I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 433

Chapter 433: Fengshan Ceremony

Just as China was preparing for the Fengshan ceremony, the Imperial Palace in Tokyo was welcoming a guest as well..

“Lord chief priest, please wait for a moment. His Majesty the Emperor will be here soon!”

In the inner hall of the imperial palace, the chief priest who had appeared with the old man to face off against the deep ones in Tokyo had once again appeared. He entered the imperial palace as if it was his home. He wore onmyouji clothes from the Heian era. Since the guards knew of his identity, no one dared to stop him and a message was quickly sent to the prime minister and emperor.

An official of the palace carefully greeted the chief priest so as not to offend him. He gave him a surreptitious glance before bowing his head.

This official had once caught a glimpse of this priest, but now that he had met again, he noticed that he was a lot more animated and almost life-like than before.

Whereas in the past, the priest appeared illusory, he now seemed composed of flesh and blood. Though his frame seemed bony, he exuded a great presence.

‘The gods have already returned. Our people will finally have their protection.’

The official of the palace was overwhelmed with joy, and just as he was rambling, the current emperor hurriedly and quickly stepped out. Upon seeing this divine official, he hurriedly saluted with the humble gesture characteristic of Japanese.

Although the emperor of Japan was called the descendant of Amaterasu Omikami, the current emperor knew that the royal family did not possess any of the so-called powers. Facing the priest who grasped supernatural powers in front of him, he tried to forget his status and treated himself as an ordinary person.

From the past contact with the priest, many scholars had analyzed that this person was an arrogant and thunderous individual.

“Lord chief priest, I wonder for what reason you have come to visit us.”

The current emperor’s tone was vaguely excited. Seeing the appearance of this religious man, and remembering that Jupiter LXVI was about to fall to Earth, he had already hazarded a guess as to his motives.

The emperor was planning to set out for Uchinoura Space Center, where he would take a rocket to space, but with the appearance of this priest, he made a new decision.

The top government officials all knew too well that the current technology did not guarantee a hundred percent chance of being able to fly into space. Moreover, no one would want to leave Earth if they could.

The bony priest only looked up at the emperor and threw a piece of paper, “Prepare these materials and go to Ise Shrine in Mie Prefecture. I will perform a sacrifice to Amaterasu Omikami.”

The priest had no respect for the emperor at all and spoke in a commanding voice.

Ise Shrine could be said to be the head of all Japanese shrines. The inner palace was exactly the location where sacrifices and ceremonies for Amaterasu occurred. The legendary Yata no Kagami was also stored inside.

Seeing the paper handed to him by the priest, the emperor did not even give it a glance before taking it and responding, “Please rest assured. I will guarantee that your request will be completed.”

The emperor did not care at all about the strength of this priest. Japan was a country where hierarchy was still ingrained, creating many complex etiquettes, especially ones for seniors and juniors. Seeing that the priest held great power, the emperor naturally did not dare offend him.

Although the priest did not personally show his strength, everyone had seen how the Chinese old man was able to resist a thermobaric bomb. According to their speculation, the old man and this priest being friends must mean that they were of the same category.

“Very good. This is a matter of great importance to our divine system, but also the fate of human life and death.”

The priest nodded his head and said sternly.

The emperor handed the paper to an official and instructed him. Then he faced the priest once more and carefully asked, “Lord chief priest, are you going to summon the power of Amaterasu Omikami to save humanity?”

“That is what my friend is going to do. He is going to call forth a supreme god of China. With the help of that power, he is going to destroy the evil moon. As for me, I will sacrifice to the great God Amaterasu in order to deal with the aftermath. The demonic nature contained in the evil moon is too huge. Even if it is destroyed, the planet would not escape being polluted by it. It would result in demons appearing in this world.”

“This is our opportunity. While Christ is still asleep, we have to seize this chance.”

The priest’s tone brought a touch of excitement. The emperor listened as much as he could, but he could only understand the surface of his words. This was definitely something that involved the struggle between different divine systems. Eastern culture was similar, thus they were united to fight against the gods of the Western culture.

The emperor did not dare ask any more questions. He understood that knowing too much of the truth was very dangerous.

“When you go to Ise Shrine, bring the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi and the Yasakani-no-Magatama. These two sacred treasures should be kept in the imperial palace.”

The so-called sacred treasures were indeed in the imperial palace. When he had succeeded the emperor, the current emperor also brought them to Ise Shrine to pay respects to Amaterasu Omikami, but only the imperial daily knew that the two sacred weapons in their possession were likely forgeries, and the true sacred treasures had long been lost in history.

As if he could see through the emperor’s conundrum, the priest said in a hoarse voice, “The so-called three sacred treasures were originally symbols. Even if the sacred weapons lose their true appearance, as long as the meaning remains and is enshrined in the imperial palace, it is enough.

Hearing the priest’s words, the emperor sighed with relief and said respectfully, “Lord priest, please wait for a moment. I will go fetch the two divine weapons and have them sent to the location.”


Louie, who took advantage of this crisis, also fooled the Japanese side in order to gain faith. Now, he was wearing a fancy ancient dress and walked on the steps of Mt. Tai with an instrument in hand.

After the unification of the six kingdoms, Qin Shi Huang had also performed the Fengshan ceremony, but the rituals at that time were not recorded and kept as a secret of the Qin dynasty, as a result, no one knew what the rituals of the Qin dynasty were like, so Louie could make up a bunch of nonsense.

As for the ceremonial scripture in his hand, Louie only casually copied a part of the book 《Nine Songs》 that spoke about the God of the Eastern Sky. Since the God of the Eastern Sky did not really exist, making such casual sacrifices was not really blasphemy. After completing the sacrifice, he would become the real God of the Eastern Sky. That way, he could gather the belief of all the Chinese.

Even if Earth was a desert for the mysteries, Louie could still hear the countless prayers.

The Chinese government had informed people from all over the world about this ritual, hoping for the people to pray devoutly when the ritual was held. This way, human wishes could reach the heavenly will.

With human extinction on the line, no one wanted to die and humanity would always try to grab the last straw. As Louie climbed Mt. Tai, the entire Chinese community were praying, sending their fear of death, their humble wish for divine forgiveness, and their wishes from the depths of their heart.

The Chinese government was also happy to see this faith. People often said that China had no faith, but after this Fengshan ceremony, China would be able to relieve the ancient memories.

In the midst of hundreds and millions of prayers, Louie arrived at the altar at the summit. Just as the sun rose in the east, its golden glow spilled over Mt. Tai, creating a beautiful sunrise.

Taking a deep breath, Louie opened the ceremonial scripture in his hand which was written in the ancient language, and then in a voice only he could hear he began reciting.

As he recited, Louie’s divine power surged out. In the distant skies, the light of the sun began to converge and a human figure slowly appeared.

For a moment, the wind surged, the golden light filled the sky, Mt. Tai had fallen silent, and even animals did not dare let out a sound!!


More later, I procrastinated too much. XP

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