I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 427

Chapter 427: Star of Death, the Moon of Jupiter That Came to Life!

“We’re through!!”

“The passage is open!!”

“Check again if the position is accurate.”

“The instruments show that it’s very accurate. The potential error is less than three meters.”

“Old Xu is amazing!”

“Mr. Xu, nice job!”


On Jupiter LXVI, the members of the ‘Avengers Alliance’ let out enthusiastic cheers, and excitedly sent the news back to Earth through the communicators.

On Earth, the leaders of the major countries were having a remote video conference. After obtaining this news, they also applauded inwardly with excitement, washing away much of the earlier tension they felt.

Old Xu laughed heartily and his hand stopped shaking as the fear and nervousness in his heart had also dispersed a lot. Perhaps this would be what cemented his legacy on Earth.

The entire mission only had seventeen hours to completion. Opening the cave was expected to take one hour, planting the bomb another and the final sixty minutes were for making their escape.

However, they never imagined that they would only need thirteen hours to finish drilling the hole, saving two hours. With this much time to spare, the next task became simple.

“Okay, the task of the drilling team has been completed. Weapons team, it’s your turn, quickly transport Big Ivan to the designated location!”

“Be careful when transporting and don’t accidentally detonate it. It doesn’t matter if we get blown up, but if we don’t put it in the right place and blow up this satellite, we will become sinners of humanity.”

“Do you really think that nuclear bombs ignite at the first flame-like firecrackers? You’re clearly out of your depth my friend.”

Because the mission was being completed ahead of schedule, the mood became pleasant and jovial.

Under the escort of the transport team, Big Ivan was sent to the designated location. The weapons experts also began to carry out the final inspections to ensure that everything was perfect.

They needed to detonate the bomb after Noah’s Ark took off and reach a certain distance. If there was a problem with the detonator, they would not have a second chance.

After an hour, the nuclear bomb was placed and the detonator was checked.

Although dramatic countdowns always happened in Hollywood movies, that was only for extra dramatization. The chance of such things happening, in reality, was very low. In this case, they finished well ahead of schedule.

“Well then, we need to hurry back.”

The headset came from the temporary captain’s command. Everyone was in a good mood as they rode a vehicle back to the rocket. As for the other valuable equipment, they did not bother to take them back.

After all, this place was not Earth. They had no resources to fly back with extra weight. Fortunately, the gravity on Jupiter LXVI was not too high, so it would be easy to escape from the gravitational pull.

Just as the group was happily making its way back, the ground shook.

The gravity was so different from Earth that the people stumbled and fell to the ground. Some people even leaped several meters in one bound and lost control of their bodies.

“What’s happening? Could it be an earthquake?”

“How could there be an earthquake? This is Jupiter LXVI, only twenty kilometers in diameter. It is not so much a planet as a meteorite. It’s impossible for there to be any tectonic movement!”

“Then what is this vibration?”

“Who am I supposed to ask if you’re asking me that? Quick, everyone, move faster! There is an unknown event, so we have to rush back to the ship as fast as possible!”

The team whose atmosphere had eased once again became tense. This UN team began a desperate escape.


Located on Earth, China, Pingtang, Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) was the world’s largest astronomical telescope. It had temporarily abandoned all scientific research projects to focus on the satellite that was heading toward Earth.

In the research institute’s conference room, the leaders of the many major countries were holding a teleconference to listen to the latest information from the frontlines.

The top leaders, like those fighting on the frontlines, had not rested for more than twenty hours, and it was impossible for them to rest at a time of life and death for humanity.

“Dramatic changes are happening to Jupiter LXVI!”

A voice broke the quiet as a certain engineer let out a panicked shout.

“What about the mission?”

These leaders were worthy of being veterans of the political world. Their expressions remained calm despite their internal panic.

“The squad has successfully completed the mission and is rushing towards the spaceship.”

Hearing these words, many leaders felt relieved. No matter what changes were happening to the asteroid, all was good as long as the task was completed.

Feeling relieved, one of them asked, “So what exactly is going on?”

“Everyone please take a look. These are the latest photos taken by FAST.”

The photos were sent to the leaders’ computers. After seeing the current appearance of Jupiter LXVI, many of the leaders sucked in cold air.

“What kind of monster is this? Is this really Jupiter LXVI?”

Could it be that this satellite was alive?”

“God, this is incredible. The mysteries of the cosmos are unfolding before us in an unimaginable picture. We truly know so little about this universe.”

“What mystery of the universe? Did you forget the previous report about the filthy and profane magical writing found on Jupiter LXVI? I’m afraid that this moon is a part of the supernatural, an evil monster, an evil god!!!”

“No, no, this is not right! Don’t keep staring at the picture. My brain is swelling, my eyes are hallucinating. I can’t get its shadow out of my mind! What is this sound?!! Stop talking, stop whispering in my ear!!! God, no, God!!! I think I’m going crazy, no, no, no!!!”

“Doctor, doctor!!! Quickly, sedate the president!!”

The frightened and shrill screams of the President of France made the even-deep atmosphere turn horrible.

The photo was extremely disgusting and distorted. At the very center of Jupiter LXVI, an eye opened up. It gave off an incredibly evil aura that seemed to induce madness in all who dared look at it. It was covered with filthy blood, and the whole satellite’s appearance also changed.

Instead of looking like a ball, the satellite became a weird sphere made of rocks and full of tentacles. The ground cracked and the satellite looked like a human face that was crawling with maggots. It was disgusting and distorted.

At that moment, everyone had a realization that this was simply not a moon of Jupiter, but a ‘Moon of Death’. At this moment, the satellite was alive!!


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