I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 43:

Lucy’s Strategy Route (6)

After Felix’s attack, I went through a thorough examination. They checked every nook and cranny of my body, and luckily, everything was fine. They told me to take it easy, so I relaxed and rested in the hospital bed with Lucy right next to me.

It might seem a bit odd for a guy and a girl to share the same room, but they didn’t seem to mind at all.

Oh, looks like I’m in an adult game after all.

That’s probably how they set it up. With that in mind, I dozed off. The exhaustion hit me, and I quickly fell into a sweet day-long slumber.

“You know how long I had to chat with those old farts? It’s so annoying.”

I started chatting with Professor Im Sol, who dropped by in the morning.

“Thanks for putting up with that.”

“Ugh, it’s a drag. I don’t even have time for magic research.”

Im Sol grumbled about some annoying task she was assigned.

“By the way, they decided to credit you and Lucy for catching the demon. Seems like the kidnapping incident was too big of a deal for the academy, so they’re trying to bury it under the achievement of finding a hidden demon.”

“…This place is something else.”

She asked me about the accident from last time, and now she’s asking about it again.

Why do places like this even exist?

Well, I guess it brought us closer back then, so it’s not too bad. But seriously, it’s like they’re pushing the realism in games to the extreme.

“…I’m sorry about last time. But they said I proposed it, and there might be rewards or something. They’ll tell you more later. Anyway, just let it slide; I’ll take care of everything, so don’t worry.”

“Professor Im Sol… No, Im Sol Noona!”

Can I call her that from now on?

“Eugh, y-you… I feel bad too, so no need to thank me.”

A person who usually acts uninterested in magic but now looks cool, smiling with embarrassment. The contrast is charming as heck.

“When I get out of here, I’ll come visit with some good magic research.”

Her face is so pretty that I almost said, “So, can I get some advance ‘compensation’ now…?” But I managed to hold back.

“Yeah. Oh, right. By the way, I’ve been doing a lot of research on the magic circle implementation method you showed me. There’s still a lot to improve…”

Im Sol was all excited, talking non-stop about magic, and then she left.

“She’s just so cute…”

A person who acted indifferent about magic, but when it comes to talking about it, she gets all hyped up. She’s really fun to play with.

“Now what should I do…”

Lucy is still not fully conscious.

Her physical health is fine, but I’m worried about her being infected by the magic. She had a detailed examination, and the results will come out this afternoon.

Of course, I had to take the examination as well since I was with her. So until the results come out this afternoon, we’re stuck here, unable to go anywhere.

I was thinking of watching some show to pass the time when a bunch of system messages appeared before my eyes.

[Heroine’s sexual skinship has been confirmed. Rewards for the Heroine Capture System will be granted!]

“What the…”

Those notifications that appeared last time when I had sex with Lumi popped up again.

This time, there were so many notifications pouring in, probably because we took things all the way.

As her heroine status window got upgraded, I thought about trying out some experiments with Lucy, who was lying next to me.


★ Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 75]

[Lust: 47]

[Appetite: 60]

[Fatigue: 65]

Current Status: Zzz…

* From now on, the heroine’s erogenous zones will be displayed during intercourse.



I noticed two new sections that I had never seen before. Their purpose automatically imprinted in my mind.

The Current Status indicates the heroine’s current state, which could reveal her inner thoughts or simply show that she’s sleeping.

The Erogenous Zones literally inform about the heroine’s erogenous zones.

“Not bad.”

It’s not bad. That’s the impression?

Well, there’s still that “Special Quest” left, so I should check it out.

‘Special Quest’


『Special Quest』

An opportunity given to you, the one who fired the signal flare for the Heroine Capture.

Conquer the virginity of three heroines.

Who knows what unimaginable rewards await…?

Time Limit: 10 days

Progress: 1/3 Virgins

Reward: One meeting with the God of Wager. Tremendous reward (Secret!)



A completely unexpected quest appeared.

If it’s the Wager God, then that’s the person who brought me into this world.

A chance to meet someone like that… I can’t miss it.

“But a time limit of 10 days?”

That’s a bit tight. Felix’s attack was on Wednesday, and today’s Thursday, so until next weekend…?

I slowly thought about the schedule for the following week.

Magic Analysis, Mage Specialization Class, Theory Class. And… Dungeon Practice Training.

Without a doubt, if things follow the original storyline, the dungeon will go wild during the next class because of the terror attack.

“If I target Baek Ahyeong at that time, I’ll need one more person.”

No matter how I think about it, it’s got to be Lumi.

Alice, Nam Daeun, and Moon Soorin are not heroines that I can capture through effort alone. Each has a major event of their own, and I need to resolve those events while capturing them.

Of course, if I put my mind to it, I could easily capture Moon Soorin, but it’s much more efficient to make her depend on me while I help her with the stalker incident.

Lumi is also on the route for a pure love scenario in the game. She’s a heroine who enjoys school life with me. By taking care of the friendless Lumi, the story should naturally progress from there…

There’s no choice. From the start, I’m not in a situation where I can have a pure love scenario. No matter what, I have to conquer Lumi during the weekend…

Knock, knock, knock.

“Come in.”

The knock interrupted my thoughts.

“Excuse me…”

It was Lumi who opened the door and entered.

“Hoyeon! Lu-Lucy! Are you okay? I heard you were attacked by a demon!”

Lumi approached with her shoulders hunched, looking at my face and the still-unconscious Lucy, her lips trembling with concern.

“Don’t worry. We got checked, and there were no issues. Lucy will wake up soon.”

“Th-thank goodness…”

Lumi placed her hand on her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

“You and Lucy handled the demon together… You two are amazing!”


“But Felix turned out to be a demon… Did you, by any chance, already know, Hoyeon?”

“No way. I just have a good gut feeling. I felt some sort of physiological aversion. I didn’t know he was a demon, though.”

“I see…”

After that, Lumi chatted with me for about an hour.

“I can’t see any sign of Lucy waking up…”

“It’s okay. Once she regains consciousness, I’ll contact you first.”

“Hehe… Thanks. Oh, I’ve been holding onto the patient for too long. I’ll go now. Get some rest.”

“I’m not a patient… Yeah. See you at the academy.”

“Sure thing.”

Lumi bowed deeply, glanced at Lucy, and left the room.


Talking for so long was tiring.


I received a message on my phone.

[Moon Soorin: Hoyeon! Are you okay?! I just heard the news. I’ll rush to the hospital as fast as I can, so wait for me!]

[Me: It’s alright, Noona. Take your time.]

Just looking at her chaotic text and tone made me smile, feeling a bit flustered.

With a loud bang, Moon Soorin burst into the room, pushing the door open.

“Hoyeon! Are you okay?!”

Seriously, if she was going to arrive in a minute after sending the message, why did she even bother sending one?

Her pretty face was covered in sweat, showing how much she ran.

“Noona, I’m fine.”

“Really? You didn’t get any serious injuries, right?”

“No. The examination was fine, and I’m here because of the magical contamination check, just in case. But you know, such a thing rarely happens.”

“Oh, thank goodness.”

Moon Soorin’s eyes became slightly teary. She must have been really worried.

She cares for me this much? It’s touching.


★ Heroine Status Window

[Moon Soorin]

[Affection: 48]

[Lust: 20]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 65]

Current Status: “I’m really relieved. My precious junior isn’t hurt.”


Moon Soorin’s Affection goes up even when I do nothing. Surprisingly, she already reached 48 without any special effort. She truly is the easiest heroine to capture.

Looks like her event is getting closer. With various pressures coming at once, she probably sees me as an escape, which is perfect.

“Phew, I’m relieved. But…”

Moon Soorin’s gaze shifted to Lucy lying next to me.

“Cough. Isn’t it a bit uncomfortable for you to share the same hospital room with a girl?”

“It’s fine. I’m just lying here all day anyway. It’s actually quite lonely when I’m alone.”

“Hmm, alright then. I hope your friend wakes up soon.”

“The doctor said she’ll wake up soon.”

“That’s a relief. I have a lot of things to do, so I came just to see you.”

“Sure. Work hard, Soorin Noona.”

“…Yeah! I’ll do my best!”

Mumbling about having more work, Moon Soorin left the room.

What does she mean by having more work? I’m not quite sure.

After her footsteps completely disappeared, I gazed at the white hospital tiles and pondered.

How am I supposed to handle this? Getting closer to the heroines is great, but it’s starting to become overwhelming.

I have no idea how to create a harem, and for someone like me, a total nerd and outcast, it’s an incredibly difficult task.

“Haah, I’ll figure it out somehow.”

But I’ll keep on living.

The feeling of giving up in my dictionary has already vanished. The [Clear Mental Strength] prevents me from being a weak-willed person even if I want to be.

Thankfully, a lifeline fell from the sky. Meeting the God of Wager after completing the [Special Quest]… There should be some hints there.


I heard a groan from Lucy beside me.

Is she finally waking up?


Whether she’s having a scary dream or not, Lucy was sweating and furrowing her brows.

Should I call the doctor?


Just as I was contemplating whether to contact someone urgently, Lucy suddenly opened her eyes and let out a scream.

“What kind of dream was that? Ugh….”

Seems like she hasn’t fully grasped the situation yet; she blinked rapidly, observing the hospital gown she was wearing.

“Are you alright?”


“Do you feel any pain? The doctor said you’re fine, but just checking.”



“What happened to Felix?”

Lucy looked a bit puzzled, as if the situation hadn’t fully sunk in.

“Oh… I was going to tell you once you felt better. I took care of Felix. But the media will say we both killed him. Are you okay with that?”

“Why, why? I didn’t do anything!”

“Well, if I say I did it alone, it’ll attract too much attention. Let’s just let it slide this time. I’m sorry.”

For Lucy, this might be a potentially traumatic event. She was almost violated by Felix. Facing questions and interviews about that incident could be a heavy burden.

Though I didn’t make that decision, I undoubtedly played a part in how things turned out for Lucy.

Wait a minute, they also mentioned giving a reward. Was that a mistake?

If she receives a grand reward or recognition, she’ll probably be swamped with interview requests. But Lucy doesn’t seem to mind; instead, she bows her head to apologize.

“I’m sorry. I truly am. From now on, I’ll believe everything you say without question. And I’ll definitely repay you for this.”

“No, it’s not your fault. I should have been more cautious. If you really want to repay me, just treat me to a meal later.”

Seeing her suddenly acting so meekly is strange since she used to be quite stubborn. Still, I hope this situation will positively influence her personality.

“Yes, I’ll definitely treat you.”

Lucy smiled as she made the promise, but when our eyes met, she blushed and turned her head.

“Oh, um! It’s suddenly getting hot, right?”


★ Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 92]

[Lust: 47]

[Appetite: 60]

[Fatigue: 65]

Current Status: “Was he always this good-looking?”

Tip: If you confess, she might fall head over heels for you.


It’s done. With an Affection level of 92, the only thing left in the game is confessing. A little teasing here, and the game will be over.

I feel great seeing everything going according to plan.

“Yeah, it’s getting a bit hot. By the way, are you feeling any pain? The examination results were normal.”

“Yeah, I’m fi… Huh?”

Lucy moaned while touching her belly.

“Something feels like my stomach hurts… Wait a moment. I distinctly remember my condition being odd, as if under a spell back then…”

Lucy gave me a suspicious look.

“No, of course not. That didn’t happen. Seriously.”

“Hmm, ‘that’? What’s this ‘that’ you’re talking about? Did you know what my condition was?”

Oh, crap. I slipped up.


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