I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 481

481 Mewtwo Was Filmed!

“Whirring whirring………”


On the computer, a video of the aircraft carrier fleet being overturned is playing.

The photographer is Mewtwo.

That’s right, Mewtwo.

When Lu Sheng sent Mewtwo and Kyogre out, he specially asked Mewtwo to bring a small camera.

Shooting down from a high altitude, although it is not clear, you can see that the huge aircraft carrier has been overturned and plunged into the ocean.

On the side, Huang Xiaoyu also watched with great interest, and was shocked to see the two Pokémons have such great power.

“Wow, it’s too loud.”

Huang Xiaoyu stuck out his tongue and said, “Will it be discovered by the Star Flag Country? 35

“How did you find out? Hehe, as long as we don’t admit it, their guesses are useless, and they can’t come up with evidence.”5

Lu Sheng didn’t care.

Even if Xingqiguo suspects Lu Sheng, as long as there is no substantive evidence, it can’t take him.

“Well, that’s fine.”

Huang Xiaoyu took the mouse from 04 and clicked to play again, “It’s hard to see them capsize, you have to watch it several times to relieve your anger!”

“…the most poisonous woman’s heart.””

Lu Sheng couldn’t help sighing.


Huang Xiaoyu took a bite of Lu Sheng, looking fierce.

Lu Sheng sneered, sat aside, took out his mobile phone, and planned to check the Internet to see if there were any relevant reports.


There seems to be no relevant reports.

Probably because the news didn’t spread, or the news was blocked by the star flag country and no news was allowed to leak?

to the next day.

When Lu Sheng got up, Huang Xiaoyu sent him a news link.

“The aircraft carrier fleet of the Star Flag country was hit by a tsunami, and the entire army was wiped out!

Lu Sheng raised his brows, clicked on the link, and sure enough he saw the relevant news.

The news is first exposed abroad, and then spread to China, which has become a hot topic today.

Lu Sheng opened a few social platforms at random, and all talked about this kind of news.

Domestic netizens are naturally happy.

On weekdays, he likes to show off his power everywhere, but now he was hit by a tsunami and deserved to be overturned.

Not only domestic excitement, many foreign countries are also gloating.

Star flag country likes to meddle in the world, aircraft carriers are running around, and now they are punished by nature, the world is naturally happy!

It’s just too bizarre for this inexplicable tsunami…


“Hahaha, it must have been overturned by the sea god who guards Kyushu.

“Speaking of which, it’s really outrageous that a tsunami can overturn an aircraft carrier. 99

“The rumors were reported, but it was actually a mishandling of the aircraft carrier. According to the soldiers who have been operating and rescued, the aircraft carrier is usually a training exercise. When encountering an emergency, I don’t know how to deal with it, so I turned the window.”

“It seems that the engine of the aircraft carrier has not been repaired for too long, and there is a problem.

“Foreign media broke the news that the aircraft carrier commander was negligent…”


There are various opinions on the Internet.

Some rumors are half-true and half-false, especially regarding the military discipline on the aircraft carrier, which is basically true. Many media have forcibly linked the overturning of the aircraft carrier with military discipline, and a large number of netizens believe it.

Among them, the commander often gives female soldiers in and out of the room, sometimes several female soldiers…

Some retired female soldiers also spoke out, saying that they had been unspoken by the commander.

As a result, a large number of netizens in Xingqi launched fishing boats online, hoping to thoroughly investigate corruption on the aircraft carrier.

As for the main cause of the tsunami, not many people care.

It may take a long time for that aircraft carrier to be salvaged.

Lu Sheng was overjoyed after reading the news on the Internet.

The two Pokémon are very secretive and should be unlikely to be discovered.

Kyogre didn’t say it, hiding in the deep sea, others detected at most one statement, which may be mistaken for a whale.

Mewtwo is in the sky, it is the same reason.


The military is holding a meeting.

Regarding the current situation of Star Flag Airlines being overturned, they urgently held a meeting to talk about one thing.

How should Lu Sheng’s private behavior be characterized?

That’s right, the Kyushu military has discovered that Lu Sheng did it.

Because the aircraft carriers of the Star Flag are always harassing, the satellites of Kyushu are under monitoring again.

Although Kyogre was not captured by satellites, Mewtwo was captured.

It’s just that the picture is blurry, because there is no deliberate detection, after the picture is enlarged, the figure looks like the same thing.

Of course, photos cannot be used as evidence, but… the sudden tsunami is enough to make people suspicious.

Especially in that sea area, which is not too far from Baiyan Island, there is reason to suspect that Mewtwo was instructed by Lu Sheng to go to ghost 070.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to explain. Everyone should not know it. Now that the airline has been overturned, I feel very comfortable seeing the embarrassment of the Star Flag Country.”

“Yes, I agree with Lao Li’s point of view, this time Lu Sheng did a good job. More

“In fact, there is one thing that we need to pay attention to! Our military should also greatly cultivate Pokémon, and look at the power of this time, they can completely overturn aviation. At present, if there are Pokémon in future wars, there will be absolutely many uses.

“Indeed, we should court Lu Sheng, tell him that we actually know about this, and then ask him, can Pokémon be given priority to our military in the future? Price is not a problem.

“This time, Lu Sheng did a good job. I have long seen that those aircraft carriers are not pleasing to the eye. They are always dangling in front of our house, which is annoying.”


The military bosses discussed the matter for a while and quickly finalized the matter.

Resolutely keep secrets and do not disclose information to anyone, as if it never happened.

Even, they are going to wipe the ass for Lu Sheng, to make the guess of the star flag country crooked, so as not to let them suspect Lu Sheng.

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