I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 134

134 Ember! Gust! (Subscribe)

Charmeleon and Wind Speed ​​Monkey appear one after another.

When the referee announced the official start of the game, Norma struck first: “Wind Speed ​​Monkey, get close!”

The Wind Speed ​​Monkey could originally walk upright, but now it landed on all fours, and its speed suddenly increased.

If only compared to speed, Wind Speed ​​Monkey is definitely better than Charmeleon.

Norma plans to rely on the dexterity of the wind monkeys to win!


The wind speed monkey slapped it out.

Charmeleon responded promptly and shot.

The two sides collided for the first time, and Charmeleon was slightly stronger.

Lu Sheng and Norma are all testing Rival’s strength.

At this moment, Lu Sheng gave the first order: “Charmeleon, use Fury Swipes!””

Charmeleon let out a low growl, waving his arms, his sharp claws as if to shatter the air.

“Wind Speed ​​Monkey back!” Norma responded quickly.

Even so, Charmeleon’s claws still scratched a trace on the wind speed monkey’s chest.

The wind speed monkey bared his teeth in pain, but he was not timid at all, instead his whole body was full of fighting spirit and excitement.

“The speed is not as fast as the wind speed monkey…”

Norma immediately had an idea in her heart and scolded: “Wind speed monkey, windmill warfare!


Wind Speed ​​Monkey immediately recalled, running on all fours again, circling around Charmeleon, faster and faster.

Not to mention Charmeleon, even Lu Sheng off the field couldn’t keep up with the speed of Wind Speed ​​Monkey.

“Charmeleon, watch your back.

Lu Sheng thought of Norma Wind Speed ​​Monkey 837’s trick, and immediately reminded him.

As soon as the words fell, the wind speed monkey attacked fiercely, and already detoured behind Charmeleon.

“Wind Speed ​​Monkey, hug and fall!”

The wind monkey suddenly hugged Charmeleon from behind.

Charmeleon strove hard, but the wind speed monkey, with his arms clasped at the stirrups, let out a sharp Growl, and bent over, trying to throw Charmeleon on his head to the ground.

Even if it is a genetic creature, the head is the key target of attack.

As long as the onion falls, not to mention the instant disintegration of combat effectiveness, at least the genetic creature will be dizzy and dizzy for a short time.

This trick Norma has tried many times, and the wind speed monkey has a very high proficiency, and there are not many genetic creatures that have been defeated by it.

“Charmeleon, Eruption on Wind Speed ​​Monkey Arm.

Lu Sheng sneered.

It was expected that Norma would use a hug and throw, but it was obviously not enough to deal with Charmeleon.

Norma’s face changed: “Let go!”

But it was too late.

Charmeleon opens his mouth to Spit Up flames.

It fell on the arm of the wind speed monkey, the wind speed monkey was in pain, and his arms suddenly loosened, and Charmeleon broke away with another force.

Charmeleon also used his tail and threw it in the face of the wind speed monkey when he turned around, and the wind speed monkey was thrown away.

The wind speed monkey turned a somersault in mid-air, and was still a little unsteady after landing.

The hair on both arms was burnt!

If it were an ordinary monkey, the two arms (aeca) might be abolished.

The wind speed monkey has thick fur and can withstand a certain degree of damage, including fireworks.

“Charmeleon, use Ember!”

Lu Sheng seized the opportunity and gave the order again.

Charmeleon opened his mouth and sprayed a large number of Ember particles, shooting like a machine gun!

“Get out of the way!” Norma yelled.

The wind speed monkey also dodges subconsciously, but Ember is aggressive and covers a large area.

It just stood firm, and its movement was a beat slower, and it was immediately attacked by Ember and screamed.

“Charmeleon, use Fury Swipes!

Charmeleon strikes immediately.

Charge, Fury Swipes!

clap clap clap!

Wind Speed ​​Monkey had many wounds on his body and fell heavily to the ground.

“Gah!” It staggered up from the ground, staggering.

“Stop! Referee, I admit defeat.”

Norma sighed.

It is also possible to continue to fight, but the chance of winning is relatively low, and the wind speed monkey’s injury is not light.

Wind Speed ​​Monkey returned to Norma dejectedly, Norma comforted in a low voice, but did not blame it for Wind Speed ​​Monkey’s loss.

The medical staff quickly arrived here to stop the bleeding and heal the wind speed monkey.

“…What a wonderful game! Haha, although the end was quicker, everyone also saw the power of Charmeleon, and I believe this is only part of the ability that Charmeleon showed.

The voice of the commentary returned to the surroundings, and waves of cheers erupted from the audience.

“Let’s look forward to the next game, which Pokémon will Mr. Lu send first? Look, Mr. Lu Fling has a Poké Ball…”

“Ah, it’s a Flying Pokémon, it seems that Norma will be forced to use the wind thorn too! If you send a Pinsir, you may fall into a passive beating situation. 99

“Everyone can look forward to Norma’s choice, whether it is the wind thorn bird or the Pinsir!”

“Although Norma’s Wind Thorn Bird has not played in this game, it has appeared in other games, and it is very powerful…”

in the field.

Norma does think about who to put on the field.

A brand new Pokémon with no profile…

He was lost in thought.

If this Pokémon will use Eruption, Thunder Shock and other abilities, and dispatch Pinsir, it will be passively beaten on the ground.

Using the wind thorn bird, but more insurance!

The wind thorn bird is more flexible and the Flying speed is fast.

“Wind thorn bird, you go up.”

Norma said to the wind thorn bird on the shoulder.

The wind thorn bird chirped and flew into the arena, hovering in the upper half of the sky.

“It really is a wind thorn bird.

Lu Sheng grinned.

Since he dispatched Pokémon first in the second wave, Pidgey was naturally the best.

Send Pidgey first, you can force the opposite to send the wind thorn bird.

“Both sides are ready, the battle begins!

The referee blows the whistle.

“Wind thorn bird, use the wind thorn!

Norma strikes again.

The wind thorn bird obeyed the instructions, and spit out a sharp wind thorn that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


There were many faint sounds in the air.

Through the lens, the audience barely saw a lot of transparent gas passing through the air.

The first wave, of course, is a trial!

“Pidgey, pull up high!

Lu Sheng also spoke the moment Norma gave the order.

Pidgey narrowly escaped…

As a Pidgey who has not been born for too long, it has very little experience in combat and very few skills.

If not for Lu Sheng’s timely response, Pidgey might have been struck by sarcasm.

The wind thorn just passed under Pidgey’s tail, and he may be hit by the wind thorn a second later!

Lu Sheng said solemnly: “Pidgey, get close to the wind thorn bird.

Pidgey flapped his wings quickly and charged towards the wind thorn bird.

Norma’s eyes lit up, and quickly said: “The wind stabs the bird, use the continuous wind stab!”

This move is a move that Norma Wind Thorn Bird has mastered skillfully, and can issue large-area and continuous sarcastic attacks.

Usually used to deal with some close Rivals.

With Pidgey’s physique, maybe this wave can end the fight!

“Pidgey, use Gust!”

Lu Sheng gave another order when Pidgey rushed out halfway.

Pidgey glides a distance, stops, and flaps his big wings…

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in front of him.

Those transparent wind thorns lost their alignment in the strong wind, or lost their strength.

Moreover, the strong wind blew on the wind thorn bird, and the wind thorn bird swayed and was almost blown off by a strong wind.

Norma’s face changed, and Lu Sheng chased after the victory: “Pidgey, speed up, use Tackle! 35

Pidgey’s body accelerated, riding the wind just now, and slammed into the wind thorn bird.


The wind thorn bird was hit and flew and fell downward.

But the wind thorn bird has not yet lost, flapping its wings, intends to regroup.

“Pidgey, use Gust on the bottom.”

Pidgey went up and down with the wind thorn bird, and at this time Pidgey flapped his big wings again, and the strong wind could easily slap the wind thorn bird to the ground, causing serious injuries.

Norma realized the danger and shouted: “Get out of the way…”

But just now, the wind thorn bird barely stabilized after being Tackled, how could it avoid the “Gust” attack?

A violent wind rushed through, and the wind thorn bird fell heavily to the ground, and there were a few feathers flying in the air.

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