I suddenly became the villain and I liked it

First meeting with the female protagonist

I cannot sleep. I look at the time and it is just a little over midnight. I spent between an hour or two with that woman. I remembered when she released and looked down at myself. It was the first time I did anything sexual since I woke up with my other set of memories. I take off my clothes. So, I touch myself.

“Nothing. I cannot feel it.”

It had been around an hour since I started but there was no reaction. There was no lubrication and I did not feel any pleasure.

“Ah, I truly am broken.”

It took a while for me to fall asleep.

“Good morning, mistress.”

“Is everything ready?”

“Yes, mistress.”
It was a day early but I will be setting off for school today. One meal with father before that.

“How was your night with your mother?”

After the meal, father asked me. Now would be a great time to gauge what head maid and that woman told him.

“It was liberating, father. We have not had the time to truly bond and I used the opportunity to show her how I truly feel.”

I look at that woman and smile. I could see her blush and she look down. Did she like it? It was a complicated feeling.

“Good. You may request for her in the future if you need to.”

Typical father, not even going through the motion of asking for her opinion.

“Of course, father. I learned a lot from our time together.”

We left the dining room and prepared for our departure. There were two carriages parked in front of our house.

“Sylvia, I await the good news.”

“Of course, father.”

I glanced at that woman as they leave. Whether or not they told him, father did not confront me today. Which means that there is a seed planted in the doll. Will the doll gain life or not is something only time will tell.

“Mistress, there seem to be trouble ahead.”

During the journey, the carriage stopped. I looked out and I could see someone surrounded by what could only be called bandits.

“Hmm, this needs to be reported to father.”

“What should we do, mistress?”

As I stared at the group, I saw the one being surrounded. She had auburn hair in the style of a ponytail. She wore clothes that looked utterly cheap as she wielded a short sword.

“Nothing. We will watch for now.”

The carriage was hidden behind some trees so they have not noticed us yet. This was the first choice of the female protagonist. It was a simple, will you kill or not kill. Killing increases her stat but also her violence while not killing increase her compassion. This choice will determine most of your actions during the first month within the game.

“My maid, do prepare yourself. I will give you an order.”

It was purely coincidence that I witnessed this scene so let us take advantage of it but I shall wait first until I see her choice. Now, will you kill or not kill?

“Mistress, she is strong.”

We watched as she fought against 3 bandits. The female protagonist was used to violence but she had not yet killed anyone. Even though she could make it easier by killing, she is still hesitant to do so. I already knew what was going to happen. Whether or not you choose to kill, there would be a fourth bandit waiting for an ambush. And now I see her choice.

“Maid, there should be an ambush. Take that one down and only that one.”

My maid silently prepared. The female protagonist lunges at a bandit and slashes down severing it from the soldier to the waist diagonally. Ah, I always did prefer the violent protagonist. As the fourth bandit lunged her from behind, my maid swiftly reaped its life as the remaining bandits looked in shock. Not missing the chance, the female protagonist severs their heads. Ah, such violence.

“Who are you?”

I gaze into those golden eyes as our carriage approaches. My maid prepares to act but I stop her.

“Is that something that you say to your savior?”

“I didn’t need any saving. I can handle myself.”

She was a delinquent, very cute.

“So confident, where might you be going then?”

“None of your business.”

My maid reacts again and I need to stop her again. I take a cup of water and hold it.

“That is true. Although it does not matter as I do not want someone so dirty and stinky ruining my carriage.”

It took her a moment to digest my words and I could see the anger appear on her face. Ah, how wonderful her expression is.


Before she could say anything else, I pour the water on top of her head as I signal my maid to tell the carriage driver to go. She stood there in shock as our carriage begun to move.

“Clean yourself up and make yourself presentable and maybe I will let you become mine.”

I left those parting words as we left.


I could hear her scream from behind as we relaxed.

“Should I take care of her, mistress?”

“Calm yourself, Sylvia. She would be beautiful if she cleaned up.”

I sigh as I say that and I could see a frown on my maid’s face. Is she jealous perhaps? No, that cannot be it. And we finally arrived at the school.

“We have arrived, mistress.”

I looked at the gates. This is where the main story begins. I have plenty of time. The female protagonist chose violence so I must not do too much or I might meet an early end. My maid still is not in her strongest state so it is not guaranteed that she can stop the female protagonist if she goes wild.

“Prepare yourself, my maid. This will be our stage. My swan song against the world.”

Ah, I do look forward to being the villain.

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