I swung my greatsword at Hogwarts

Chapter 697 Furong's 1 Kiss, Catch the Stars

John can't go back this year, too many things need him to deal with.

Not just the Silver Hands Alliance, but also the Ancient Alliance, the International Federation of Wizards, and various schools.

John detailed the matter and handed it over to the respective departments.

"How can Dumbledore teach in school with peace of mind?" John expressed doubts about whether Dumbledore had dealt with these matters during his reign.

After all, when he was in school, he saw that Dumbledore was quite free, and occasionally paid attention to Harry's life at school.

After dealing with more things, some things still have to be done by John himself.

Like this party.

It's a Second Dynasty party.

The huge body of interests has developed into a monster in the wizarding world.

John held the party at Silverhand Manor.

Those who can come here are all top figures from various places.

French Minister of Magic Charles Rolland attended with his son.

German Minister of Magic Gresham also came here.

28 The ancient clan, the rich and famous in the wizarding world.

They were talking, talking and laughing about the staggering amount of business, and the confrontation about political means.

Prospects and concerns for the future.

This is like moving the International Federation of Wizards into the Silver Hand Manor.

John changed himself in his room.

He reached for the ring on the table.

Emerald green gemstone, which was once a symbol of Johnny's silver hand.

Today this symbol has become John Wick.

Putting the ring on his finger, John glanced at Fu Rong, who was leaning against the door without a ladylike image.

"French hibiscus, your appearance will surprise people."

"What do I look like?" Fleur smiled, and she came over to pick up John's cufflinks.

John had no choice but to stop and let her do it, feeling a little awkward.

Putting on the emerald cufflinks, Furong stared at John in a daze.

"You said how did you grow up so much?"

Beauxbaton's exchange student secretly went to pluck the feathers of the rune horse in the middle of the night.

In the forest, they are chased by fire dragons.

These things were vivid in my mind, Fu Rong sighed deeply, "You are really outstanding now, John."

John chuckled lightly, "Isn't that good?"

"I just feel that you don't belong to us anymore." Furong felt a little melancholy.

Once the king of the Star Club, he has gradually become the world.

"I'll always be here," John shrugged, "that won't change."

"Okay," Furong pursed her lips and smiled, "Then, Your Excellency Wick, it's time for you to appear."

"We're waiting for you at the door."

Fleur slightly pinched her skirt in front of John and curtseyed.

John walked out of the room, and his friends gathered together.

"John," Daphne was wearing a light blue dress. She turned around and asked, "Does it look good?"

John thought for a while, "Good-looking is good-looking, but have you grown taller?"

He felt like he hadn't seen it for a while, and Daphne was a little taller.

Daphne's smile froze, and she turned her gaze to her younger sister.

Astoria spread his hands and shook his head, expressing that he had no choice.


John walked down the hall.

Daphne was encouraged several times by Astoria to come to John.

Seeing this, Furong smiled brightly at Daphne.

"John, the lady is by your side."

Fu Rong stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "You should be a gentleman."

"It feels weird."

When John came out, his left hand was held by Fleur, and his right hand was held by Daphne.

He felt very odd.

Furong held him in her arms, she was very generous, she would not let people think in other directions at all, for some reason it was surprisingly harmonious.

Appearing with two golden flowers, the second king instantly became the focus.

There were many people present this time.

He also saw his friends.

Malfoy stayed and hid beside Lucius, and Mr. Greengrass stared there, the glass in his hand about to be crushed.

Neville with Hannah, being fed by Hannah.

Mrs. Longbottom chatted happily with Grandma Aibo.

Percy and Penello dealt with several ministers of magic.

Cedric held Cho Chang's hand.

Heinrich and Ludwig were together, where there was a black hair, and for some reason a blonde was mixed in.

The Weasley twins had brought their business to Silverhand Manor and were enthusiastically selling Appleby Arrows jerseys.

It seemed that Malfoy wanted to go up and overturn their booth.

"Okay, it's time for you to talk." Furong let go of John's hand.

Daphne didn't know what to do, just like Furong, she let go of her hand foolishly.

This made Fu Rong almost unable to maintain her elegant demeanor.

The opportunity I created with great difficulty, ended up being wasted by this silly girl.

Hate that iron is not steel!

It was too late for Daphne to react, and John looked at the crowd below.

He snapped his fingers, and the cup appeared in his hand.

"I think we have gathered again and become stronger at the same time," he chuckled. "There have been many things in the past year. Difficulties are in front of us, and we have no choice but to break through."

Everyone stopped talking, their fiery eyes fixed on the king.

John raises his glass.

"Let us celebrate. Everything we have experienced this year, whether it is harvest or suffering, is our life experience."

"To our friends, family, and enemies who want to destroy us. They give us a stronger reason. Death is terrible. Before death, you suddenly find that this life of mediocrity is even more terrifying. .”

"No one is willing to be ordinary, just like we don't want to die in fear."

"So, celebrate, revel, and let loose."

"On this day of celebration, get drunk!"

John drank the glass of wine.

Announcing the start of the party.

Talk, laugh, laugh.

The year has seen death, threats of saints, ups and downs in business.

Everything is in the right place, they have the ability to change, and they do change.

They have nothing to do with mediocrity. In the future magical world, this group of people will be extraordinary.

The silver hand banquet was held late.

Until midnight will come, the banquet is over.

Many wizards left, and the manor became deserted again.

Here, John raises a glass with his friends.

"We couldn't be happier when we're back together."

John had a smile on his face.

The previous one was interest, but here is friendship.

The banquet belonging to the second king is over, and John Wick's banquet begins.

This night, they seemed to be returning to the Star Club.

Malfoy threw himself into Astoria's arms, talking about how unwilling he was to lose.

He also said that Mr. Greengrass didn't know where he learned it, and he could hang fuchsias upside down.

He was hung up for an hour, an hour!

In response, Astoria blushed.

Who let himself go to watch the football game with his father.

With tens of thousands of people watching, Astoria threw himself into Malfoy's arms.

Cedric said that he went to the East and met Qiu Zhang's parents.

The two are discussing getting married next year.

It made John wonder why wizards get married so early.

It's like getting married at an early age.

Percy is also getting married next year.

Then Neville, that guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was going to get married too.

He is.

It will only be nineteen next year.

Not to be outdone, Malfoy said he would get married next year, but was hanged by Daphne.

Astoria hasn't graduated next year, who are you going to marry?

Jin poked Heinrich with his finger, and Heinrich glared angrily.

Amidst the laughter, this year's Christmas draws to a close.

Friends are leaving one after another.

The stars also have their own ideals to strive for.

But when friends need help, they will show up without hesitation.

The last to leave was Furong.

She stood outside in the snow for a while, rubbing her clean arms with both hands.

"There's a lot going on around us, John."

Fleur was the first to join the Stars Club, and she had a similar experience to John.

She is often criticized among Beauxbatons girls for her overly beautiful appearance.

"I hope you're always this happy, John."

Fleur looked at John and sent her sincere blessings.

John put his hands on his heart, bowed and smiled, "I've always been there, Fleur."

"So, do whatever you want," John said. "Don't hold yourself back."

Fu Rong looked at John with a smile, and suddenly said, "Then can I kiss you?"

"Huh?" John froze.

This angle was unexpected to him.

Fleur stepped forward, she held John's face in her hands, and kissed him on the forehead.

"My lord, please remember that it was Fleur Delacour who kissed you first."

Fleur smiled slyly, being a French hibiscus made her need to be dignified.

Beauxbaton's warriors made her adventurous.

This kiss is not like.

It was Fleur's farewell to the first-year Hogwarts boy who stole the feather of the rune horse.

French hibiscus also sometimes wants to be naughty.

John watched Fu Rong leave, he was a little helpless, "Why didn't I find her so naughty before."

A carriage is coming.

John was puzzled, is there still someone coming at this time?

The carriage stopped in front of it, and the door was opened.

A little golden figure appeared first, followed by the girl who jumped out of the carriage.

Arianna is full of air, but her face is still a little dirty.

Herme drooped his head, it was caught.


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