I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 205

205 Violent Tendencies! (Subscribe)

Lu Sheng is on his way to Lab 2.

After giving Plusle a phone call to Minun in person, Zhuo Churan’s doubts should be solved.

“Implement BUFF?

Great experience! Power.

The rest of the Breeder staff looked around curiously, and when they learned that Lu Sheng was going to accept Thunder Shock, they almost thought that Lu Sheng had something wrong with his brain!

In the field, a pair of Balangs are fighting, the scene is lively, many Pokémon onlookers!

One by one didn’t understand Lu Sheng’s prank.

Zhuo Churan hugged him, rubbed Mew’s head, and suddenly said, “Mr. Lu, Plusle and Minun seem to have serious violent tendencies…

“Don’t worry.

Others enter to see the seed vitality.

Embers burst out of them, and their voices were cheerful.

It has been nearly a week since the birth of Combee and Wishiwashi, and the other four Pokémon that have been invested with them-

Zhuo Churan pursed his lips and suddenly realized that Plusle and Minun had been wronged, and felt a little guilty.

Just as he was about to rush out to stop it, Lu Sheng grabbed Zhuo Churan’s wrist.

Zhuo Churan Stomping Tantrum, in a hurry.

After arriving at the laboratory, Lu Sheng went to the Breeder room first, where the Grimer gene injection accounted for the largest proportion, followed by Koffing.

“Ah? How could…

Lu Sheng couldn’t help laughing, and said, “No, they didn’t intend to hurt other Pokémon, they were buffing Dedenne!

Lu Sheng thought for a while, and quickly understood what was going on.

“Yes! Necrotic, Dedenne and Emolga were playing a game this morning, and they suddenly gave Dedenne a Thunder Shock! They are also very happy, it is not violent or what! I specifically reprimanded them, and they feel wronged , want to justify.

“Mr. Lu, this…”

Lu Sheng took a step back.

Lu Sheng and Zhuo Churan returned to the Breeder room.

Zhuo Churan explained to them, and the rest were dubious.

Their Pokémon eggs have been in the hatchery for a week, and based on time, Shell Smash is done today.

When Mewtwo’s genes were put in, Mew was suspended in front of the culture tank, with big bright eyes full of curiosity, it seemed to sense something from the genes – the difference!

They obviously want to help the guy a little bit, but in the eyes of those who don’t understand, it’s Plusle and Minun doing the trick.

Suddenly, Plusle and Minun, two closer together, began to charge, with Spark flashing on their bodies.

Lu Sheng bathed under Spark, but was safe.

When under the combined current of Plusle and Minun, blood circulation will improve and become more energetic.

“I can’t explain it to you, I’ll show you an example later.

Hate, or become friends?

Lu Sheng twisted his neck and shoulders and said with a smile, “I’ve been a little tired from work recently. I wonder if I’ll feel better if I get an electric shock?”

Earl Dervish felt a numbness spread all over his body, and gradually, from the heart to the surrounding, there were warm currents.

Zhuo Churan was serious and seemed to think the matter was very serious.

Tauros, Wynaut, Psyduck and Vulpix.

I don’t know what kind of story will happen to the two little things after the birth of Mewtwo…

Plusle and Minun looked at each other, and electricity continued.


It’s fine to aim at Electric Rats, they can prevent a certain amount of Thunder Shock, but Balang can’t, they don’t have the ability of lightning rod.

Zhuo Churan frowned and said, “This method should be banned. If Pokémon is not afraid of Thunder Shock, it would be fine. If other Pokémons are not afraid of Thunder Shock, how could they be able to withstand Thunder Shock of bad things.”

On the edge, there are many Plusle and Minun watching, they move in unison, jumping and cheering for Balang.

Lu Sheng glanced at Mew secretly, and said that Mewtwo’s genes were originally derived from Mew’s genes, and it is not unusual for Mew to perceive intimacy.

Zhuo Churan rubbed her eyes to confirm that it was not a hallucination, she wondered: “What’s going on? Is the current between Plusle and Minun very weak?

Lu Sheng hugged Mew and walked out of the Breeder room.

The two currents are combined into one.

“What the hell are you doing…”

Lu Sheng almost thought he had heard it wrong, and was stunned for a moment, then said: “How did you come to such a conclusion? How could there be violent tendencies, they should get along very well with most Pokémons.”5

“Come on, you call me together. 39

Zhuo Churan’s pretty face tightened and he said solemnly: “I seriously suspect that you made a mistake in the process of designing your genes. They like other Pokémon very much now. If it wasn’t for Pichu, Dedenne, Emolga, etc., Casualties may result!

The two came to the square.

0…. ask for flowers.. 0

Lu Sheng sent Mew to Zhuo Churan’s arms.

“No, there is indeed a tendency to violence.

Lu Sheng smiled helplessly.

“Look, it’s alright.”


The lab also had a call with Lu Sheng just now, and many Pokémon eggs started shaking, and Shell Smash could be seen in two or three hours at most.


A pair of Plusle and Minun greeted them.


Zhuo Churan was puzzled.

Lu Sheng was unmoved and let Zhuo Churan do Leer.

A new batch of Pokémon will be born.

Zhuo Churan’s expression changed slightly, and said: “No, they want to call Ballang…”


How Lu Sheng doesn’t stop them from doing bad things!

Lu Sheng also went to the lab to drop Mewtwo, Grimer and Koffing seeds!

“Thunder Shock is no joke. Usually, when you encounter a small current that they unintentionally release, you will feel a tingling sensation. If you are subjected to a large amount of current…”

“Mr. Lu! Stop them…”

“Go to the incubator and have a look.”

“Did Plusle and Minun Discharge together?


When the electric current fell on the two Balangs, not only did they not suffer any damage, but they were shocked and fought even harder.


“No, if they are sent alone, they will cause damage. But they jointly send electricity and promote blood circulation! So I said, they are buffing other Pokémon, and you will understand when you experience it with me.” ”

The Mewtwo gene can still only be extracted once.

The kind of intimacy that comes from instinct.

On that side, Plusle and Minun have unleashed their currents.

Plusle and Minun were very happy and continued to dance, bursting with Ember, cheering for Balang…

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