I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 40:

Lucy’s Strategy Route (3)

In the club basement, a hidden and unknown place to many, the sounds of two people breathing filled the quietness.

“Ugh. Haah.”

“Ugh. Euheup!”

Lucy lay on the floor, completely restrained, while Felix savored the scent of her neck. No matter how strong she claimed to be, she was still an inexperienced student, unable to handle a demon like Felix.

Lucy was abducted and brought here after being overpowered. Though no loud noises were made during the process, Felix still a bit felt uneasy. Nevertheless, he had no regrets since she was the sole reason for infiltrating the academy.

‘After enjoying her, I can simply escape!’

“Haah, Lucy, your scent is truly intoxicating. Even the most malevolent of demons would be stirred to madness.”

Felix bit into her neck while she squirmed.

“Do you know? Women with sweet perspiration from their necks make the most delightful moans. Especially when they moan in pain while being strangled during a rape, it’s so exhilarating.”

Lucy felt chills from the eerie sensation on her neck.

“Euheupeu! Eueuueueu!”

Felix leaned closer to Lucy, looking ecstatic. She wriggled all over, but the mana ropes only tightened around her.

“You know what? I find the most pleasure in making those sweet women suffer. You’re so beautiful, Lucy.”

After pulling away from Lucy, Felix slowly started removing his clothes. As he did so, he noticed something foreign stuck to the outer garment of his uniform.

“Oh, it’s here.”

It was the reception bead connected to Hoyeon. He had carried it around not knowing what would happen, but things turned out this way.


Originally, Felix planned to use him as a human shield, but he suddenly got annoyed.

‘That bastard, who manipulated Lucy’s emotions and forced me to do this!’

Boiling with jealousy, Felix dropped the reception bead to the floor.


Then, he stepped on it, shattering it.

“I won’t even spare the corpse for him!”

‘Lucy belongs entirely to me. From her hair to her toenails! Wait, should I preserve her neatly after using her?’

“No, no, there’s no time for that. Get yourself together!”

Felix forcefully suppressed the eager and savage instincts of a demon. As much as he regretted it, he couldn’t stall any longer at the academy. Felix was a demon, but he wasn’t stupid.

“Haah… Haah…”

Felix fully undressed. Two horns sprouted from his head as he released his demon powers, which had naturally hidden the horns. His dirty male organ dangled.

Lucy was on the verge of passing out, and Felix cautiously tore apart Lucy’s clothes one by one. He meticulously created the masterpiece, making sure the mana rope didn’t loosen and Lucy’s body remained unharmed.

“Eueup! Kkeueueup! Uuuwoop!”

Lucy struggled and glared at Felix with bloodshot eyes, exerting all her strength to resist. Her mouth was covered, so she could only make whimpering sounds.

“Lucy, such cries are not beautiful.”

Felix was displeased with her appearance. Lucy had to be a more beautiful and noble piece of art.

“Hmm, yes. I want to enjoy you to the fullest.”

Felix took out a bead from a pocket of his discarded clothes. As he infused mana into the bead, a large hemispherical barrier, big enough to fill the basement, formed around the bead.

“It did consume quite a bit of mana, but this way, only the two of us can enjoy it quietly, Lucy.”

Felix removed the mana tape that was covering Lucy’s mouth.

“Puhaha. You filthy bastard! Damn it! I believed you!”

“Oh, yes. Those eyes. That expression. Even your face. I love it, Lucy.”

*Thump thump!*

Felix slowly approached her. Despite squirming and trying to resist as much as possible while tied to the floor, Lucy couldn’t escape the mana rope’s strong grip that tightened around her.

“Kkeue… Stay, stay away! Don’t come near me!”

“It’s okay, Lucy. Everyone says that at first, but in the end, they all die happily. Soon, we’ll become lovers.”

Felix’s face was the kind and gentle face that Lucy liked. That fact sent shivers down her spine.

“Please, Felix. Don’t. Please, I beg you.”

“Haah… Lucy, you’re so beautiful.”

Felix tore apart Lucy’s clothes completely.

“You, you bastard…!”

Lucy, whose clothes were reduced to tatters by the mana rope, couldn’t even cover her private areas and could only cry with tears streaming down her face.

Smirking, Felix stabbed his fingernails into Lucy’s thighs and then moved his fingers up to her belly.


A red thread of pain extended from Lucy’s thighs to just below her navel.

“Ah, ah, scream louder. More, more, more, more, more!”

Felix pulled his fingernails out and put them into his mouth, savoring the taste with a rapturous expression.

“It’s delicious. So delicious… it’s delicious-!!!”

“You, you’re completely insane…!”

After tasting her blood, Felix let out a wild scream, seemingly losing his sanity. Lucy couldn’t regain her senses due to the humiliation of being naked and the pain from her thighs to her belly.

‘I should have believed in my decision not to trust men, but why did I end up trusting Felix?’

In truth, Lucy couldn’t entirely blame herself. She was influenced by Felix’s magic, and she didn’t fully trust him either. She had only been studying together with him in the club room before being kidnapped. But she kept on regretting, feeling that she should have been more suspicious.

‘All men are trash…’

Suddenly, a man who had doubted Felix passed through her mind.

‘How… How did he know and suspect him?’


But Felix’s movements interrupted Lucy’s thoughts. He was savoring Lucy’s blood essence while infusing mana into her body.

*Throb, throb*

Felix’s mana spread throughout Lucy’s body, giving her a sensation of warmth in every part.

“Uh, ahh….”

The mana circled around Lucy’s body, heating it up before concentrating on her sensitive areas.

“What the hell… What are you doing to me…”

“You’ll get used to it soon.”


Lucy sensed pleasure rising from deep within her chest. Felix gently caressed Lucy’s head and whispered into her ear, “It’s okay… Now you can relax.”

Tears streamed down her face. She resented being in such a situation, humiliated by a filthy demon, and felt unjust at succumbing to the pleasure.

But Felix’s characteristic aphrodisiac magic, emanating from his mana, was too overwhelming for Lucy to resist in her current restrained state.

“F-Fuck… Haah… Hahh.”

Eventually, Lucy began to let out soft moans.

“Yes, that’s right. It’s complete now. Lucy, you’ll become the best among all the women I’ve eaten so far.”

“Haaah, ah… huhh.”

Felix continued to move his filthy fingers toward Lucy. Seeing his repulsive form was discomforting enough, and she regained her senses, panicking and squirming backward to escape.

“Now it’s time for us to become one. Aren’t you excited?”

But Felix firmly held onto Lucy as she tried to escape. Then, he infused mana into her just below her belly button once again. Precisely where her uterus was.

Lucy felt immense shame, yet she couldn’t resist and began to involuntarily climax. She hated this situation so much, but her body was still releasing fluids uncontrollably.

She would rather die than be in such a state. But her body, already caught in the throes of desire, had lost even the will to bite her tongue.

Somehow, Hoyeon’s face came to her mind.

‘The man who doubted this demon first… I stupidly said nasty things to him without thinking.’

‘The man who offered kindness without asking for anything in return.’

‘Despite that, he worked hard behind the scenes for our club… Just once… If only I could go back to that time just once…’

‘I don’t want this relationship to end like this. At least I want to apologize…’

“Please, please someone save me.”

Ignoring Lucy’s desperate plea, Felix grabbed her legs.

“The floor’s comfortable, Lucy. It’s the sound of us being ready to become one. Haah, it’s a waste. To think that I have to ruin a masterpiece like you. Such a waste.”

Just before the mark of her lifelong chastity would be revealed to a lecherous man.



“Don’t you fucking dare, you filthy demon!”

With a tremendous roar, Felix’s right arm was severed.


I was getting tired of browsing EveryDay, so I decided to watch Lilliana’s stream, enjoying the sight of my balance growing. Then, a message came in.

[Moon Soorin: Hey there, junior~ What are you up to?]

[Me: Oh, hey, Noona! I’m just relaxing at the dorm.]

It was Moon Soorin. I must respond promptly to a heroine’s message, of course.

I wonder what’s up this time? Has she got some publicity work for me again?

[Moon Soorin: Really? Oh ya, I heard that some erotic cosplayer streams are trending these days. But you don’t watch it, do you, Hoyeon?]

[Me: Erotic cosplay, you say? I’m not interested in that. I don’t know much about it.]

Wow, Lilliana is already this famous? Is it just Moon Soorin’s intuition? It’s kind of spooky.

[Moon Soorin: Well, that’s good then! I haven’t been in touch lately, so I thought I’d check in. Is that okay?]

[Me: Of course, Noona! Anytime is welcome.]

[Moon Soorin: It’s just… you know that you’ve never initiated contact with me first, right? Hehe…]

Oops. I need to consider my situation. I rarely initiate contact with girls in the first place.

[Me: My bad. I was afraid I might be bugging you, hehe. But hey, I’ll text more often.]

As I continued texting with Moon Soorin, suddenly, I heard a loud bang.

“What’s that?”

I checked the outer pocket of my student uniform, and there was a gold-coated receiving bead.

The receiving bead had a radar to locate the approximate position. It showed that the east side of the club building was my reference point.

“I have a bad feeling about this…”

Just when the transmitting bead was destroyed in the east side of the club building, a sense of unease washed over me. There was a possibility that Lucy was kidnapped.

There could be other possibilities, but even if there’s a slight chance, I needed to hurry and go there. And maybe I should get some insurance as well.

I put on my student uniform and sent a message to Moon Soorin.

[Me: Noona, where are you right now by any chance?]

[Moon Soorin: Huh? I’m on a family trip after a long time. We’re in France, and yesterday we went to see the Eiffel Tower. But…]

I skipped Moon Soorin’s text for now. I couldn’t ask for help if she’s in France with her family. Next in line was Professor Im Sol.

[Me: Professor, where are you right now?]

No reply came. I tried calling, but she didn’t pick up.

“Ugh, seriously. What’s going on with this person?”

Surprisingly, there was no one left to contact.

I don’t know Kim Yeonghan’s number, so I couldn’t reach him, and Lumi would probably have her watch turned off while she’s in a makeup class.

In situations like this, reliable contacts are essential. I couldn’t report to the student council or the authority. I could cover it up if it was someone I knew, but the others would be impossible.

To make matters worse, reporting that a receiving bead was broken… I don’t even know how to explain it.

I’ll go check it out first. It could be nothing after all.

I left Professor Im Sol a message to come to my location as soon as possible, and then rushed to the east side of the club building.


[So, where are we going?]

“I told you. I’m going to fight a demon.”

Lilliana was grumbling, hanging on my neck.

As I was about to leave the dorm, she asked where I was going. I honestly told her that I was going to confront a demon, and she insisted on coming along, thinking she might be of help.

“Why are you whining so much?”

[If you’re really going to fight a demon, I wouldn’t have come! I thought we were going to grab something delicious to eat and have fun!]


Ignoring Lilliana’s protests, I rushed to the east side of the club building. Nobody was in the Friendship Club room. The coordinates shown on the receiving bead pointed a bit lower.

“Downstairs… It must be the basement.”

Of course, I knew about the basement hidden in the club building. It had also appeared in the game.

[Where are you going? Aren’t you going to fight a demon?]

“Keep your voice down.”


As I ran toward the basement, I suddenly collided with an invisible barrier that seemed to block my path.


I tried to touch it, but my mana repelled me.

[A barrier.]


Lilliana commented when she saw the barrier.

[Yes. It seems to be of medium-grade quality. It’s quite powerful.]

“What should I do?”

[You either break it or dispel it. It looks like a hemisphere, so there’s no way back.]

Dispel the barrier… I had an outline of the process in mind. To dispel the magical array, I had to undo the central formula that composed the array, starting from the end of the array.

I had read about it in a paper, so I remembered the concept but never actually tried it.

[I can do it. Normally, it would take about 15 minutes if I return to my original form and dispel it. No, I’m weaker now, so maybe about 30 minutes?]

That’s too long. Assuming something has happened, the event would have ended.

I had no choice but to try.

Dispelling a barrier is usually a complex and time-consuming process, but I had Mana Sensitivity. Disassembling the central formula wasn’t difficult for me. The problem was observing the magical array, figuring out where it ends, and following the path precisely.

“Vision Enhancement.”

Fortunately, I had a way to do it.

[Oh, what’s with your eyes? It’s so cool… Who are you really?]

Ignoring Lilliana’s words, I began to investigate the barrier. I slowly traced the magical array backward. With each stroke, the strength of the barrier weakened little by little.

[This is unbelievable. Seriously… This kind of barrier isn’t inferior, how did you break it in just one minute?]

“I told you. It’s a talent.”

Once I completely dispelled the central formula, I felt the dispersion of mana. The barrier vanished, and there was no invisible wall blocking my way.

I quickly rushed into the basement.

*Thump, thump*

It was as if my chest was hinting at an impending battle. My heart was racing.

My innate ability, Battle Sense, kicked in. My senses heightened rapidly, catching even the slightest sounds.

“Yeah, that’s right. It’s complete now. Lucy, you’ll become the best among all the women I’ve eaten so far.”

“Haaah, ah… huhh.”

The disgusting man’s voice and Lucy’s moans brushed past my ears. I poured more mana into my feet and dashed forward, arriving at a door. I gently pressed my ear against it, focusing on the sounds inside.

“Now it’s time for us to become one. Aren’t you excited?”

“Huh, huff. H-huh.”

I could hear Lucy’s moans. Though an uneasy image flashed in my mind, it seemed that the deed hadn’t commenced yet.

I quietly gathered mana within my body. My aim was to break through a single point. Since I lacked the skills compared to Felix, my first strike had to inflict maximum damage.

“The floor’s comfortable, Lucy. It’s the sound of us being ready to become one. Haah, it’s a waste. To think that I have to ruin a masterpiece like you. Such a waste.”

I wished I had gathered a bit more mana, but I stopped its condensation upon hearing the conversation and focused the mana on the tip of my finger.

My finger, forcibly containing so much mana, felt like it might snap, but I endured it with sheer willpower.

When all the mana had gathered at the tip of my finger, I instantly released it, completing the magic circle.


A single streak of flames shot out from my finger, severing Felix’s right arm.


“Don’t you fucking dare, you filthy demon!”

The gruesome sight in the basement came into view. Felix, with one arm torn off, pushed back against the wall.

And Lucy…

[W-What’s that? Is she in heat or something? Aphrodisiac magic?]

Lucy lay there with vacant eyes, shaking her hips in mid-air like an inverted frog. With each hip movement, her fluids splashed onto the floor.


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