I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 130

130 Poké Ball Debut! Rolling (Thanks To “Silly Eagle, Rolling Calf” For The Reward)

“Invite 212 two players to enter the 29th field…”

“Please 212 two contestants…”

Players’ rest area.

Lu Sheng heard the announcement and entered the arena with a bag.

The battle in the arena is in full swing.

Lu Sheng came to the No. 29 field, and there was already a player on the opposite side, followed by an erect genetic creature with four arms.

The referee is verifying the opponent’s identity.

After a simple confirmation, the referee came to Lu Sheng, and the first reaction was to look behind Lu Sheng.


The referee is from an island country, and he talked a lot about it.

Before each player goes on the field, the organizer will give a translation pen.

Lu Sheng motioned to the opponent to say it again and pointed the translation pen at the referee.

The referee said: “Why didn’t you bring genetic creatures on the field, do you want to abstain? Give me the ID card!”

“I didn’t plan to abstain, I brought the genetic organisms!”

Lu Sheng handed over the ID card.

The referee stared suspiciously, as if to say, “You kid me?”


The identity verification passed, and the referee frowned: “If you want to abstain, you can say it now, don’t waste your time.”5

“No no, I really didn’t intend to abstain…”

Lu Sheng showed the Poké Ball in his hand and said with a smile: “The players I want to play are here, so we can announce the start!

“Ball?” The referee didn’t understand.

But he still got out of the way.

Waiting for another player’s “four-armed warrior” to attack later, if Lu Sheng is on the field without sending a genetic creature for more than 5 seconds, Lu Sheng can be declared defeated.

Some genetic creatures may experience stage fright in their first battle.

If you hide behind the master and dare not come forward, the rules will give a judgment to save time.

The referee stepped back and explained the news to the organizer on the walkie-talkie.

The organizers also noticed this and deliberately moved the camera to the No. 29 stadium.

“Everyone, there may be an accident on the 29th arena. At present, only one side has sent a genetic creature four-armed warrior! According to the rules of the Orange League, if a team does not send a genetic creature into the battle zone within 5 seconds, then the team will be judged to be defeated.”

“What a lucky player to get 1 point for free at the beginning of the game!

The commentary never stopped.

Suddenly, the commentator was stunned for a moment, and said: “Why do I feel that this player on the No. 29 field is very familiar, can you give a close-up of the camera? Ah, yes, it is Lu Sheng of Longteng Kingdom, the hero who saved the floating island, I remember him. !35

Originally, many people’s attention was in other theaters, and all of a sudden they turned to the No. 29 theater.

“Looks like it’s really Lu Sheng! Is he coming to the Orange League too?

“But, Lu Sheng didn’t bring Pikachu, Suicune today…”

“What’s he going to do, with the ball in his hand, is it a whole new type of Pokémon?”

In the audience, everyone was puzzled.

The countdown has entered the screen.

If Lu Sheng has not played the genetic creature before the countdown ends, the first game will be lost.

Just when everyone is puzzled, the No. 29 theater has changed!

I saw Lu Sheng grabbed the ball in his hand and threw it out.

“It’s up to you, Pikachu!

When the Poké Ball fell to the ground, a light flashed and Pikachu appeared in front of him completely.

Immediately, the audience shook!

Everyone didn’t know how Lu Sheng did it, but all gave cheers.

Even the commentary got stuck. After a few seconds, he regained his senses and said in surprise: “It’s Pikachu! It seems that Pikachu is hidden in that ball? But, the ball is only the size of a fist, how can you put Pikachu in it? Could it be Pikachu? Use the ability to change the Transform body size?

“Or, is that ball a brand new technology from Pokémon?”

“It’s incredible to see this kind of technology for the first time!”

In the audience, only Huang Xiaoyu knew about the existence of Poké Ball, and she raised her chin proudly.

The guide on the side was dumbfounded, and said indifferently: “Miss Huang, what’s going on, this…

“Humph, this is a brand-new invention of President Lu.

Huang Xiaoyu said that half of it was hidden, and he pretended to be unpredictable.

Hearing the cheers and exclamations in her ears, she was in a happy mood, as if she was the one who played!

The first appearance of Poké Ball made the audience cheer.

All over the world, the audience watching this live broadcast was dumbfounded.

The scene just now was too surprising, a flash of light actually released a Pikachu…

At present, not many people understand the inside story.

Some even speculate that the Poké Ball is a genetic creature that can store objects larger than itself.

Some people also speculate that Lu Sheng has obtained alien technology, so there is only one Pokémon before, and this kind of black technology…

29 against the war zone.

Rival was also stunned when Lu Sheng released Pikachu.

“Are you… Lu, Lu Sheng?

The other party was gearing up and seemed very excited.

If this game can defeat Lu Sheng, then his name will spread all over the world.

Thinking of this, he made a decisive decision and immediately issued an order: “Four-armed warrior, charge!

Hearing the master’s command, the four-armed warrior stepped down and accelerated.

Pikachu has the ability to release Discharge flow, you need to beware of this hand!

Ground is shaking slightly…

The four-armed fighter is a humanoid genetic creature with a small body and relatively stout legs.

The overall shape is a little bit similar to Machamp in Pokémon, but there is no beauty in the body shape, the waist is thick and the stomach is very strong, and it can often be used to hit people with the stomach!

Charge is the ability that four-armed warriors train more often, and can launch attacks, close-ups, etc.


These messages flashed through Lu Sheng’s mind quickly, and he said loudly: “Pikachu, jump up to avoid the attack! 39

Pikachu splashed lightly on the ground and flew into the air.

The four-armed warrior stopped a few meters before Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng’s heart skipped a beat.

If the four-armed wrestler didn’t stop, he might be knocked into the air!

The next time you fight, it’s better to have a greater distance.

“Four-armed warrior, turn around and hug the enemy…” Rival was a little flustered.

He was easily jumped over his head by Pikachu!

The four-armed wrestler has more than two meters, and Pikachu’s Bounce is so good?

Now the four-armed wrestlers are wide open and can easily be attacked by Pikachu.

“Pikachu, use Iron Tail to attack the back!”

Lu Sheng didn’t miss a good opportunity and hurriedly issued an order.


The four-armed warrior fell forward, interrupting the offensive.

But it soon struggled up again, roared, and lunged at Pikachu.

“Pikachu, get out of the way, use Thunderbolt! Years

Lu Sheng seized the opportunity, Pikachu flashed to the left, a current flashed, and landed on the four-armed warrior in mid-air.

If Lu Sheng had asked Pikachu to use 100,000 rets from the very beginning, he would most likely be evaded by the four-armed fighter.

But in mid-air, the four-armed wrestler couldn’t change direction, so it was very easy to catch the falling trajectory, and the 100,000 rets were better to hit.


The four-armed warrior fell to the ground, twitching all over.

The referee took a few glances and announced the result.

The whole crowd cheered.

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