I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 16

16 Pichu Debut!

“Yo, isn’t that our young master, who actually came to the exhibition, aren’t you afraid of shame?”

Gu Li’s mouth moved, and he was playing with a number card in his hand.

“Nothing to do with you.”

Lu Sheng was expressionless, and showed his ID to the staff, and then received a number card.

Gu Li glanced at it and said with a smile: “Number 068, it seems that I don’t know which corner it is, look at the number of our strong company, 012! We can show spirit dogs at the big booth, Lu Shao, your company can only go to Staying in a corner, tsk…”

“It has something to do with you?”

Lu Sheng paused and said sarcastically, “Even at the big booth, what was stolen is always stolen, what’s there to be proud of? But I’m different, I don’t steal or rob, I show my things openly, can I be the same? ”

Gu Li glanced at the staff in the house, and said with a cold face: “Lu Sheng, stop talking nonsense, what steals your things, Pengci Peng is used to it, right? Ling dog has been developed by my strong biotechnology company from beginning to end. This creature has nothing to do with you.”

“Ha ha……”

Lu Sheng pouted: “I’m too lazy to argue with you, you’re waiting for me here, aren’t you just taunting me? Forget it, you two treat a broken spirit dog as a treasure, and don’t give it to me.”

“What did you say!”

Miao Lina, a self-proclaimed genius designer, was blown away.

Miao Lina can’t allow Solaceon to belittle the spirit dog she designed with great concentration, and snorted coldly: “Lu Sheng, I know you must be jealous, right? If you have the ability, you really come up with a better genetic creature than the spirit dog today, otherwise Don’t talk nonsense here!”

“Wait and see.”

Lu Sheng led Zhuo Churan away, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Facts speak louder than words—

When Pichu makes an appearance, the two will know what the gap is!

Their proud spirit dog will be easily crushed by Pichu!

“A dead duck has a tough mouth…”

“I know him…”

After Lu Sheng walked out of the room, he could vaguely hear the voice of Gu Li and Miao Lina talking.

“Two bad guys.”

Zhuo Churan made a brief evaluation.

Lu Sheng couldn’t help laughing and said, “If it wasn’t bad enough, why would you do such a shameless thing? I was stupid at the beginning, but I believed in Gu Li. It’s not a loss to spend 100 million to recognize a person and buy a lesson.”

“Isn’t that bad?”

Zhuo Churan was speechless.

However, when I think about the technology that Lu Sheng currently has at hand, one hundred million seems to be nothing!

After the two went back, they found the booth, took out all kinds of props, and placed a large sign in front of them with the conspicuous company name written on it.

The two adjacent booths were frequently seen, and they seemed to be curious about Lu Sheng’s company.

But jokes flashed in their eyes from time to time, and it was obvious that they were not optimistic.

Gu Li did not know when he quietly took a photo and posted it on Weibo.

Lu Sheng wouldn’t have known about it if it wasn’t for the staff’s reminder.

“Thank you to the organizer of the exhibition for arranging a large booth for our strong company. It is our strong honor to receive the same treatment as medium and large enterprises. Booth number 012, welcome to visit Ling Dog, it will definitely bring surprises to everyone! ”

“Also, I seem to have discovered something incredible! I passed by booth No. 068 just now. No, I saw a certain company at the booth. Haha, I didn’t expect to come here!”

There are a few photos below, the first two are the big booth of the powerful company, and the latter are showing the small booth of the Pokémon company from different angles.

The contrast between the two different pictures makes the Pokémon company look shabby and not valued by the organizers!

On Weibo, many people commented below, mostly ridiculing.

“For a scam company, the organizer is willing to give a booth, which is not bad.”

“Haha, the comparison is obvious. The organizer must have learned about the Pokémon company in advance and knew that they couldn’t come up with good things, so they just arranged a spot.”

“xswl, no comparison, no damage, powerful!”


Lu Sheng casually browsed the comments, smiled, and exited Weibo.

passing by?

I’m afraid it was on purpose.

Lu Sheng is also very grateful to Gu Li for his momentum. I hope that after the exhibition starts, a large number of people will come to take a look!

After the booth was arranged, Lu Sheng and others were waiting for the exhibition to open.

Although the employees chatted in twos and threes, everyone could still see a little nervousness and excitement in their expressions…

nine thirty!

The New World Pet Exhibition is open to the outside world.

The long queue outside began to check tickets, and people gradually entered the venue.

The venue was immediately lively, and there was a buzzing sound all around, which gradually became congested.

The two booths next to Lu Sheng also belong to unknown small companies. The genetic organisms on their booths are relatively common, with cute shapes, and they belong to the cute category.

But there are still dedicated fans who come to watch and exclaim from time to time.

“You can release the little Pichus.”

Lu Sheng joked with several employees: “I see, many people are following us, but we can’t let them down.”

The employees laughed together, how could they not hear the potential meaning of Lu Sheng?

Those people are going to wait for the company’s jokes.


Their expectations are feared to be in vain!

“Remove the black cloth first, let the little Pichus familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment, and then let them out for a few minutes.”

After Lu Sheng gave an order, the employees began to work.

Uncovering the black cloth, Pichu makes his first public appearance!

The attention of the surrounding audience gradually focused on the small booth 068…

They saw that in the pet box, the yellow-skinned mice that they had never seen before were shaking their heads, and they were full of cuteness!

[Thanks to “One for ten” and “Bai Ye” for the tips! Thanks for the support of friends such as “ndh”, “Wuji” and “Harem is my love”! 】

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