I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 84: What's the Purpose of the Infirmary? R18 (2)

What’s the Purpose of the Infirmary? R18 (2)

Baek Ahyeong was currently on top of Lee Hoyeon on the infirmary bed, with his shaft deeply inside her.

“It feels incredible…!”

The scent of her hair, his hand on her butt, their tongues entwined, warm breaths mixing, insatiable desire, and the satisfying hardness within her…

“Ah…! Deeper…!”

“Ahyeong, being a nurse has made your pussy even tighter.”

Even these explicit words during sex added to the pleasure. He was a man who perfectly matched Baek Ahyeong’s preferences.

“D-Darling…” She hesitantly called him darling.

“Yes, darling?”

“Aww…! Aah…”

Her pussy twitched at Hoyeon’s use of “darling.” Even though she could pretend to dislike it at times, there was no pretense during sex. Even just having his dick inside her mouth alone was enough to make her soaking wet. She understood she couldn’t live without it.

“Oh, that spot…!”

He raised Ahyeong’s body and sucked on her breast. As his hands caressed her back and fondled her butt, her heart raced.

“This feels so good…”

Once Ahyeong had experienced sex like this, she craved more of it. Of course, she was ignoring the fact that she had already walked a long way down this path, and there was no turning back.


“Ah… hah… Keep it up…”

Enjoying Ahyeong’s soft body, I climaxed inside her twice. Afterward, as I watched her clean my penis, I took a glance at her status window.

★ Heroine Status Window

[Baek Ahyeong]

[Affection: 99] (+0.3)

[Lust: 99]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 55]

Current Status: I’ll continue to work here… with my darling…

Hmm, still at 99 affection even after that intense sex. Feels like there should be some kind of trigger, but I guess time will reveal it. Maybe ramping up affection during the later stages of sex might do the trick.

“Ahyeong, let’s stop for now. Come here.”

“Uhum…” She nestled her head on my arm, which I’d moved to the side. While my hand toyed with her breast, I asked, “So, what’s your usual work here?”

“Just… helping out the medical team or handling emergency cases. Ahh, don’t… stop…”

“I see.”

Having another ally at the academy was reassuring. Now that I think about it, I probably don’t have any close friends here.

“Feeling lonely? It’s gotta be kinda awkward with all new faces.”

“That’s true. There are no girls my age in the medical team. But I think I’ll get used to it… eventually.”

Actually, Baek Ahyeong was the odd one out. It’s rare for someone her age to snag good jobs like at the academy or the association. Usually, people work their way up from lower positions over the years, or if they’re really talented, they get poached by major guilds with excellent offers. So unless she had some special reason like ‘wanting to help people,’ young women being at the academy…

“Wait a moment.”

There’s someone who holds a professorship at the academy with research funding as a condition—Professor Im Sol.

“Huh? What’s up?”

“You know who Professor Im Sol is?”

“Of course, I know. What hunter doesn’t know Professor Imsol?”

Indeed, Im Sol seemed to have quite a reputation. Since she’s not a heroine, I don’t have much info on her. Maybe Ahyeong and Im Sol are in a similar age group?

“I have a personal connection with her. Shall I introduce you? You’re about the same age, right?”

“Well, we are, but…”

“Perfect then. You’ll make friends of the same age.”

“But, I’ve never even talked to her…! It’s a bit awkward…”

“I’ll talk to her first, then. If she’s open to it, we can revisit the idea.”

“Uhum… Thanks.”

This worked out well. Instead of spending all day in the research lab, having a friend would be great for Im Sol. Imagine going to a café together and having a nice chat.

“Well, I should get going now. The joint class is probably still in session.” I removed my hand from her chest and quickly put on my clothes.

“L-Leaving already?” Baek Ahyeong shot me a look that could rival any tragic romance heroine as I prepared to depart.

“I’ve been here for over three hours.”

The morning classes were undoubtedly finished, and it was likely that the afternoon class were in full swing.

“So, how about… having lunch together before you go?”

“…Sounds good, I guess.” While I did want to hurry to class to be prepared for any accidents or events that might occur, Baek Ahyeong’s pleading eyes were like a major event of their own. I just couldn’t ignore them.

“Wait here, I’ll buy something delicious!”

“Why don’t we just go together? There are plenty of restaurants around here. We can grab a meal together.”

“Oh, yes, but…”

★ Heroine Status Window

[Baek Ahyeong]

[Affection: 97] (+0.3)

[Lust: 78]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 55]

Current Status: Well, for a first date, pasta would be nice, right? Or maybe I should go for something more modest and have soup…

You shouldn’t think like that, you’re having a lunch date with someone who raped you, you know…

“Ahyeong, you don’t want to have a lunch with me?”

“W-Well, I do want to…! But, you’re in a hurry, aren’t you?”

“Let’s just get ready and go. How about pasta?”

“Pasta… doesn’t sound bad!”

Asking me to eat and reacting like that, quite amusing.


I had pasta with Ahyeong, then went back to the auditorium. Afternoon classes seemed pretty laid-back, with students mingling and doing their own thing. The training area was bustling, and there were folks waiting for their turn.

“Hoyeon, you’re back.” Professor Kim Jinhyuk caught up to me as I scanned for Lucy and Lumi.

“Yes, Professor. I rested and received some intravenous fluids, I’m feeling much better now.”

“Are you sure? You seem even more tired than before.”

“…No, I’m fine.”

Well, I didn’t exactly get any fluids; in fact, I gave some away. That’s why.

“Great to hear. Lucy and Lumi were getting concerned, so go check on them. They’re waiting at the training ground over there.”

“Okay, thank you!” I dashed in the direction Professor Kim Jinhyuk pointed, and lo and behold, Lucy and Lumi were there.

“Alright, it’s my turn next!” Lucy was casting spells vigorously on the training ground.

I recalled our spar at the beginning of the semester. Even then, Lucy outclassed the 8th-ranked mage from the 2nd year. I wondered just how much stronger she’d become. The answer was unfolding right before me.

Lucy’s specialty, the Flame Arrows. Over a hundred fiery arrows stormed her opponent, who quickly surrendered.

“Okay! Another win for me! Who’s up next?”

“Lucy, you’re incredible!”

Two identical twins, one bouncing around on the training ground while the other cheered from below, looked like a scene right out of a comedy.

“I’m back. Hey, girls!” I approached Lucy and Lumi.

“Huh? Hoyeon!”

As soon as Lucy heard my voice, she leaped down from the training ground and rushed over to me, with Lumi following suit, eyes wide in surprise.

“Hoyeon, you’re back! You suddenly left with the nurse…”

“Lumi, it’s okay. I got some intravenous fluids, and I’m feeling better.”

“Hoyeon! You should’ve come back a bit earlier! You missed my 15th consecutive win…!”

“Lucy, calm down…”

I spent the afternoon class just watching Lucy’s training, using tiredness as my excuse.


After class, I saw the twins off and made my way back to the dorm. Lumi hadn’t given me that same demanding look for sex as she did before, perhaps because we’d been secret friends for a while.

“But what about Lucy?”

Her affection for me had surged since I resolved the Felix situation. While she appeared to have feelings for me, we didn’t rely on intimacy like I did with the other heroines to maintain her affection. We remained friends, and this approach might become complicated if her feelings cooled off.

“If only there was some kind of trigger…” I decided to shelve my concerns for the time being and entered the dorm.

“You’re back?”

“Yeah, the stream’s over?”

“Yeah, but I couldn’t resist grabbing a bite first ’cause I was starving.”

“No worries. I had lunch not too long ago, so I’m skipping dinner.”

I had a casual chat with Lilliana, who was lounging on my living room bed, then hopped into the shower. After changing into comfy clothes, I snuggled up next to Lilliana and pulled out my EveryDay app. I had to keep tabs on the daily news to make sure I wasn’t missing any incidents.

[New Alerts: 85]

“What’s this?” I opened up EveryDay and was greeted by a whopping 85 notifications right off the bat. Each and every one of them was a personal message.

[Eunkwang Bulguk: Hey there Lee Hoyeon^^ I’m Kim Eunkwang, guildmaster of Silver Radiance Guild. Your video left quite an impression on me, so I thought I’d reach out…]

[NewFuture: Greetings from New Future Guild. I’d like to extend a personal offer to you…]


The queue was filled with 85 messages of this sort.

“Did they suddenly discover my profile and decide to bombard me with messages, or could it be related to a video leak?” Curiosity piqued, I decided to check out the recommended posts on EveryDay.


[Lee Hoyeon’s Mind-Blowing Videos.avi]

Today’s video from the friendly match with the 2nd-year students.








[Look at these, and they’re labeling him as a mere academy mascot?]

[Folks saying that should seriously consider quitting the academy and actually learning some skills.]

[You bet, even active hunters keep a close eye on EveryDay.]

[A hunter I know had this to say after watching the video: “This is a hoax. If not, I’ll eat my hat.”]

[Yet, there are over 100 witnesses to this video.]

[Unless the entire Victoria Academy is in cahoots, this is the real deal.]

[Even the media is starting to jump on the bandwagon.]

[In my humble opinion, these videos might just flip the world on its head. What do you think?]

Likes: 870 Dislikes: 130


[Lol, you really believe he’s going to change the world? ㅋㅋ Keep those fantasies grounded.]

[Seriously, ㅋㅋ You think making up stories is a blast?]

[I spot plenty of folks here who should be hitting the books. You watch that video and still drop hate comments? Why bother with the academy? Watching it gave me a little thrill, I won’t lie.]

[This might be a game-changer. I mean, that magic circle activation speed is insane, no spell gaps, and double casting? Unless it’s Professor Im Sol, at a student level, it’s unheard of…]

[Isn’t this a big deal? All the hunters doing live broadcasts are tuning in and buzzing with their scouts ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Experts have unanimously declared it’s not a video composite. So, it’s legit.]

[I’m just a freshman, so I don’t know much, but is this guy really so incredible that he can take down an ogre with magic?]

[Hard to judge from just this video, but there must be some hidden skills. Why else would an academy attendee not have tapped into this level before?]

[Nah, he’s just a 1st-year student; still getting his bearings, that’s all.]

[Wait, he’s a 1st year lol.]

[Wow, true.]

[Sigh… I already didn’t want to see his face, and now I’ll have to see it every day since he’s in my recommended.]


The response was incredibly over the top. My Battle Sense didn’t even kick in properly, and I only used Acceleration a bit, never really going all out. I intentionally refrained from using my attack skill, Spiral, and stuck to basic spells. Yet, it’s creating such a stir…

“Am I really that strong?”

Scary. Me, of all people.

“What are you saying?”

Thump! Lilliana playfully punched my chest in response to my self-praise.

“What are you looking at? Your videos?”

“Wanna see?”

Lilliana leaned in, cuddling up to me, while we used my smartwatch to watch the combat videos together.

“Oh, you’re pretty damn impressive… huh?” Lilliana’s eyes widened as she observed my magic performance. “Wow, what the…? You’re good!”

“Right? This is the power of your master.”

“Amazing, amazing!” Lilliana nuzzled her face against my chest. Her personality wasn’t like this when we weren’t having sex, but this time, she looked genuinely delighted.

I wondered what was going through her mind. Curious about how proud she must be feeling to snuggle up like this, I opened the status window.

★ Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 85] (+0.1)

[Lust: 74]

[Appetite: 45]

[Fatigue: 15]

Current Status: With this, he could probably survive in Hell!

“…?” What the fuck does she mean by that?

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