I, the Demon King, Sign in the Abyss for a Hundred Years

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“Come again!”

Waved again, a two-handed giant sword appeared in the hands of the female orc god, and slashed at Wu Ming.

Unlike last time, the opponent’s strength is getting stronger and stronger over time.

It seems that he is getting acquainted with this new body.

But Wu Ming laughed.

“Oh, I thought you could become so strong after such a big battle? A bug is a bed bug, even if you become stronger.”

After speaking, a thundering gesture was launched.

Wu Ming appeared behind the opponent, and the huge sword in the hands of the gods fell to the ground.

With the great sword falling, there are the opponent’s hands!

The hands of the **** of forging and trade are rapidly growing again.

The strange thing is that unlike the gods who generally use divine power to restore injuries, she uses a strange black aura to restore the wounds.

This kind of breath made Wu Ming feel uncomfortable instinctively, and made him have the urge to give up everything and destroy the other party.

“Cute little devil, you are very strong, but you guessed it, what is the fallen me now?”

The female orc turned her head, not only did her hands return to the same condition as before, she called out two daggers again.

Moreover, behind her….

It also began to exude that black breath.

Wu Ming squeezed the magic sword tightly and stared at the opponent with an unkind expression.

“Don’t guess, I know what you are, but I didn’t expect that you actually took refuge in the devil!”

[Author’s digression]: Ask for a silver ticket!

##Chapter 25 The first contact with the devil and…

Wu Ming recognized that the source of the black breath was the devil’s old enemy-the devil.

In fact, in the entire lower plane, there is not only an endless abyss, but also existence that can be compared with him.

Infinite hell!

The native species in **** is the devil.

They are very different from demons. They are hypocritical and evil, but they respect order incomparably.

They are different from the chaotic order of the devil. They have a tight and efficient organization.

But the same thing is that both sides have great power.

If the demons discover the devil’s plan, they will often rush to make a fuss and bankrupt the other party’s plan.

On the contrary, if the devil discovers the demons, it will also use various conspiracies and tricks to disrupt the opponent’s actions.

Therefore, when the devil and the devil meet, the ending is often endless!

Although many knowledgeable scholars have studied this issue.

But for thousands of years, there is still no convincing reason to explain the hostile behavior of the two sides.

So many people speculate that it is the competition between the endless abyss and the infernal **** that led to the endless hostile behavior of the native species on both sides.


At this time, Wu Ming is here.

When asked about the smell of the devil, Wu Ming finally knew the little abacus of the **** of forging and trade.

It turned out that the other party had defected to the devil’s camp, so he sacrificed all his foundations so confidently.

Not only did he abandon his priesthood, he also gave up the kingdom of God that he had run for many years, and even the devout believers who had served him were slaughtered!

With such a vicious plan, it seems that the other party is already fully prepared.

If it weren’t for Wu Ming to spoil the situation, it is estimated that the other party would cause more damage in private, and even cause the demons to suffer heavy losses with the help of the devil.

After all, as long as the demons can be deflated, it is the greatest pleasure of the devil’s side.

“I said, how could you have the courage to do this kind of thing, it turns out that you were ready to be a dog for the devil a long time ago.”

Wu Ming held the magic sword and looked at the **** of forging and trade whose aura gradually became stronger.

No, the other party is no longer a **** at this time, but immediately becomes a real devil.

“Hmph, at least it’s better than accompany other idiots to bury this world. After all, isn’t it caused by your group of demons?”

The female orc held two daggers, one purple and one black, and quickly rushed up and slashed at Wu Ming.

Wu Ming didn’t evade, and slashed the opponent’s waist with a backhand, almost cutting the opponent in the middle.

But he was also pierced by the two daggers, and Wu Ming pulled the dagger off without frowning.

The wound caused by the dagger was closed visible to the naked eye, and the blood did not flow much.

When the female orc saw this scene, Wu Ming was also secretly shocked by Wu Ming’s recovery ability, but at this time she had already had to send an arrow on the string.

“Are you waiting for the devil’s rescue? Are you sure you can survive? The first time I saw such a weak god, it seems that you really have been pampering you for too long.”

Wu Ming held the magic sword and pointed straight at the opponent.

The female orc once again called out the weapons in her kingdom of God, but unlike before, she found that she could not be Wu Ming’s opponent anyway, and the fighting skills of both sides were not on the same level.

So this time she was equipped with a set of armor that focused on defense and a heavy shield with fangs on the side of the oily blue face. At first glance, she was not a common product.

“Are you going to be a lock turtle this time?”

Wu Ming sneered, and then began to attack the opponent like a violent storm.

After cutting round after round, most of the armor on the opponent’s body was broken, and the shield in his hand was already overwhelmed.

Her body has long been wounded with hundreds of holes, but fortunately, she can barely recover through the remnants of the previous divine power, but she knows that she is already at the end of the battle.

After all, she knew that she had sent a distress message to the demons before, and the time agreed with the demons was almost up…

“Hahaha, despair? You are still thinking that the devil will come to save you!”

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