dean of Tang Khan Academy

To be sent: Maron

Do you want to send?


At that moment.

The silver bracelet that was at his feet disappeared.


An old shabby single room enters his vision.



Maron covers sleeping sisters with a blanket.

He sighs as he looks down at the young brother’s face.

“This is a big deal because we’re eating more and more each day.”

There were mouths to feed.

He was the only one who could do it.

Darkness is upon his face.

Did he even notice how he felt?


Chocolate approaches Maron and comforts him.

“It’s okay. We still have some bread left, and we found some meat today, right? I got lucky today. ”

Of course, it was a small piece of meat found in a pile of garbage.

It was an even more valuable food for him and his sisters.


“ · · · ”

Maron smiles helplessly at the support of chocolate.

‘But how long can I live like this? ’

It’s food. Even if he gets it somehow.

The problem was the weather.

Can they handle the cold that’s coming?

“At least when I was at her house, I didn’t have to worry about this. It’s hard, Fo-Fo.”


Chocolate that I wanted to say is chocolate, not popo.

However, he sighs and connects the words, which he did not know.

“She was mean, but at least she gave me a place to sleep with Bob. ”

If her house hadn’t exploded all of a sudden.

Obviously, he and his sister were still cleaning at her house today.

“I hope the Academy cadets come again soon. They give you things every time they come. Right, Popo?”


Chocolate with a strong response.

“Or should I say a prayer? You know, the Savior used to be a drunk. But the grown-ups told me that he had changed after meeting Tang Khan. Wouldn’t anything change if I prayed? Ah!”


Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide.

So open your eyes with a round chocolate.

“Maybe he’ll drop a bunch of food from the sky! ”

Maron, who is excited by himself, puts his hands together.

“Tang Khan, please drop lots of food and clothing from the sky so me and my brothers don’t get hungry. ”

At that moment.


Suddenly something popped out of the air.

I fell between them and rolled the floor.

“Huh? ”

Did he really pray?

Maron picks up his silver bracelet with a look on his face.



Chocolate flashed at both legs and looked like “Long live” pose.

But Maron had no idea what it meant.

“Fo… Fo-Fo! Look, Tang Khan really answered my prayers! ”

Though there wasn’t a ton of food or clothing,

Maron looked at the silver bracelet with a happier face than ever before.


‘Huh? This symbol… This color… I think I’ve seen it somewhere… I’ve seen something so precious… Ah! ’

One moment, one memory entered his mind.

‘Yes! I’m sure the lady who came with the Academy cadets was wearing the same thing on her wrist! ’

But why did the same bracelet that she was wearing fall in front of him?

“It doesn’t matter… as long as I sell this…”

I’ll be able to get food and clothing for my sisters.

Maron mutters as he looks at the silver bracelet.

[Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing]

Suddenly, the chocolate starts barking more fiercely than ever.

“W-what’s going on? ”

[Vocalizing, Vocalizing, Vocalizing]

Let Fo-Fo, who acted like a gentle sheep, become ferocious.

Why is Po doing this all of a sudden? ’

Maron, who was scared, soon remembers his reasons.

“You’re… you’re not selling this, are you? ”


[Heh heh heh!]

Fo-Fo returned to a mild sheep.

“ · · · ”

Maron thinks.

“If this bracelet really is from Tang Khan…”

Is Fo-Fo really the Lion of Tang Khan?

So when they said they were selling bracelets, did they react so harshly?

Confirmation is required.

“Fo-Fo, should I sell this? ”


“Then why not sell it? ”

[Heh heh heh!]

Maron saw a distinct reaction from the other artillery.

Then he’s sure.

“Fo-Fo was the lion of Tang Khan! The Savior was right! ’

But why is the Lion of Tang Khan acting like a Nurung?

“You must be punished by Tang Khan for your mistakes!” That’s why he must have turned into a worm! ’

Maron gives his own answers and thinks again.

“If you can’t sell your bracelet…”

Maron shines an eye.

“Then let’s give this to the lady and get her reward! I’m sure they’ll reward you with one more identical bracelet! ”


I wonder if he’s excited about his opinions.

Chocolate barks vigorously and turns around.


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