I, The Big Boss of Honghuang, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 391

Chapter 391:

After Qin Xi walked in, two fluffy white snow mountain spirit foxes followed.

Qin Xi looked back at the two of them and said to them, “There are a lot of geniuses and treasures in this place, but I don’t know exactly what the two of you need to eat. You can choose by yourself. Bar.”

When he heard Qin Xi say this, the emperor skirt was really surprised. He didn’t expect Qin Xi to be so kind to the two of them.

He hurriedly stopped looking at Qin Xi and said to him, “But what if the two of them eat all of these things?”

Ao Xin is also very distressed about these things. Although he knows that this snow mountain spirit fox is even more precious, but these geniuses have many things that are unique.

He immediately looked at Big Brother Qin Xi and said to him, “Yeah, it would be a pity if all of these things were accidentally ruined by the two of them.”

And the two snowy mountain spirit foxes were really happy. I didn’t expect Qin Xi to be really generous and let him eat whatever they want. This is a great thing for the two of them.

If you can really eat enough, then you will definitely be able to transform into a human form.

Qin Xi didn’t pay much attention to what Diqun and Ao Xin said, and watched 567 and said to them, “How much do you think their little stomachs can eat, don’t worry.”

Qin Xi felt that as long as there were people, no matter what kind of treasure he wanted to find, there was always such a chance, so he didn’t particularly care about these things.

Hearing Qin Xi’s words, Xueshan Linghu was really happy, and started to circle around Qin Xi’s body, and even jumped up and down to please Qin Xi.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xi has never seen the two of them curry favor with her. The child is very cute, and her mood is much better. .

Chapter 2319 The scent of medicinal herbs is strong

He touched the heads of the two snow mountain spirit foxes and said to them, “Go and see what you want.”

There are really a lot of things in the Treasure Pavilion, and it is divided into three floors up and down, and there is another floor underground. This is the four floors of things. If you want to find all these treasures and eat them, for Snow Mountain Spirit Fox is also a big task.

So after the two of them heard Qin Xi’s words, they started to search in the direction of the first floor as if they were happy.

And Qin Xi was very happy to see the two little guys at this time, and his mood seemed to be much better.

The emperor skirt stood beside Qin Xi and said to him, “the two of them shouldn’t mess up this place.”

Qin Xi watched the two little guys disappear in a blink of an eye.

I saw the two white fluffy shadows jumping up and down, maybe rummaging for something.

Then he already said to the emperor skirt: “Don’t worry, the two of them know I.”

Although they are beasts to them, they can indeed speak human words and communicate with Qin Xi, so Qin Xi still believes in them very much.

After hearing Qin Xi say this, Di Qiu didn’t speak any more, but immediately stepped forward and looked behind the two snowy mountain spirit foxes.

He walked through two rows of grids and saw that these two guys were really careful, walking on grid after grid without messing up everything.

When they see what kind of genius treasure, and some treasures, they will even smell it with their own nose.

After smelling the things you like, you will open the box, see the medicine pills inside, and put them away, and the rest will be put back.

When the emperor saw this, he really didn’t think that the two of them were really very self-disciplined, and it really started to feel relieved at this time.

On the other side, Ao Xin also came to the side of the emperor skirt. He looked at the emperor skirt and said to him, “Why, I’m still a little worried.”

The emperor turned around and said a little embarrassedly: “I’m not worried, now I’m completely relieved.”

After reading it, Ao Xin also understood that these two little guys are really very powerful than I thought.

The two returned to Qin Xi’s side again. Qin Xi looked at the two and said to them: “? Why don’t you feel relieved this time.”

The two of them had already started laughing, and after a while, they had already seen two snow mountain spirit foxes, each of which ran out with an elixir in its mouth.

Qin Xi didn’t see all the marks on the box, so he didn’t know what kind of treasure it was.

Qin Xi took the two things into his hands. He looked at the two pills and smelled them. The incense of the pills (Li Wangzhao) was really strong. Want this thing, have vision. ”

After Qin Xi finished speaking, without any hesitation, the two little guys had already started to nod their heads.

Qin Xi nodded and said to them, “Okay, let’s take these two when we wait for a while.”

Hearing Qin Xi say this, the two little guys once again surrounded Qin Xi before and behind him and started to turn around. .

“You two

Chapter 2320 Unique Herbs

And then it was already running quickly towards the second, third, and fourth floors.

– The skill of knowing, I just chose the same thing on the first floor, and there are a lot of herbs, and the two of them also took it down.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xi didn’t think that the two of them just chose the same thing on the first floor. They didn’t choose a lot, and the thing they chose must be the kind of spirit that she needed. Put it on the table next to him, very leisurely, he has already sat on the chair of the Treasure Pavilion and drank water.

567 When the snow mountain spirit fox came up from the ground again, Qin Xi saw a piece of grass in his mouth, which was a unique herbal medicine found in the ground.

Qin Xi knew him well, so he looked at Xueshan Linghu and said to him, “You are sure you want this.”

Xueshan Linghu put the small handful of grass in his mouth on the table, and then said to Qin Xi, “Yes, this is what it is. This thing is also very important to us.” Listen. When he said this, Qin Xi said to the two snow mountain spirit foxes again: “Do you need anything else?” (cecb)

The two snow mountain spirit foxes really shook their heads and said to him, “No need.”

Qin Xi stood up, and then ordered Diqu and Ao Xin to say to them, “Take all these things.”

After the two of them listened, they really didn’t dare to hesitate, and they didn’t dare to confuse the things of these two little guys, and they all took the things of the two people.

Then Qin Xi had already said to them, “Let’s go.”

As he spoke, Qin Xi had already walked out in the direction outside the Treasure Pavilion.

The disciples outside the Treasure Pavilion really obeyed Qin Xi’s words and stood at the gate of the Treasure Pavilion.

He saw Qin Xi and the others opened the door, and immediately walked in this direction.

The disciple clasped his fists with both hands, lowered his head and said to Qin Xi: “Qin Xi Valley Master, have you chosen something?”

Qin Xi nodded and said to him, “That’s all, let’s make a name for it.”

Because the Treasure Pavilion is very important to the entire Tiandao Dojo, no matter who takes it, it must be registered.

And when the disciple heard Qin Xi say this, he already looked in the direction of the three medicinal pills in his hand.

But at this time, he was really in a bit of a dilemma, because he didn’t know a lot of things inside, and the box containing the medicine pill was gone now.

So he looked at Qin Xi’s very sad face, and said to him: “Qin Xi Valley Master, don’t these things have a real box, there is the name of the medicine pill on it, or I don’t know what medicine these are. ”

Qin Xi had already looked in the direction of the two snow mountain spirit foxes, and the snow mountain spirit fox immediately raised his head very arrogantly, and then shook his head, meaning that he didn’t know what kind of medicine they were.

Qin Xi had no way to say to him, “You guys go check it out later. If something is missing, you can register it and put it in a notebook.” Hearing Qin Xi say this, the disciple Not daring to have any ambiguity, he immediately clasped his fists with both hands and said to him, “Yes, Qin Xigu master, I know.” Qin Xi he had already stood up and walked out in the direction outside. .

Chapter 2321 See you again in seven days

On the other side, the two fluffy snow mountain spirit foxes immediately followed behind Qin Xi, feeling that they really had a golden thigh in their arms.

Several people have walked out of the Treasure Pavilion all the way, and returned to the back mountain again. The cave where two snowy mountain spirit foxes live.

When Qin Xi came to the fox cave, he had already watched the two guys and said to them: “The aura in the back mountain is very abundant, and you two still need to absorb the aura of heaven and earth if you want to transform into human form, so if these If you want to eat something, eat it here.”

Hearing Qin Xi say this, one of the snow mountain spirit foxes is slightly larger and looks more witty.

Without any hesitation, he immediately took a step forward and ate one of the medicinal pills into his stomach.

Qin Xi looked at the very sloppy appearance of the other party and said to him, “You must be fine if you eat like this.”

Then Xueshan Linghu already nodded and said to him: “Don’t worry, if these things are for the two of us, if we absorb them well after eating, we will definitely be able to transform into human form, or it will take a little chance. , but it’s definitely getting closer.”

Qin Xi knew that the two of them were relying on themselves at this moment, so she had already said to them, “I hope you can succeed as soon as possible.”

Then he saw the two people behind Di Qiu and Ao Xin, and said to them, “How many of us? Let’s go.”

The two of them really didn’t expect that they could get five or six kinds of treasures so easily, and they could just put them in this place and leave.

So Di Qiu had already looked at Qin Xi and said to him, “But if the two of them eat these things, will there be any accidents? Don’t have to look at this place.”

Qin Xi wasn’t particularly worried about them, after all, he knew what he had said.

Qin Xi shook her head and said to him, “don’t worry about them, we just need to go, we’ll come and see in a few days.”

When Qin Xi finished speaking, she looked at the two snow mountain Linghus and said to him, “I’ll see you in seven days.”

Then he had already taken his long legs and rushed back in the direction of Tiandao’s arrival.

…for flowers? …

After all, he has been out all morning, so now I don’t know what the elders will think.

When Qin Xi walked in front of him, the emperor skirt and Ao Xin in the back were divided.

After seven days, Qin Xi came again to this place.

Thinking of the two snow mountain spirit foxes, they are really powerful, and they have eaten all the herbs.

At this time, the two of them seemed to be hibernating, curled up outside the hole, and the sun was shining in a very good place.

Qin Xi observed it and knew that they were absorbing the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon at this time, so they didn’t bother and left the fox hole again. When Qin Xi returned to the Tiandao Dojo, at night, he saw the Great Elder hurriedly walked into his room.

Qin Xi has some differences. After all, if Elder An Da’s usual work and rest time is at this time, he should be resting.

Qin Xi looked at the elder and said to him, “What happened, why haven’t you rested so late at night.” Nai.

Chapter 2322 Does something weird happen?

The first elder looked directly at Qin Xi and said to him: “There are always disciples missing these days, I didn’t take it to heart at the beginning, but today three more disciples are missing, so we should check them out strictly now. Find out what happened.”

Qin Xi thought it was really strange, how could such a thing happen.

He immediately said to the first elder, “Could it be that these disciples “five six seven” are very naughty, so they are playing outside and haven’t come back.”

When I heard Qin Xi say this, the first elder also felt the same way, so he has not reported it for a long time.

But now things have become more and more serious, and one or two disciples are missing every day, even three today, so he feels that this matter is definitely not an ordinary incident.

He said directly to Qin Xi: “If it was a disciple playing naughty, but now there are several disciples who haven’t come back for several days, so it must be abnormal.”

When Qin Xi heard the elders say this, his heart really began to feel very strange. How could he hear that the disciples of the dojo were very disciplined. Usually, they must report when they go out, so this This thing is really very abnormal.

He looked at the elder and said to him: “I have searched for the places in front of and behind the mountain. Is there any other strange thing happening?”

After all, all kinds of magical beasts, or flying beasts, etc. appeared a lot in the whole prehistoric wilderness, and this kind of accident is also possible.

Hearing him say this, the elder nodded and said to him: “I have already searched for it, but I haven’t found anything, and there is no mess, and there is no trace left of ZIXO. After listening, Qin Xi felt that it was true. It was very strange, he stood up and looked at the Great Elder and said to him, “Then I’ll go out and have a look first. ”

When he heard what he said, the Great Elder hurriedly stopped him and said to him: “Gu master, it’s already dark, let’s see tomorrow.” Qin Xi thought about it, now that it’s dark outside, he will go out alone It’s really not that convenient.

It’s not because of fear, but because many people around me are sleeping, so it’s not particularly good to wake them up…

So Qin Xi nodded and looked at the elder, and said to him, “Okay, if that’s the case, then you two should go back to rest first. I’ll find someone to take a look tomorrow.”

The first elder got up and sighed. He was really worried about those disciples, and said to Qin Xi: “Okay, then I’ll go back first.” Qin Xi followed the elder to the door, and then After the two said goodbye to each other, he had already returned to the room.

Qin Xi he sat cross-legged, sat on the bed and started to continue to practice, but he was really thinking about this matter in his heart, and he didn’t know why, there was a vague feeling in his own heart 2.1 that was A particularly reassuring feeling.

The next morning, Qin Xi got up early, and he had already called Taoist Yangmei and Aobai, Ao Xin and Diqun to his side.

He instructed a few people to say to them: “Bring all the disciples around you, and go with me to the back mountain to find the missing disciples.”

Chapter 2323 Finding Missing Disciples

Because he had already told them all the ins and outs of the matter in advance.

After hearing it, Changmei Daoist really didn’t think that the Tiandao Dojo had always been very calm, how could such a thing happen.

So he agreed immediately, looked at Qin Xi and said to him, “Don’t worry, Mr. Qin Xi, I will definitely handle this matter for you.”

Qin Xi was really helpless when he heard the raised eyebrows and the way he was joking with himself, and said to him: “In a quarter of an hour, we will see you on the back mountain and flat ground.”

There is a very large area of flat land in the back mountain, so when he heard Qin Xi say this, the Taoist raised eyebrows said to him: “I’ll be there in a while.” 24 And then they quickly gathered other disciples.

On the other side, Di Qiu and Ao Xin did not dare to hesitate to talk to Qin Xi, and they all went to find other disciples.

Qin Xi was alone and had already walked towards the back mountain.

Unexpectedly, I saw a few elders, all waiting for me halfway.

Qin Xi looked at the elders and said to them, “How come you elders get up so early?”

Several elders clasped their fists with both hands, and said to Qin Xi very respectfully, “See Qin Xi’s Valley Master.”

Qin Xi nodded to them and said, “are you going with me today?”

Hearing Qin Xi asking this question again, the first elder stepped forward, looked at Qin Xi and said to him, “Yes, after all, the missing disciples are from every elder’s sect, and there are disciples from various branches. There are also missing, so let’s all look for it together, so we must be more careful.”

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