I, The Big Boss of Honghuang, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 122

Chapter 122:

Besides, you can’t see, the original Lich hegemony, the primordial spirits of Di Jun and Taiyi were suppressed by Hongjun on Sunstar, and they did not die.

There is also + Second Ancestor Wu who specializes in physical cultivation, as long as a drop of blood can be reborn, after the Lich War, it was only brought back to the Six Paths of Reincarnation by Houtu and Pangu Temple, and the Six Paths of Yongzhen were reborn. .

Chapter 223 Where I am is eternity!

These are all top-notch powers. Although this one in the field is average, he is a big golden immortal.

The one who blew himself up just now was just a surprise victory.

Qin Xi is completely an exception, and has already surpassed the boundaries of the prehistoric, so that he can completely eradicate it.

When Hongjun wiped out Fuxi, he just used cause and effect plus rules, which is completely against the sky, perish!

Gongsun Long and the others looked at Sun Wu’s cruelty and said, “Brother Sun Wu, you are too cruel. Just now, Brother Zhongni was called a real gentleman, killing without blood.”

“Don’t say it, it’s not like you don’t know about the soldiers of the military family. Bai Qi, which one of Xiang Yu is not such a violent person? Everyone who knows it understands!”

“That’s right, look at those Confucianism and martial arts practitioners, those people are the real generals on the battlefield!”

Sun Wu did not pay attention to these people, and even a little disdain, the weaker than me on the battlefield, let me slaughter, the eternal law.

Then he looked at the farmer’s patriarch, who had not spoken, and said, “I’m sorry, buddy.”

The face of the patriarch of the farm family is the most like the common people, unlike Confucius, who have their own demeanor and temperament.

When 723 heard Sun Wu’s words, he didn’t say anything but nodded.

In his hand, a strong law of soil circulates.

Then stretched out into the void and grabbed slightly.

The law rushed out to the sky in an instant.

You Chao couldn’t help but asked curiously, “This man, what is he doing?”

Hearing that there was Chaozu calling him, Guiguzi waved his hands in an instant and said: “Renzu, you have ruined the old generation. We were brought by the long river of time, and we are your descendants. Daluo suppressed this place.

But it’s no wonder that Chao’s name was wrong. Now Guiguzi and the others have retained the image of the old man.

Youchao and Suiren looked middle-aged.

Hearing that, the Chao Clan suddenly realized: “So it is, I said why you are so polite, it should be the change brought about by the teacher of the Holy Mother, it is really my human race’s luck (ceca)!”

Speaking the second half of the sentence, You Chao was obviously a little excited.

The Sui Ren clan retracted the gaze that had been looking at the battlefield and said: “The teacher of the Virgin did not abandon us, and now he has brought so many golden immortals to the human race, which greatly reduces the pressure on the human race.”

Compared with the excitement of the two, Guiguzi has a strange look in his eyes: “Second ancestor, can you tell the younger generation, who is the teacher of the Holy Mother?”

“The teacher of the Virgin is the teacher of the Virgin. You are from the later generations, and the human race of the later generations does not know who the teacher of the Virgin is?! How can this be so!”

“Is the human race of later generations so ungrateful? The human race needs to remember the teacher of the Virgin Mary at all times! Even when the human race is about to die, it must remember the teacher of the Virgin Mother!” Who is the teacher, Suiren’s Youchao’s face instantly gloomy.

Excited in his voice.

Sui Ren directly grabbed Guiguzi’s shoulder and said in a deep voice, “You don’t even know who the teacher of Our Lady is, and my human race doesn’t need your help, please do it yourself!”

After saying that, Sui Ren wanted to leave here.

A look of helplessness appeared on Guiguzi’s face, and he said to the two of them again and again: “The late generation really doesn’t know who the teacher of the Virgin Mary is, but I know that the Virgin Mary of my human race is the Saint Nujuan.”


The female marriage naturally sensed Guiguzi’s call, and the smile on her face was a little more, but she was a little puzzled: “Master, why do people in future generations have no impression of you?”

“I am the only one in all the past and present, where I am, that is eternity!”

Qin Xi knew about this matter.

After all, according to the original trajectory of Honghuang, Qin Xi did not exist.

Now Qin Xi wants to push Honghuang to the only real world of eternity.

This kind of thing happens naturally, it’s normal.

But Qin Xi is really where I am, that is, eternity!

This sentence is not manifested in front of people, but he is truly qualified to say so.

Hearing these domineering words, Fuxi couldn’t help but froze for a while, and said in his heart: “What kind of person is my master? And senior sister, I always feel that senior sister’s identity is not simple, every time I talk about senior sister, Xuan Du People’s faces are a little unnatural.

Qin Xi came here and did not tell Fuxi Nujuan’s identity, but asked Fuxi to call her senior sister.

This avoids embarrassment.

Hearing these words, Nu Juan’s movement of pinching Qin Xi’s shoulder also paused, and then returned to normal.

“My master is really confident.”? ? ? ?

in the void.

Youchao stopped Suiren from leaving and said to Guiguzi in a deep voice, “What you said is true?”

Guiguzi said bitterly at the corner of his mouth: “If I knew I would no longer be here, it would be great if I went to the battlefield.”

But at this time, Guiguzi was even more curious about the teacher of the Virgin Mary in the mouth of the second ancestor of the Suiren.

As long as you are not stupid, you can guess that this person is very important, not just important to the human race.

Because some people in Honghuang have some secret things, Guiguzi heard from Fuxi of later generations.

But only the teacher of the Virgin did not have the slightest impression. .

Chapter 224 The Mo Family’s Organ City!

– Time Guiguzi thought of many things.

Then he looked at the Sui Ren clan and said, “It’s true, there is no falsehood!”

“After this battle, I will talk to you in detail.”

You Chao looked at the changes on the battlefield, his face changed and he said to Guiguzi.

Guiguzi also nodded to show that he understood.

at this time.

in the battlefield.

– An ancient star appeared directly ~ in the eyes of everyone.

There seemed to be an unstoppable sense of vicissitudes in the voice of the farm patriarch for the first time, and he said to Sun Wu: “Quick retreat! Don’t stay here.”

Hearing this, everyone went to the distance.

Taikoo Xingchen directly pushed the alien Daluo Jinxian towards the flood.

The enchantment of the famous Gongsun Long was directly broken.

At this time, the patriarch of the farm family added many laws and bans on the ancient stars.


As the ancient stars fell in the wild, countless mountain ranges were shattered.

Along the way, the ancestral lands of several races were all stepped down.

The alien Da Luo Jinxian just watched this scene coldly.

It seems that something has nothing to do with his high-hanging attitude.

But even so, the movements in his hands became more and more violent. Dao Dao’s laws constantly shattered the space, and there was a faint image of cracking on the ground.

“Brother Mo, have you had enough? It’s your turn!”

While speaking, Sun Wu withdrew his suffocating energy, looked at Mozi of the Mo family and said.

The suffocation gradually dissipated, and it seemed to make the alien Daluo clear his mind.

Start trying to join forces.

Blood has become the mainstream of the void, and a drop of blood looks very inconspicuous.

After falling into the flood, things changed rapidly.

Every drop of blood falls into the Great Desolate like a small world and gradually becomes bigger, like a mountain.

Every drop of blood makes more fairy flowers grow in the place where it falls.

The law seems to be eternal in the blood.

“Cover me! Speed.”

When Mozi heard his words, he looked for a gap to come out.

Looking at the alien Daluo, he said, “Let you see my magic weapon.”

After finishing speaking, a quaint market appeared in the battlefield.

It is the Mojia Organ City!

Seeing this scene, Qin Xi squinted his eyes, and said with great interest, “The Mo Family Office City, it’s interesting!”

He just glanced at it and got the information about the city.

At this moment, Fuxi asked, “Master, what’s the use of this mechanism city?”

There was also a strong interest in Fuxi’s eyes.

How could he not know that this was used against the enemy.

Just under his innate gossip observation.

It seems that there are countless formations, and many of them are very coincident with the number of days!

There is a danger but a place of vitality. O sees Njuan and looks at herself, Qin Xi said with a smile: “The Mo family’s organ city, the unique knowledge of the Mo family, carved on it with Mozi’s tactical formation, it can maximize the It can be used to live in, and it can also be used to fight the enemy! At this time, the mechanical city can be comparable to the strength of the quasi-sage!”

That’s right, it’s the equivalent of a quasi-saint!

In Mozi’s hand, the city of organs only has a thin layer of merit.

To say that it is a treasure of merit and virtue is not like it, to say that it is an acquired treasure or a magic weapon, it is relatively strong, and it is not like it at all.

After all, this magic weapon can make a big Luo Jinxian use the strength of a quasi-sage.

It can only be said that the formation method is broad and profound. I think that the original Zhuxian formation map is the real famous one.

…for flowers? ? 0 The Immortal Execution Formation Diagram is like the Mojia government city, the whole body is locked by the formation method, and then with the Four Immortal Execution Swords, it can exert great power.

Otherwise, just relying on the four swords of Zhuxian, although it is still the best innate magic weapon, it is obviously not enough to see!

That’s why Qin Xi has this insight, and the formation is really not dare to underestimate.

Among the tribes, it can be clearly seen that the formations in Mozi’s mechanism city are mainly based on innate formations, supplemented by acquired formations.

It can be seen that Mozi is indeed a mechanical city made by wasting a lot of energy.

After the Great Desolation was shattered into the Three Realms, the Innate Formation was very difficult to obtain, except for a small part of it that was blessed by nature and bred by itself, or the fragments of the Great Desolate Continent, otherwise ordinary people would not see it.

in the battlefield.

After Mozi sacrificed to the city, the complexion of the alien Daluo Jinxian finally changed.

“There is something wrong with not being able to enter this magic weapon.”

The Golden Roar Elephant Clan Daluo roared, but it was obviously a little late.

Numerous aliens entered the city along with Sun Wu and others.

Those who did not enter were also blocked by hundreds of patriarchs.

As long as they enter the mechanical city, the life of the alien Daluo cannot be decided by them.

Instead, Mozi made the decision for them.

To put it bluntly, Jicheng is a large-scale trap, but Mozi himself holds the initiative. When can the formation be opened, and who can survive these matters are all determined by one word! This is the weirdness of the Mojia Organ City.

Most of the Daluo Jinxian who saw their own side entered a strange magic weapon.

The quasi-sage of the alien race couldn’t help it in an instant.

There is no way, as long as you have a little cultivation, you can feel the power of the formation in the city. force.

Reward, share, force report

Chapter 225 Changes on the battlefield! Red Cloud Appears!

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