I suddenly became the villain and I liked it


“Mistress, I have returned.”

“Welcome back, Sylvia.”

Melanie was in her room reading a book while I lounge around the common room.

“Something unexpected has happened today.”

Oh? Something interesting enough for my maid has happened?

“Red hair approached me with blue hair and spoke to me.”

What? Wait, the female protagonist is not supposed to hang out on Sundays until the second week. Why did I not realize it earlier? She starts going outside on Sundays due to the friend she makes. So, since she became friends with blue hair early, she is dragged out by them.

“I see.”

“What should I do about them, mistress?”

“What do you mean?”

“I do not know how to interact with them. Do you have any orders for me?”

“No orders for that one. Feel free to interact with both as you see fit.”

“Are you sure, mistress?”

“Absolutely, do not feel the need to report what you have spoken about as well. I will let you decide what you wish to do with them.”

My maid has a confused look on her face.



“I am supposed to be your tool, mistress. So, why do keep making me think?”

“Because I want to.”

I smile at her. I see her shiver as usual.

“You have your orders, maid. Are you questioning them?”

“No. I am-“

A confused expression appears on her face. I stop her before she could finish her sentence.

“Now, leave me be. It is still your day off so away with you.”

Contradictions makes us who we are. A person with thoughts is a walking contradiction. To live is to contradict. We love/hate, we adore/fear, we save/kill. Such is human nature, such is avarice, such is greed. For when we get what we want, we want the one we did not get.

“You two have a weird relationship.”

“What makes you say that, Melanie?”

As my maid goes to her room confused, Melanie arrives.

“I don’t really get what you want. You tell her one thing but want another. It’s like you don’t really want what you’re saying.”

“Go on.”

“It’s so hard to explain. It’s like you’re expecting something. Something that you don’t even know what it is but it’s something you want to know.”

“Very well put, Melanie.”

“Is it? I confused myself.”

“There is something that I will correct you on. I already know what I want to know. What I do not know is what will I see.”


“For you see, my goal is not singular. It has many faces, many outcomes. I am steering everything to a goal. However, what that goal is something that I will not see until it happens.”

“Okay, you lost me already.”

“I know. I am just sharing with you how my mind works. You must realize that I already simplify everything I say.”

“Wait, that’s how you’re thinking by yourself? How do you even understand what you’re saying?”

“That is the question. But do I even understand it myself? Or am I speaking just for the sake of speaking. Am I saying all these words to prolong the message. It is something to consider.”

“Listening to you is like reading a novel. Sometimes it takes them a paragraph to explain a sentence.”

“Too true, Melanie. Maybe someday you can appreciate being able to create a paragraph from a sentence.”

“From what I hear, it’s usually nobles who like that kind of thing. So, no thanks. I may be considered a noble now but I was a commoner so I line up more to them.”

“Then Melanie, just to go back to the first topic. There is one main reason that I do what I do.”

“And that is?

“I dislike playing with dolls.”

“Dolls? What do you mean by that?”

“That is all I will say for the matter. Now, go make sure that everything you will bring is prepared.”

As Melanie left, I hear someone knocking on the door. Weird, whoever comes here knows that there is a doorbell. So, that must mean this is someone who is not familiar. Interesting, I approach the door. A rational person would probably think of checking who it is but I feel a little risky today so open I go.

“So, this is where you are Athena.”

My interest drops.

“What are you doing here, prince?”

“I saw your maid entering this place so I wanted to know who was inside.”

“Now you know, you can go now.”

“Athena, what are you planning?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“The Athena that I know did not do things like this. Having your own place, secret talks with the principal, what things are you hiding?”

“I am hiding a lot of things, prince. I do suggest that you do not poke on them and I shall do the same for you.”

“Me? I am not hiding anything.”

“That is where you are wrong, prince. Everyone has something to hide. So, just let it go.”

“Fine. If it does not hurt anyone, can you at least promise me that?”

“Of course, prince. Whatever I am planning to do does not involve hurting anyone.”

For now, that is.

“Okay. I hope that is true.”

The prince turns to leave.

“Oh, and prince, I do value my privacy. So, I expect that no one would know of this place?”

“You have my word.”

“And if you do decide to drop by for whatever reason you may have, please make sure to make an appointment. Sudden visits are not my cup of tea.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Both protagonists are moving in a way that I cannot foresee. But there is one thing clear, the prince is on his assertive stats while red hair is balancing compassion and violence. Now that none of us are bound by numbers, I do so wonder how they will act in the times to come. Ah, how truly exciting.

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