I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 474

474 It’S Not A Big Deal

The Laboratory that produced the time-space teleporter is located in Unkai City.

Lu Sheng planned to contact him personally, but unexpectedly, the other side contacted him first.

“What, ask me if I want to cooperate, and also ask me for an investment fund, and the first opening is 50 billion? 99

Lu Sheng just had Swallow’s coffee and almost Spit Up.

If giving 50 billion can get some priority, for example, if the machine is successful, it will be used by Pokémon first, then it will be fine.

But no, the conditions are not good!

“This is sure that our company needs this kind of machine.

Huang Xiaoyu said with a strange expression, “Take us as a fool.

“It should be a sky-high price.””

Lu Sheng said nonchalantly: “Didn’t you say that you invited me to visit the Laboratory in the afternoon, reply to them, I will be there, and then I will have a good talk with them about studying Poké Ball in private.”

“Mmmm…” Huang Xiaoyu immediately looked forward to the afternoon’s negotiation when he thought of Lu Sheng’s tough attitude towards the outside world.

At the same time, there are more and more reports about the space teleporter.

Important media from various countries conducted an exclusive interview for the head of the Laboratory!

Lu Sheng also watched the interview and almost laughed out loud.

Not because the interview was too funny, but because the other party gave him evidence.

In the interview, Reporter mentioned the research process again. The person in charge said that at the beginning, everyone only did some research on Meteorite. The whole process was slow, but there was some progress.

Until one day, a researcher mentioned that they could refer to Poké Balls, so they disassembled Poké Balls, and there were hundreds of Poké Balls that were scrapped.

After finding a lot of inspiration from Poké Ball, the process will speed up.

If there is no Poké Ball, I am afraid it is difficult to achieve.

Lu Sheng hurriedly let people download the video, and then threw it in front of them to see what they had to say.

Zhang Xu also in accordance with Lu Sheng’s request, first inquired whether to grant authorization, and then listed a document and handed it over to Lu Sheng according to the relevant legal provisions.

When the time comes, throw the evidence to them and tell them to be speechless!

After two o’clock in the afternoon, Lu Sheng and his party came to the Laboratory.

The person in charge of the Laboratory, Mo Cong, came to receive him. When he saw Lu Sheng, he grinned with others and whispered, “The fish is hooked. As long as you talk to Lu Sheng, there will be no shortage of funds in the future, hehe.”

The researcher next to him also thought so and nodded again and again.

They have negotiated with Lu Sheng to discuss cooperation, and they need to get a large amount of money, and only give Lu Sheng a cake. In the future, the technology is stable and the machine can be mass-produced. Pokémon company will be in the second batch of priority list.

The first batch of lists mainly came from several countries, who contributed money and efforts in the early stage.

The second batch of priority lists will be determined according to the sponsorship fee, which cannot be less.

However, the only big company that seems to be able to really come in handy right now is the Pokémon company, so the main target is the Pokémon company.

50 billion is a sky-high asking price, but how can we talk about 20 to 30 billion?

Mo Cong is very confident.

As long as you draw a good pie with Lu Sheng, talk about the importance of the future of machines, and then pull in the rest of the genetic biology companies, it will be possible.

“Mr. Lu, hello, I have been looking forward to it for a long time.

“Hello Mr. Mo. 99

Mo Cong smiled and stepped forward and shook hands with Lu Sheng.

The two seemed to be old friends. After meeting, they chatted and quickly brought the relationship closer.

There were two people around Lu Sheng, one Huang Xiaoyu and the other a lawyer from the company. They wore glasses and had some playfulness in their eyes.

Lawyers wouldn’t behave this way if they didn’t know what might happen next.

“As expected of Mr. Lu, the other party thought we were unprepared and came to send money obediently, hehe. 99

0…. ask for flowers…

Lawyers are also not surprised, this is a commercial negotiation, and there can be no concessions.

Even if the Laboratory has backgrounds in several countries, so what.

According to his understanding, in another two hours, the fishing reels that the Laboratory has not been authorized by the Pokémon company will spread outside, and it will quickly spread from home to abroad.

The expansion of private fishing reels is enough to put some pressure on countries.

Mo Cong took a few people to visit the machine first, and demonstrated on the spot, using Pokémon as the demonstration.

The result, of course, is success.

This time, the distance is relatively far, hundreds of meters apart, and the transmission is still stable.


“We expect to build a transmission machine across cities in one month. In three months, across provinces and provinces. In one year, across countries!”

Mo Cong paused for a while, and finally brought up the final topic, “But well, Laboratory funds are limited, if Mr. Lu is willing to sponsor us 50 billion, and the machine design is successful in the future, your company will have the second priority. The first priority is the leading research of this time. several major countries!”

Lu Sheng chuckled.

Waiting for those countries to stop purchasing, I’m afraid it won’t be until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

Several major countries are not short of money, and they will definitely buy one. How will Pokémon compete?

Lu Sheng said slowly: “3 billion, in several installments, I want the first priority.”

“Ha, isn’t Lu always joking?

Mo Cong shook his head, obviously not agreeing.

“You dismantled my company’s Poké Ball privately, which was authorized by the company and researched privately, which violated the law. If you are not willing, I will solve it by legal means.

Lu Sheng clapped his hands, and the lawyer stood up, spread out the document, and began to recite.

Mo Cong waited for a while, and all the others were dumbfounded.

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