I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 109

109 Global Attention (Thanks To “Kwanyuk” For The Reward)

late at night.

The Prime Minister of the island country, Ansan, is worried about the floating island incident.

The nuclear leakage of the floating island is a major problem left by the previous prime minister…

Ansan has to worry about the floating island every year. In the first few years of his tenure as prime minister, Ansan invested a lot of money every year to deal with nuclear waste water based on the principle of delaying if he could.

Year by year, it has accumulated to the bottom, and by this year, it has reached more than one million tons.

Floating islands may be difficult to store, and by next year, as a last resort, nuclear waste water will have to be discharged.

In the past few years, Ansan has been worried about this matter. In addition to the apparent annual investment of 70 billion yuan in island governance, he has invested a considerable amount of subsidies in some domestic projects to deal with nuclear wastewater.

However, no one has come up with an effective solution so far.

So I went around in a circle, the most effective way is only one——

Discharge into the sea!

There are many fishermen in the island country who depend on the sea for their livelihood.

If it is discharged into the sea, the first thing that will be affected is the people of the country.

Half a month ago, they just made a little test, not only the pressure from various countries, but also from the people, and many people organized a parade.

And after data collection, Ansan’s support rate is continuing to decline…

Ansan also felt a headache.

If not dealt with, the floating islands will be affected sooner or later, and as the environment secretary has said, they currently have only one way to dilute them into the Pacific Ocean.

Unless an effective governance method can be found before this 787.

The first emission was a test half a month ago, and the second was to put some pressure on the rest of the countries, hoping they could also help.

Obviously, Ansan thinks too much!

Approaching the country like a stick, it will only be clamoring, and there is no intention to give help at all.

“I’m so hard.

Ansan sighed.

At this time, footsteps approached.

“Prime Minister, Embassy of Longteng Kingdom…”

An San’s assistant hurried in from outside.

“What’s the matter?” An San frowned, if it wasn’t for the assistant’s close relationship with him, he would have been severely reprimanded.

“Prime Minister, Ambassador Longtenguo wants to see you outside! He said that Longtenguo has a solution to the problem of nuclear waste water, so I…’

“please come in.”

An San’s expression changed, and although he was a little excited, he still restrained and maintained his demeanor as a prime minister.

No wonder the assistant looked excited and rushed to see him.

If this is the reason, it is excusable.

However, An San is very suspicious, does Longteng Kingdom really have a way to deal with nuclear waste water?

The rest of the developed countries have nothing to do with nuclear wastewater…

Otherwise, how could Ansan make such a bad plan and plan to discharge the nuclear waste water into the Pacific Ocean, which is a matter of countless infamy!

A few minutes later, An San saw the ambassador of Longteng Kingdom to the island country.

“Can your country help the floating island get through the difficulties?”

Ansan straight to the point.

The island country and the Longteng country have a special relationship in the international arena, and most of them compete against each other.

“Yes. 35

The ambassador said with a smile: “The country suddenly contacted me and sent me to have a breath with the Prime Minister.

An San pondered: “What method? Many experts in the Star Flag country are helpless, and many scholars in our island country are also unable to do anything. Does your country really have this ability?

“I wonder if the Prime Minister knows about Pokémon?” the ambassador asked.

“Slightly heard.

An San wanted to answer but never heard of it, but after thinking about it carefully, he remembered a small company that had been appearing frequently in his ears recently.

It seems to be in the field of biology, and the genetic creatures produced are particularly powerful.

The ambassador said: “Pokémon’s genetically modified organisms have the ability to purify nuclear wastewater, and they want to negotiate a business deal with the island country. They come to Purify the nuclear wastewater, and the island country gives money.”

“GeneBio Purify Nuclear Wastewater?”

Ansan knew that someone in the island country had put forward a similar concept, but it was still being studied, and the progress was very slow at present, and there was almost no hope.

Now someone told him that there was a company that could do it, and An San couldn’t help but doubt the feasibility.

“If the Pokémon company can do it, the island nation won’t be stingy with the money.

An San said solemnly.

The ambassador raised his eyebrows.

As expected, things went smoothly and we could negotiate, and we’ll see if Pokémon can do it!


The brief conversation between the two was soon made public by the Ministry of Environment.

Longtengguo Pokémon Company claims to be able to solve the nuclear waste water problem for the island country, and will witness this moment with the floating island in two days!

Immediately, the media around the world was boiling.

Pokémon Company?

The name of this company has long been known internationally, and now such big news has emerged, and the name is even more resounding.

The island nation’s environment minister says Pokémon has engineered genetically engineered organisms that can purify nuclear wastewater…

A new way to treat nuclear wastewater!

The world’s major media rushed to report.

Almost at the same time, it made headlines in major countries.

The Pokémon company has become a topic of discussion for everyone!

Especially in China, the major hot spots are almost occupied by the Pokémon company. Even if they don’t usually pay attention to the field of genetic biology, they know the name of Lu Sheng at this moment.

“The Pokémon company claims to be able to solve the floating island nuclear wastewater, and will use genetic biological treatment methods…”

“Is it true, or is it maddening?”

“Scientists around the world are helpless, why does the genius bio-designer Lu Sheng dare to promise the island country?”

“Shocked! The floating island nuclear waste water of global concern will be resolved!

Various types of media, the first time to report, including more pessimists.

Before things have been verified, people do not believe that genetic organisms can do it.

Others believe that this is a brand new solution that may be feasible.

The foreign animal protection association jumped out and accused Lu Sheng that it was inhumane for the genetic organism to absorb radioactive elements…

Some biodesigners thought it was funny, how could Purify be possible.

In short, all kinds of monsters and monsters jumped out overnight, and some people thought it was a show.

Whether it is successful or not, the Pokémon Company will receive praise from everyone, as well as enthusiasm from all over the world.

The recent incident on the floating island has touched the hearts of the people of various countries. Can the popularity be high?

This is a great opportunity to increase the company’s international reputation.

Lu Sheng has not made any statement to the outside world.

The island nation suddenly announced this matter, making it clear that it was trying to bring pressure to the Pokémon Company and Longteng Kingdom.

If Lu Sheng can’t complete the task in the end, he will face a lot of verbal criticism!

Employees of the Pokémon Company also heard about it for the first time.

One by one, faced with inquiries from relatives and friends, they didn’t know what to do.

They discussed enthusiastically in the company group, but did not see any response from Lu Sheng, and they were all anxious.


The employees have great confidence in Lu Sheng.

The boss creates miracles one after another!

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