I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 48

48 Contract A Piece Of Land

The next day, Xiao Pinlong contacted Lu Sheng and informed Lu Sheng that the funds had been approved!

In the afternoon of the same day, Xiao Pinlong came to Lu Sheng Company, officially signed an agreement with Lu Sheng on behalf of the fire brigade, and submitted a deposit first.

Calculated according to a 5000 deposit, a total of 100,000 deposits are given.

The agreement stipulates that the fire brigade shall not abuse Squirtle, use it in compliance with the biological protection law, and conduct regular health checks on Squirtle…

The agreement was not fulfilled until Squirtle delivered.

At present, Squirtle still needs to be under the care of the Pokémon Company, and will not be sent to the Yunhai City Fire Brigade until he is a month and a half old.

The Pokémon Company needs to fulfill the following agreements: before sending to Squirtle, the Squirtle team must undergo simple training, and the sent Squirtle must be healthy and obey orders.

In general, both parties have no objection to the terms, which are all within the acceptable range.

“Captain Xiao, it’s a pleasure to cooperate.”

Lu Sheng shook hands with Xiao Pinlong with a smile on his face.

According to the information provided by Xiao Pinlong, there are many fire brigades in other regions currently waiting and watching, taking Yunhai City as a pilot unit.

If the Squirtle Squad of the Yunhai City Fire Brigade does work wonders, the other Region Fire Brigades will also come to place orders with Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng believed that the Squirtle team would be able to do it.

“To be honest, I am somewhat looking forward to this ‘special’ force to serve in our fire station, haha.”

Xiao Pinlong couldn’t help laughing when he thought of Squirtle wearing sunglasses in the video.

Yesterday, the video was circulated in the fire station, and many fire officers and soldiers were looking forward to it.

Think about it too, in the usual boring training, if you have a special Squirtle team to accompany you, it will definitely add a bit of fun!


Lu Sheng thought of one thing and asked casually, “Captain Xiao knows where we can contract the next farm, ranch, or park near Yunhai City.”

With the increase in the number of Pokémon in the laboratory, especially in the next month, the number of Pokémon will increase sharply. It is necessary to consider contracting a piece of land or a hill to stock Pokémon.

And always keeping them in the lab, with very little activity, can easily cause Pokémon to feel depressed and depressed.

Although Lu Sheng reduces the negative personality genes to the extreme when setting each Pokémon’s genes, the acquired environment will also affect the Pokémon’s personality.

If you put it in a wide place for stocking, no matter from any angle, it is beneficial!

“Are you planning to stock Pokémon?”

Xiao Pinlong lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then said: “I personally recommend the best farm, mountain forest, or park! Normal Bio will choose a similar place. It needs a more ecological environment. Now that you have Squirtle, you will definitely need ponds and rivers…”

This is close to Lu Sheng’s idea. The environment of the ranch is too single and not the best choice.

“The park…, it seems that there is no place to contract. If you are contracting a hill, you need to invest a lot of development funds. I suggest a farm, or…”

“Badly run zoo!”


Lu Sheng patted his head and said with a smile, “Thank you Captain Xiao for reminding me. Otherwise, I never thought that a zoo would be a better choice. The area of ​​Normal will not be small, and the environment and ecology will not be single.”

Xiao Pinlong said: “Yes, if you can find a zoo, Lu can always settle down as soon as possible. I don’t have a better proposal at the moment. I haven’t paid much attention to this aspect, so I can only give you some advice.”

“It’s okay, I’ll ask someone else.”

Lu Sheng wanted to trouble Secretary Wen again.

If you really can’t find it, go for the next best thing.

The chairman and secretary Wen said that they would give the company the greatest support policy, and I believe this should help.

As long as the process is correct and the money is sufficient, it is not a big problem.

The day when the first batch of Pichu will be sent out is getting closer.

Three days before the delivery of Pichu, the buyer who originally placed the order on the e-commerce platform needs to start paying the balance.

A 300,000, pre-ordered buyers 98% completed the payment, and a few people delayed the payment for various reasons.

When choosing to pay, a page will pop up, which requires the buyer to check before paying.

If you do not agree, the deposit will be refunded!

There are always many clauses, and the most important ones are:

If it is found that there is abuse of Pichu, Pokémon has the right to take back Pichu, only refund 90% of the buyer’s payment, and pursue its legal responsibility;

In the first year of parenting, Pokémon Company has the right to visit Pichu regularly, and it can also take other forms to investigate;

The Pokémon Company will not be held responsible if Pichu’s attack is caused by excessive behavior…

There are many clauses in the buyer’s notice of the terms and conditions to guarantee the rights and interests of Pichu.

Because of this, 2% of buyers are unwilling to pay, and they can’t accept too harsh terms.

As Lu Sheng assured Zhuo Churan and others, Pichu will be protected to the greatest extent possible.

They came to this world because of Lu Sheng. If they were injured because of the battle, Lu Sheng would not feel sorry for them. If they were abused by the owner after being sold…

Then Lu Sheng must get justice for them.

Lu Sheng is not worried that someone will hide it, and the Pokémon monitoring function that was unlocked some time ago can already be used.

Every Pokémon born, Lu Sheng scans and marks them all and records their information into the monitor!

If Lu Sheng opens the Pokémon monitor, a large map will unfold in front of him, which can monitor the whole world, and each small dot represents a Pokémon.

The map can be zoomed in and out. At present, there are dense red dots in the two laboratories.

As long as Lu Sheng wants to know the status of a Pokémon, he can Lock On the little red dot, and the current Contest Condition information of the Pokémon will pop up in the interface, which is very complete.

In addition, Lu Sheng also found a particularly awesome function –

After Lock On Pokémon, you can choose the first point of view!

The last time Lu Sheng tried it, Lock On a Pichu perspective, that Pichu is Charm in Zhuo Churan’s arms, the picture should not be too exciting…

[Thanks to “Ding Yonghao” for the reward]

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