I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 89

At the fork in the road.


At the same time, in sight of JooJooJoon.

Huge wooden buildings are captured along with large villages.

[Puheheheh! Eat this!]

“Shhh! Shhh! Who’s the spirit! Aren’t you gonna take care of it?! It’s burnt! Damn it.”

The wooden building was filled with spirits and people controlling them.

“ · · · ”

Samuel crosses between them.

Arriving soon at the luxurious door.


“Guild Master! What are you talking about! Why do I have to go to Darten?! ”

Samuel opens the door and raises his voice.

Look at the old man sitting at his desk.

“Calm down and keep your voice down, since you haven’t been deaf yet. ”

Samuel raises his voice at the words of the guild leader.

“Calm down? I told you to go to Taten. Is there anyone who can calm down?” You know what it’s like out there! ”

Recently, there’s been an attack on wizards in Taten.

That’s how the word got out that the spirit had been mobilized.

Now Darten has become a difficult place for a spirit to stick its feet.

“I know, I know. I’m asking you this. Have a seat.”

Despite the stubborn attitude of the old man, Samuel made an unseemly expression.

Sit down.

“You know, we’re kind of in the middle of something here. He’s not a Druid, and he’s not a Wizard. ”

“More like a Druid relative, to be honest. ”


The guild leader smiles at Samuel’s jokes.

“This is an excellent opportunity for our acolytes, anyway. ”

“Excellent opportunity? What do we have to do with the Wizards building a city-state between us? ”

“You bastard! Why do you care?” Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. ”

The old man opens the map with his tongue.

Raise a small wooden statue and place it in one place.

Where the wooden statue is placed.

It used to be called a polluted forest.

A new Druid sanctuary where the Spirit resides now.

‘Arel’ was located.


Similarly, the guild leader placed a statue on top of the city “Darten.”

“Here, look. ”

He looks at Samuel and connects the horses.

“If you look back now, it is clear that the construction of a city-state will take place. Perhaps Darten will play a vital role in the city. ”

Press down on the statue above Darten.

“Well, yeah. There’s Tang Khan Academy. ”

Samuel nodding in agreement.

“Then what will happen? ”

‘What are you trying to say? ’

“What’s going on? Of course they will.”

“Don’t be silly. The druids are nervous about the son of the Academy dean, of course! ”

But not for the Dean’s son, Leon.

There is a strange air flow between the Druid and the Wizard.

If the wizards unite to build a city-state, it will strengthen.

The Druids will be very nervous.

“Well, maybe. ”

Samuel insists.

The guild leader clicks his tongue as if it were stuffy.

“It’s not possible. It’s impossible. ”

“Even so, it has nothing to do with us. ”

“That’s the point. ”

The Guild Master holds up a statue on the Druid’s Shrine, Arel.

The Spirit Guild has been placed.

“The druids have offered us a deal. ”

“The druids? Those wise men made you an offer? ”

Oatmeal heirloom is pureblood. Share the bloodline.

Maybe he’s mistreating the spirits.

“Yes. That’s why I called you. ”

“Why did you call me? What kind of offer is that? ”

The guild leader has been silent for a while.

Lower your voice.

“This meeting in Darten, the druids seem to be planning on abducting León there. ”

“What? ”

Are the Druids crazy?

The Tang Khan Academy acts like the heart of the city, Darten.

Kidnapping the son of the Academy Dean.

“The druids are looking for a war? No… Guild Master… You didn’t accept the offer, did you? ”

“ · · · ”

The old man was speechless.

Samuel’s expression, reading the meaning of silence, hardens.

“.. and if we finish this successfully, we will be accepted as druids.” ”

“… you just accepted that offer for that reason? ”


The guild leader smiling.

“Samuel. Accepting us as Druids means accepting us officially. ”

“I know. But is that important? Is it important enough to kidnap a child? Shouldn’t we be doing as well as we are? ”

Excited Samuel raises his voice.

The guild leader flinching his white eyebrows.

“Samuel. As wizards and engineers unite, the druids are expanding their power somehow. And after the expansion of the two forces…”

A guild leader that slams two statues on the map.

“War is inevitable. The original magical and natural forces are incompatible. ”

“ · · · ”

“Samuel, you’re fine now, but you can’t just sit on the sidelines forever. Even if we wanted to, you think they’d let us? ”

That can’t be right.

From battle to healing to defense, we can’t leave any spirits behind.

“Can’t the spirits come together and have their own power?” ”

“This is the size of a gathering. Whereas they’re already one country. ”

Guild and Country.

The difference in size exceeds the level a guild can overturn.

“We have to make a choice now. Will you stand with the Druids? Will you stand with the Wizards? Samuel. I think these druids’ proposals will be a big divergence for the spirits, not the purebloods. ”

“.. I’m just a spirit warrior. Then why are you telling me such a big deal? ”

“Because you know best, don’t you? ”

Samuel finished talking to the guild leader soon.


He walked out of the Guild House.

“Damn it.”

I scratch my head roughly and pull a small stick out of my chest and rub it in my mouth.


I spit a puff of white smoke out of my mouth.

Coldness returns to his face.

[I smell that! Don’t eat it! Don’t eat it!]

[Puhehehehe! Rotten me! It stinks in my mouth!]

“Oh, my…”

They say there’s little magical power.

Maybe it was a gift from the Tang Khan Institute of Magical Engineering.

Samuel put the road pole in because the spirits reacted so harshly.

He sighed heavily.

[What are you going to do?]

Deeks asks the ultimate question.

“I can’t. No, I won’t. The Spirit’s Rights? If you have the right to kidnap a child, just give it to the dog. ”

[It’s a great mind. It’s not a warrior’s job to kidnap a child.]

Do you like Samuel’s answer?

Deeks nods cheerfully and asks questions.

[Your decision was the decision of the Candidate Warrior. But we need to think if we can afford that decision.]

“Are we going to die? ”

Samuel smiles powerlessly and looks up at the sky.

“Deeks. Is this what Tang Khan wanted, too? ”

[What do you mean?]

“Why — if I hadn’t met Rachel the dean with the wizards, I wouldn’t have made friends with them. because none of this would have happened. ”

Whatever the guild leader called him for in the first place.

Maybe he was using his connections to kidnap Rachel’s son, Leon.

“If I was a normal spirit…”

Wouldn’t even care.

[Tang Khan always thinks of creation. The creatures, however, are not. You only think about yourself, and that’s all you think about.]

“Which means…”

[Do not doubt his will.]

A dédex that speaks with a firm face.

[Do not doubt, do not be afraid. Tang Khan dropped the necklace for you. You just have to trust him and move on. Like now.]

“ · · · ”

Maybe it’s the blessing of the crown.

‘Yes, God and his angel are with me. Let’s go the way I think is right. Even if death is at the end of the road… ”

Samuel’s expression brightens.

“Deeks. Even if I were a spirit, I wouldn’t listen to that old man. ”

[Do you have a plan?]

Samuel nods, speeding up his pace.

“I’m going to tell the dean about this. Even if I refuse this offer, I don’t think the Druids will give up. ”

[That’s not a bad idea. She’ll believe you. But…]

A sudden flying Deeks.

He quickly searched around Samuel.

You return to Samuel’s side.

[A few suspicious creatures stand behind you.]

“It’s probably the guild leader. ”

It’s a matter of course I caught the eye of the surveillance.

[I don’t think the journey to Darten will be satisfied.]

“But we have to go. I got help from the Wizards at the Tower, but I think we should at least return the favor. ”

Samuel hurried to walk with a seeik smile.

Seeing Samuel’s back like that, Deeks smiled with a joyful smile.


JooJoon realized that his vision had returned to the living room.


I think about the situation a moment ago.

‘I thought you were going up the tower with the wizards and other colleagues… This is a little unexpected. ’

Maybe because of the necklace he sent over.

Samuel seemed to have changed a lot.

‘I think we’ve met Rachel, and… maybe the wizards are connected. By the way… ”

Slowly frowning.

Druids… are these people crazy? Kidnapping Leon?

Even if he is Maron’s son.

Their ways were outrageous.

Has Lacan not stopped you? Or was it because there was a faction among the druids? ’

Many assumptions came to mind.

Neither was clear.

‘Well… I’m glad Samuel decided to stop it… But I don’t know what’s going to happen next. ’

It really triggered Leron’s abduction.

A world at peace could be at stake!

‘Akma and Maron have made it a hard world to live in. Phew…’

I was sighing in the history of recurrence.

Clears Warrior Samuel’s Quarterly Achievement.

Warrior Samuel has breached the 10th floor of the Endless Tower.

Outside Achievements: The ‘Mentor’ Deeks has increased Samuel’s strength through strong training.

You will be rewarded with Cyclops’ Eye.

“Oh… You’ve already gone up to the 10th floor before visiting the guild. ’

Go up to the 10th floor of the tower with the Ordinary Wizards.

Visit Darten with the wizards.

A necklace that ties Rachel and the other wizards together.

‘That’s why the guild leader said that. ’

A message gives a rough idea of Samuel’s journey.

Cyclops, by the way, one-eyed? The Eye? ’

When Joon lifted his head with a suspicious feeling.

Iron Puck

Suddenly, big eyes popped out of the air and rolled the floor.

“Wow! Crazy! ”

The fierce appearance of the beast gives way to reflexive retreat.

‘What big eyes?! Haha… But I have to check it out. ’

Even if it looks bad.

It was a daily reward from his warriors.

She frowns and looks at the information of Cyclops’ Eye.


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