I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 395

Chapter 395 -The Imperial Princess’ Request

In the palace of Dragon City, Alexia was sitting on the throne while discussing with the city’s internal affairs staff regarding the appointment of officials as well as various issues that needed to be dealt with after the war.

Since Dragon City had conquered Selar and Danbusil, its land area and population had increased dramatically, making Alexia, the lord, anxious and busy. She was hardly sleeping these days in dealing with official business, but fortunately, she was the child of gods. Even if she did not sleep for several months, she would still be fine.

She expressionlessly watched the officials below the throne. Humans were a race that valued power very much. Although they did not lack rationality as demons did, they were one of the most insatiable beings on the main continent.

Now that Dragon City had captured two kingdoms, these territories were like blank slates. Representatives of nobles of Dragon City, representatives of merchants, as well as some officials would do everything they could to bring benefits to their side and show off their talents to their lord.

Suddenly, Alexia’s face beamed with happiness. She frowned at those who were arguing below the throne, and with a cold and pleasant voice, she said, “Silence!”

As her words fell, the whole hall turned silent. Many officials and representatives of various forces quickly backed down to their own stands. They sneaked a glance at the elven dragon who was sitting on top of a mountain of gold and other precious jewels. Then they quickly lowered their heads to express their humility.

They were clear on who gave them power. They might have great power in Dragon City, but all this power belonged to their current lord, Alexia. Alexia only needed a single word, and they would lose everything.

This was especially true because of Alexia’s great achievement in incorporating the two kingdoms into her territory. With her achievement, her prestige increased and her words became heavier. Alexia was now able to do anything she wanted to the territories under her jurisdiction just as Louie did at the time.

“I’m tired today, everyone can go back! We can discuss anything tomorrow.”

Alexia waved her hand as if she was bored, signaling everyone to retire.

“As you wish, milady!”

Although the officials felt that it was strange that Alexia could feel tired, they did not dare disobey. The courtiers who had been fighting anxiously before bowed respectfully and left the hall in an orderly manner.

“You guys should also retire first.”

When these officials and courtiers left, Alexia said this to the elven maids who were serving her.

The elven maids performed the ancient elven etiquette and followed the officials out of the hall.

When no one was left, Alexia could no longer keep her lovely face taut. She smiled like a beautiful flower and stood up from her throne and took a step forward. Then she turned around and bowed, “Father God!”

On the throne where Alexia was sitting before, Louie’s figure emerged from the void. His eyes were full of tenderness and love. He gently nodded, picked up her petite body, and sat her on his lap.

Louie leaned back on the throne and let Alexia sit on his lap. He had one arm around her waist and the other gently stroking her moonlight-colored hair. He said warmly, “Well done, Alexia!”

“It’s all thanks to your help, Father God! If you did not descend at the critical moment and drive away the Succubus Queen, I’m afraid that I would have been badly injured by her and might have even lost my life. This is my mistake. Please punish me, Father God!”

Alexia’s head rested on Louie’s chest and whispered. Her inverted pupils narrowed in joy and asked for Louie’s forgiveness for her previous mistake.


Louie guffawed and said, “How should I punish you, my lovely daughter? By spanking you like a mortal?”

“If it’s you, Father God, Alexia is willing to be punished.”

Alexia bit her lips in embarrassment, but she had a child’s heart. She thought that Louie’s punishment was consistent with his identity as a father. Alexia broke free from Louie’s embrace and stood in front of him with her butt raised.

“Hahaha! Alexia, you are about to be crowned queen. You have to learn to be reserved. If your subjects know about you being spanked by me, this will undermine your majesty.”

Louie laughed out loud once again and pulled Alexia back into his arms as if he was picking up a delicate and lovely doll.

“In front of Father God, how could I have any majesty?”

Alexia lowered her head and smiled cheekily.

“Melcanthet’s appearance was truly a bit unexpected. Even I did not expect an abyssal lord lurking on the main continent. I don’t know how she arrived in the first place, so this could not be blamed on you. In the face of the abyssal lord’s exhaustive efforts, it is only normal that you were deceived. Everything’s all well as long as you do not make such mistakes in the future.”

Louie let out a doting smile, “Do not worry too much. As long as I am here, You will also be able to enjoy immortality and glory.”

His finger plated with Alexia’s pair of pointed elf ears. Alexia’s body trembled, then she rubbed her own tender white face against Louie’s hand.

The two enjoyed a few moments of warmth before Louie asked a question, “Now that Dragon City has become the Dragon Kingdom, tell me about the current situation.”

Hearing Louie’s question, Alexia cleared her throat as she thought about the data she had seen from various official documents and said in a clear voice, “After annexing Selar and Danbusil, the area under the jurisdiction of Dragon City has expanded by several times. According to information, the total population of these two countries is about four million.”

At this, Louie nodded. In the past, Dragon City was just a city. Although it was considered a big city on the main continent, its influence was very small.

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This time, with the capture of two kingdoms, Dragon City could now be called the Dragon Kingdom. It had an increase in land and population, but there were also some negative effects.

For example, such a huge population could not solely rely on Earth’s resources, but thanks to the high-yield crops and hybrid rice that Louie brought back to plant, Dragon Kingdom could keep away hunger. Otherwise, it would be easy to drain Dragon City’s accumulated wealth, turning the country into a typical medieval civilization.

This was something that could not be helped. Productivity and production were simply not enough. If it was just a city, there was still room for development, but for a country with 5 million people and more than a million square kilometers of land, the limitations would be easily exposed.

Thinking of this, Louie reminded Alexia, “Alexia, the wealth of Dragon City cannot be lost. Everything should develop around Dragon City. You must wait until the gross product is completely saturated before focusing on the development of another city. Do not think of directly turning every city in the kingdom to develop like Dragon City in an instant. This is not realistic. You must maintain the overall strength.”

“I understand, Father God! I will not push the cart before the horse.”

Alexia said repeatedly, afraid that Louie would suspect her of being stupid.

“By the way, Father God! Her Highness the Princess of Subila wants to speak to you personally.”

Sorry for not posting for a while everyone, I have no excuses this time. I was just being super lazy. Double chapters for a while.

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