I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 472

472 Poké Ball Can Teleport


“Hahaha, the time-space teleportation is finally completed, and then the living objects are tested!”

“Go guinea pigs!

All the researchers in the Laboratory cheered and left tears of excitement.

Whether you can succeed or not depends on today!

As long as the experiment is successful, they will go down in history.

Time-space teleporter, it took them more than half a year to study it successfully.

According to the normal development of science and technology, it will take a long time to develop such a high technology, and it may not appear in the future.

Two things happened to speed up the process.

The first thing, Meteorite, they are able to extract the power of space.

Second thing, the birth of Poké Ball!

If there were only space Meteorite, it might take decades to complete the current progress.

But because of the appearance of Poké Ball, they focused on studying the composition of Poké Ball, and successfully explored some doorways. They also applied space transmission technology to integrate with space Meteorite.

The whole thing was accidental and inevitable.

All because of Lu Sheng.

Of course, they didn’t know, thinking that Lu Sheng only provided half of the importance, unaware that even Meteorite was recruited by Lu Sheng.

The system was given to Lu Sheng Meteorite to cultivate Poké Ball.

Who would have thought that human scientists would use it to create space transmission machines.

“The guinea pig is in place.


They transmit the mice again.

But this time was completely different from last time.

After pressing the button, the electric current flashed, and the mouse disappeared on the spot.

“Looks to fail, record data, adjust again… 99

After more than ten minutes, they started the instrument again, but it still failed.

“Another creature.””

This time with monkeys.


The monkeys also vanished.

“Change cats and dogs.

still fails.

Try it in a container.

The container was delivered safely, and the mice inside became ashes again.

“Using genetic organisms…”

The director made a decisive decision: “Use genetic organisms that can resist voltage.””

After a while, another genetic creature was sent, a product from the Northon Group, which could withstand extremely strong currents.

Press the button and it’s gone.

“Well, it doesn’t seem to work.””

They shook their heads.

However, being able to transfer items is already a great development.

“Would you like to try teleporting a Poké Ball?”

Suddenly, a female researcher suggested in a low voice.

“Yeah, if it’s in a Poké Ball…

Everyone’s eyes lit up and suddenly felt that this possibility existed.

Since the Poké Ball itself is tied to the space Meteorite, it may be possible to use the Poké Ball to transmit the statement.

They say sit and sit.

After some hesitation, a researcher gave up his Pokémon.

Fight for science experiments!

“There’s a Catterpie in here, let’s start with the Catterpie.”

They place the Poké Ball in the center of the device, adjust the device, press!


Poké Ball disappears faster and disappears in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Poké Ball appeared on another instrument.

The owner of the Poké Ball took it down tremblingly, took a deep breath, and pressed the button in anticipation of the crowd.

A light flashed, and a Catterpie appeared in front of everyone.


He stepped forward to check Catterpie’s physical condition, and it was indeed his one, like a fake replacement.

“Check Catterpie’s physical condition…”

After two full hours of inspection, nothing happened.

Afterwards, they tested several other Pokémons, all of which were fine.

Because of the previous experiments with mice, everyone was sure that direct transmission would not work, and only Poké Ball could be used as a carrier.

“`~How do I feel like we’re doing freelance jobs for the Pokémon Company?”

Someone made fun of it.

If the instrument can be mass-produced in the future, Pokémon’s benefits will definitely be ranked in the top few.

Just imagine, there is one device in China and one in foreign countries. When someone buys Pokémon abroad, they can omit long-distance transportation and directly install it in the Poké Ball for transmission!

Not to mention how convenient and fast it is.

So it’s not unreasonable for the researcher to joke about working for Pokémon.

“Haha, after the announcement tomorrow, you can talk to Lu Sheng, maybe he is willing to give us some money.”

“It depends on the meaning of (Li Zhao) of various countries.”

“Yes, if the countries don’t agree, he can’t invest.

“We can invest in technology. For example, some secrets of Poké Ball, if we can understand it in detail, we can make the instrument better.”

“Makes sense…”

Then they continued the test.

Expand the range from less than two meters to ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters…

The experimental data are relatively stable.

As for where the limit is, it takes a little testing.

They do not expect too far, because it is only a temporary design of the machine, and some parameters and details are not well done.

Just give them some time, the teleportation distance is not a problem.

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