I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 35:

Contract (5)

“So, you’re saying that succubi usually get married and go through adulthood before their coming-of-age day?”

“That’s right.”

“But you, you had your coming-of-age ceremony at 35 and then spent the next 15 years fooling around at home?”


Nom, nom.

Liliana munched on her chicken as she replied.

“Why? Just because you prefer having fun? Aren’t succubi supposed to have desires for marriage and sexual relations?”

“At first, that might have been the case for me, but after playing games so long, I lost those desires…”

“Why didn’t you get married when those desires hit you?”

“W-Well, there’s a reason why I couldn’t…”


“Y-You seriously want me, a succubus, to spill all the details? You scum…”


Liliana shot me a scornful look.

Wait, what’s her deal? Is she hiding some dark secret, or is she just seriously lacking suitors?

“You know, you seem fine…”


I examined Liliana’s face again. I don’t see anything wrong with her. She’s actually quite attractive.

“You idiot, my looks aren’t the issue! It’s my tail!”

“Your tail?”

Her heart-shaped tail on her back? I actually find it pretty cute.

“Heh, humans really know nothing. When I was born, my tail was shorter than other succubi.”

“What’s wrong with a short tail?”

Liliana’s tail seemed like a perfect length to me. It actually looked kinda long. Is that really considered short?

“…Succubi need to satisfy males with their entire bodies and extract their essence. That’s the point of being a succubus.”

Liliana lowered her head, as if admitting something embarrassing.

“In Hell, the culture of sex is highly developed. You see, the inhabitants there are a bunch of clueless, fight-loving fools who think they rule the roost. Most of the males from these races are absolutely obsessed with sex.”

“But what does it have to do with the tail?”

“The tail is a crucial part of being a succubus. Those perverts who ditch their own kind to marry a succubus are the real sex-crazed ones. They place great importance on tail play.”

“Tail play? I can’t even imagine it.”

Do they wrap it with their tails and shake it? Why not just use their hands?

“Whatever you’re thinking, you’ve got it all wrong. It’s about inserting the tail into the… ahem, rear and stimulating the prostate…”

“Eww, fuck that!”

“W-Why the dramatic reaction? The prostate is an important erogenous zone for males…”

“What’s wrong with you people?!”

No matter how great the prostate is as an erogenous zone, I can’t picture something going inside a man’s backdoor. If it’s just on the outside, maybe, but going inside is just a no-go for me.

I’ve just just learned about the filthy truth of these damn perverted demons. Next time I meet one, I might just obliterate them out of sheer exasperation.

“Anyway, those high-ranking demons who supposedly wanted a succubus kept rejecting me… and I ended up getting set up with creatures like ugly orcs or goblin chieftains. My mom was all like, ‘Just get married, it’ll be fine…'”

Well, it’s unrealistic, but it’s still a realistic concern.

“So, you’re fed up and still a 50-year-old virgin?”

“Yes, considering succubi live around 1000 years, I’m just 5 years old in human terms.”

“I stopped believing in those words after seeing a 25-year-old elf.”

“What nonsense are you spouting?”


With that, Liliana polished off all the chicken on her plate. I brought her a bowl of rice, and she nearly teared up while eating.

“Is it that delicious?”

“Delicious! Meals aren’t just for survival. They can be this enjoyable!”

Liliana seemed to be shedding more tears now than when she was caught by that tattooed pig earlier.

Is this woman seriously going through mood swings?

“What do you usually eat in Hell?”

“Well, stuff like hellfire pepper stir-fry, rotten apple juice… Oh, and sometimes we eat hellhound meat, but compared to chicken, it’s just trash.”

Liliana gazed at the empty chicken plate with sorrowful eyes.

“Alright, you’re done eating. Come and sit here.”

I patted the spot next to me on the bed.

“I-I’ve never done anything like that before…”

“No, it’s not like what you think. Just come and sit for now.”

Liliana hesitated but eventually sat down next to me.

“Even though your tail may not be perfect due to its shortness, just bear with it…”

Ignoring Liliana’s comment, I took out a notebook and pen.

“Now, tell me about the things you’re good at.”


“If you have any skills that can make money, that’s even better.”

Liliana’s appraisal session was about to begin.


“You’re also my contracted summon, so you might have an idea, but I need money to keep you going.”

“Money, you say…?”

“Yeah, more precisely, I need a manastone to sustain your existence every month, and that costs around 10 million won… In simple terms, it’s like the money to buy 1,000 chickens like the ones we had earlier.”

“Wow, whoa! 1,000 chickens? How much money is that exactly…?”

Liliana’s eyes widened as she started calculating with her fingers.

Can you even estimate something that huge like that?

“Anyway, that’s the thing, tell me about your talents. If it’s something that can make money, even better.”

“Well, I’m pretty good at watching dramas…?”

“Will that make money? No, you’re skilled in magic, right? Teach me some magic then.”

“Uh, sure. Okay.”

“Alright, one skill down.”

I jotted down “Liliana’s Magic Class” in my notebook. Learning charm magic could definitely come in handy.

“Um… I’m good at eating too.”

“You seriously? You’re a succubus, shouldn’t you be good at something like, you know, sex? You’re supposed to pass on that skill to me, right?”

A succubus good at watching dramas and eating? Is she losing it?

“I-I’ve never tried that before, so that’s a bit…”

“Ugh, alright. Tell me about something else then.”

“I’m pretty good at gaming.”

“What can you do with that skill, seriously? Next.”

“Well, I’ve been told that my voice is nice by people I play games with…”

“Your voice, huh…”

Her voice is indeed quite pleasant. A bit too assertive sometimes, but there’s a hidden charm to it.

She has a pretty face, a nice voice, and she plays games decently. But she curses like a sailor all the time…

Wait a minute, this character smells like money.

“Hey, how about trying streaming, you know, broadcasting?”

“Broadcasting? Like, appearing on TV? It’s a bit intimidating… When I was younger, I did a news interview, and people made fun of me for having a short tail…”

“Nah, you can do it alone, just playing games and talking to yourself.”

Isn’t Liliana the perfect fit for an internet streaming audience? Gorgeous face, lovely voice, foul-mouthed, and she’s pretty skilled at games. People would absolutely adore her. And on top of all that, she’s still a virgin.

If she adds some playful teasing while gaming and acts all coy when things get a bit spicy, it’s guaranteed to be a smash hit. She knows how to draw attention like a pro.

At Victoria Academy, all the students get the same rooms. So, by just glancing at a room, they won’t have a clue whose den it is.

“Hmm, a mysterious cosplayer attending Victoria Academy…”

That’ll be her persona. By day, she’s just another student at Victoria Academy, but by night, she transforms into a seductive succubus cosplayer.

Even if the academy try to investigate, they’ll be focusing on the girls’ dorm, not the boys’. No chance of getting caught.

Once she starts doing streams for a few days, the reactions will come pouring in naturally. And if there’s a lack of response, well, I can always stir things up by spreading rumors anonymously.


“What’s that? Your pervy gaze is making me sick.”

The Succubus Live Stream begins.


“Alright then, I guess I should learn some magic first.”

“Yeah, I can manage that.”

“As a succubus, you know spells that charm and arouse others, right?”

“Who the hell do you think I am? Of course, I do.”

Finally, something useful for me. Just as expected from a succubus, she should know how to do these things naturally.

“Are there spells that can make women fall in love with me too?”

If there’s such a thing, I won’t need any strategies, and it will be an instant win.

“There is, but the difference between the caster and the target has to be quite significant. You’d probably succeed if the difference is like you and a stray cat passing by.”

“Then I don’t need it.”

There’s no way the heroines are that different.

“There are various types of charm magic. From mildly increasing affection to complete domination.”

Is the magic she used on the tattooed pig a form of complete domination?

“Originally, I could use full-fledged charm magic… However, it seems that the mana here in the human world doesn’t quite resonate with me, so I can only sustain it for a few seconds.”


That’s not the reason. It’s because of the contract. But there’s no need to mention the existence of the contract to her. There’s a clause that makes me responsible if Liliana gets hurt.

And it’s also good to have some unknown element to prevent her from doing something strange.

“Let me show you a basic charm magic circle for now.”

Liliana stretched out her hand and began drawing a magic circle with her magic.


I frowned, looking at the magic circle. It’s a completely unfamiliar magic system. There’s no such a thing in the human world.

“Don’t get your pants in a twist. The history of demon magic is ancient, way older than that human magic system that’s barely a few centuries old. Whenever human mage slaves get caught, they freak out when they see our magic.”

Indeed, It’s a top-notch system compared to the human magic, more efficient, and less mana-hungry.

I could probably get the hang of it if I watch closely. I’ll just ask her for an explanation later.

“So, there’s no guarantee that I can teach you my magic. Our magic system is completely different, you know.”

After a while, Liliana completed the magic circle.

“Charm magic is essentially a spell that increases the target’s affection. The more charming the caster, the better the effect. That’s why other races, besides succubi, don’t get the full experience of its effect.”

As I listened to Liliana’s explanation, I continued to observe the magic circle.

“Give it a try. The results may not be immediate, but if you keep at it, you might see some results.”

Using Mana Sensitivity, I analyzed and understood the mana waves coming from the magic circle.

Well, it might be a bit difficult, but I can probably try it. I have an experimental subject right in front of me, after all.

I used charm magic on Liliana.

“By the way, it took me over a year to master charm mag—”



Liliana’s eyes widened, and her face turned red. I could even hear her accelerated heartbeat.

“How did you manage to pull off charm magic so quickly?”

“Because I’m a genius.”

Indeed, Liliana’s level as a mage is on another level. Even in her weakened state, she figured out my charm magic in a snap.

Or maybe it’s because her affection for me skyrocketed all of a sudden?

“Y-You… Ugh!”

Liliana pushed my magic away and dispelled my charm magic.

“I feel sick damn it…”

A succubus using charm magic like this is an act of bullying.

“Sorry, I didn’t know it would work so quickly.”

“…Just be careful. Using charm magic so blatantly is just plain rude.”

“Alright. Tell me about some other spells.”

“Phew, then I’ll teach you a love magic spell that goes beyond affection. It won’t work on me, so don’t even try. If you do, you’re a goner.”

“Oh, wait a minute. Do you have a spell that can make someone dislike the opposite sex?”

Liliana looked at me as if she saw something disgusting.

“There is such a spell, but are you planning to steal someone else’s girl? Sorry, no NTR allowed. You’re such a horny bastard!”

“It’s not like that. Don’t worry.”

And she calls herself a succubus? No succubus in the world dislikes NTR.

“Hmm, if you insist, I can show you.”

Great. This way, I can make Lucy despise me even more. The road to conquering her is still long and treacherous. I wanted to be a sweet and kind man, but I can’t help it. The world pushes me to be this way. But it’s okay. I’m the bad guy, Lee Hoyeon.

Villain… I’m used to being one.


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