I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 50

50 Premium Service!

Nan Feng Biological Shipping Company, a company whose main business is to transport pets.

Lu Sheng contacted several shipping companies that were willing to ship Pichu, and finally chose a better company.

This shipping company is not currently a member of the Yuejin Alliance, and after communicating with the Pokémon company, the attitude is very positive.

Their headquarters happened to be in Yunhai City, and they only communicated in the morning, but an hour later, a manager was actually dispatched!

“Hello, President Lu, I’m Luo Dan, the manager of Nan Feng Shipping.”

Luo Dan, who was in his early thirties, did not dare to be careless in the face of the younger Lu Sheng.

The young man in front of him has created two new species. He is a bio-designer with a high reputation both at home and abroad. He has been in the limelight recently, and he is not a nobody.

Luo Dan never dreamed that the Pokémon Company would contact his own company.

After their chairman learned about this, he paid special attention to it.

If the chairman is not currently abroad, he may come in person.

This is a great opportunity for Nan Feng consignment!

The status of Nan Feng pet consignment in the field has always been neither embarrassing nor embarrassing, tepid, not bleak, but not comparable to the top domestic consignment companies of the same type.

The reason is that Nan Feng’s consignment started too slowly, unlike other peers who signed bundling agreements with many biological companies early.

So much so that the monks had more flesh and less flesh, and reluctantly drank a few mouthfuls of soup left by others.

This time, it can be said to be a surprise.

Before that, Luo Dan and others never thought that Lu Sheng would come to the door. They subconsciously believed that such emerging companies and rising stars would definitely seek more famous shipping companies such as Qantas and Philippine Chong.

After the chairman learned about the matter, he explained to Luo Dan that he must go all out to win it, and he could make a profit on the price.

The Pokémon company will undoubtedly become the focus in the future. If Nan Feng consignment can be bound to the other party, it will definitely help the company’s reputation spread.

A Pichu sells for 300,000 yuan. According to the relatively public price list on the market, it costs 3,000 yuan to ship a single Pichu to any place in China.

Ordinary pet consignment, Normal is calculated according to the body shape, a medium-sized pet dog can be done for a few hundred.

In the case of genetic organisms, classification is required.

If it is just a strange shape and does not have special abilities, Normal consignment is also billed according to the body shape, and the price is a little more expensive than ordinary pets.

If a genetically modified organism with special abilities is shipped…

There is a certain risk, and the consignment fee is naturally rising.

In addition, the price of such genetic organisms is relatively expensive, and it is normal to charge more consignment fees.

Luo Dan believes that even if you give more discounts, long-term cooperation with Pokémon can still make good profits!


Lu Sheng said, “Manager Luo came to ask for details?”


Luo Dan rubbed his hands, expecting, “Can Lu always take me to see the batch of Pichus to be delivered? I’ve only seen it in the video, hehe, it’s weird.”

“follow me……”

Walk and talk on both sides.

Luo Dan asked Lu Sheng if Pichu had undergone quarantine and needed a quarantine certificate before he could be sent on the road.

“It has already been done. After all, it has to be delivered to every customer. If the procedures are not completed, others will think that our service is not attentive.”

Lu Sheng brought Luo Dan to the playground of the experimental park, pointed to the Pichu that was in action ahead, and said, “Those are the Pichus I want to transport. There are many domestic buyers and two foreign buyers.”

Luo Dan took a few glances at Pichu’s body shape and nodded slightly: “Pichu is not too big, you can choose a small shipping box. We have cooperation with other companies abroad. As long as it is not a remote country, it is not a big problem.”

“Mr. Lu, what’s Pichu’s personality like? You should know that if we are transported by air, we will choose anesthesia when we encounter genetic creatures that are irritable in Pichu. Can Pichu be anesthetized?”

Lu Sheng can understand the reason for anesthesia.

In most cases, anesthesia can be done as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary troubles that may arise.

After all, it is air transportation, and any mistake may cause an air accident!

Lu Sheng frowned and stretched out again, “They are more obedient and mild-mannered. If you really want to undergo anesthesia treatment, you can take mild anesthetics. I know that there are anesthetics specially prepared for genetic organisms, and there will be no side effects.”


The two discussed for a moment and determined that Pichu was shipped by Nan Feng.

Nan Feng will choose air and land transportation, and there are special personnel to take care of Pichu on the road.

Air transportation is relatively strict, while ground transportation does not require anesthetics to be fed to Pichu.

“In terms of price, it is 2900 for air transport and 2000 for land transport. How does Lu always feel?”

When it came to the price, Luo Dan cautiously probed.

“Airlift 2900?” Lu Sheng asked rhetorically.

“Then 2800?” Luo Dan’s eyelids jumped, and he quickly lowered the price by another 100.

“Land transport 2000?” Lu Sheng asked again.

“1800!” As soon as Luo Dan gritted his teeth, the price of land transportation also decreased.

“make a deal.”

Lu Sheng thought about it, the price was feasible, and he no longer dawdled with the other party.

Among the first batch of 100 Pichus, in addition to Jiji’s evolution into Pikachu, Mianmian, who was trained as a “coach”, and three other Pichus remained, and a total of 95 Pichus were given away.

Luo Dan and Lu Sheng finished planning and did not choose to leave. After hesitating for a long time, he proposed to Lu Sheng the idea of ​​cooperation between the two companies.

“Long-term cooperation with my company?”

Lu Sheng smiled and said without a smile: “I want to see what the results are. I will talk about this later. If Nan Feng’s consignment is not done well this time, don’t blame me for not giving your company face.”

“Mr. Lu is right, and I will definitely arrange VIP services for Pichus when I look back.”

Luo Dan wiped his forehead, thinking that he must take good care of Pichu when he goes back, otherwise he made a mistake and missed the good opportunity to cooperate with Pokémon Company.

Otherwise, the chairman will blame him, and he will not be able to bear it!

“Is it just VIP service?”

Lu Sheng grinned, revealing his white teeth.

“No, it’s a supreme VIP. I will definitely treat Pichu as my ancestor. You can rest assured, Mr. Lu, I will never make a slight difference, and use the best treatment!”

Luo Dan patted his chest and made a promise.

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