I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 363

363 Follow Through

It wasn’t long before the Pokémon contest rules and website were announced, and rumors began to surface.

After reading those rumors, Lu Sheng was actually quite helpless.

Those competing Rivals didn’t miss any chance.

First, it is not fair to criticize the rules and think that those pavilion owners directly qualify for the finals.

Secondly, I also think that there are so many bonuses, whether it will breed some museum owners to use their power for personal gain, so it is better to lower the bonus.

They even think that those pavilion owners are carefully selected and face challenges from many people every day, and their combat effectiveness must be super strong.

In addition, it is also said that Lu Sheng doesn’t take Pokémon seriously. Pokémon can’t stand this kind of high-intensity battle. This is called murdering life!

Any place that can be criticized will be scolded by Normal.

Even, those people said that this system is not desirable, too long, and hope that Lu Sheng can change the competition system, it is better to follow the traditional competition system.


Playing a game and flying around.

Are road expenses not reimbursed?

Some people also said that there will be insider information. Their uncles, aunts, friends, etc. are working inside the Pokémon company, and they know some news. The places have been booked in advance. Anyway, they are all data and can be easily changed.

Everything is trying to interfere with the Pokémon competition.

Some seem to be suggestions to Lu Sheng, and more to influence Lu Sheng’s judgment.

Some people used funds to dissuade him, hoping that Lu Sheng would think twice.

If Lu Sheng’s determination is not fully implemented, and his ideas are slightly swayed, he will be influenced by the outside world.

There are real and fake here, and it’s a mess anyway.

Lu Sheng himself was unmoved, but Zhang Xu, as a manager, had some influence.

There are some alarmist suggestions in it, for example, the financial pressure is too great to hold, and it is easy to drag down the company (aeca).

Zhang Xu felt a little flustered when he saw it.

Originally, the company in charge of Zhang Xu was just a small business, which expanded to the current large-scale industry in less than half a year.

Zhang Xu was somewhat powerless, gritted his teeth, and was barely able to keep up with the development of the company.

However, in terms of the overall situation, he still has some shortcomings, especially his courage.

If it weren’t for Lu Sheng’s decision-making, the company would be handed over to Zhang Xu, and it would be easy to be led astray!

“Mr. Lu, are we…”

Zhang Xu said hesitantly.

“No, continue to implement our plan, people outside can understand the company’s situation better than us? Do they know our company’s profits and expenses? They think we only live on those tens of billions.”

Lu Sheng smiled disdainfully: “How many people here intend to influence our decision-making? Manager Zhang, as the company’s decision-making authority, we must first have self-confidence. Might as well be a small employee.”5

“What Mr. Lu said is!

Zhang Xu froze in his heart.

Although Lu Sheng did not express Zhang Xu, Zhang Xu heard the meaning of Contest——

If you can’t be a manager, some people below can!

Zhang Xu gritted his teeth, thinking that his confidence in the company was still not enough. In fact, this kind of thing is too easy to judge. As long as the company’s internal data is combined, it is easy to draw a conclusion.

It’s just that his judgment was influenced by others.

“They probably thought we were brainstorming, but they were still trying to interfere with us.35

Lu Sheng sneered: “We not only have to do this, but also to do it beautifully. We can accept opinions, but we will proceed according to the actual situation. The current provisional rules are as follows. When the event is really advanced, we will seek advice once a month. , continuous improvement.39

“Good. 55

The two talked a lot about the details.

a few days later.

Mankey, Helioptile, Pidove were born.

Lu Sheng put down the phone, thought about it, and went over to take a look.

After all, even he hadn’t seen the three Pokémons, so he wanted to take a look.

Lu Sheng came to the laboratory and came to the incubation room.

Three new Pokémon have been born, and Zhuo Churan and others are busy wiping the mucus on their bodies, feeding them, measuring their body temperature, etc.

There is no standard for body temperature measurement.

With some Fire-type Pokémon, the body temperature tends to be higher.

Therefore, other Pokémon cubs of the same species will be referred to when measuring body temperature.

For the first time, a normal average value is often taken and recorded in the book. Afterwards, if there are second batches, third batches, etc., you can judge whether the Pokémon cubs are healthy or not based on the records.

“Mr. Lu, is this just a monkey? It also looks very skinny, with a round body!””

Zhuo Churan picked up a Mankey and touched its fluffy fur.

“Well, it’s called Mankey.

Lu Sheng looked at the cub.

Mankey’s body is almost all on the head, and the body is covered with light yellow hair, and the ends of the limbs turn brown.

It has a pink nose that resembles a pig’s nose, and triangular eyes revealing an unruly look.

The hands and feet are divided into three fingers, and there is a long and flexible tail, which is also brown at the end.

“No neck!”

Zhuo Churan teased.

Everyone burst into laughter.

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